Meng Ke stares at Su Mu Nan and doesn't speak. Su Mu Nan smiles and puts the remaining fish bellies into Meng Ke's bowl. He said with a smile, "I don't think you will have a chance to taste the fish I made. This kind of good luck is only once in a lifetime. You should eat more."

"How can you say it's the last time. It's just the first time Meng Ke disdained to glance at Su Mu Nan, and did not refuse her good intentions. Because the taste of this fish is too fresh. For the first time, it's reasonable to eat more.

Su Mu Nan smiles and says something. Watch Meng Ke eat fish. His eating style is too elegant. There is always a kind of people in the world who make people crazy jealousy. They do anything like tea, rice, oil, salt, eating and drinking Lhasa as if they were shooting an idol drama. It makes people feel that the original action can be so elegant and charming. Su Mu Nan suddenly put down his chopsticks. Meng Ke looked at her and asked, "why don't you eat it? Did you poison it? You want to put me in there and run away

"Do you think I'm so bored? Even if I'm so bored, would you be such an idiot? " Su Mu Nan cast a glance at Meng Ke without fighting spirit.

Meng Ke also put down his chopsticks. All the fish bellies in his bowl had been completely solved. Meng Ke wiped the corners of his mouth with a paper towel and said, "let's go. It's time to go back. "

"Yes." Su Mu Nan takes a deep breath and stands up with Meng Ke. On the bus back to town. Su Mu Nan is like a dumb man with his tongue cut off. He doesn't say a word. Even if Meng Ke wants to satirize her when she has nothing to do. Even to stimulate her, she didn't respond.

Mengke is also too lazy to pay attention to her. After a day's hard work, I'm a little tired, when the car is getting closer to B city. A little bit of the return to the beginning of the position, everything has become the original. Maybe I don't understand, but I can't see it now. After getting out of the car, Su Mu Nan followed Meng Ke into the parking lot and sat in the co driver's seat. Meng Ke looked at the time and said, "it seems that Huayue group has finished work. I'll take you straight home? Or? "

"Well, take me home." Su Mu Nan has given up the struggle, but the silence along the way, Su Mu Nan thought of countless ways to cheat Hua Jinxi, and then virtual out a person, or let Meng Ke have another identity, to talk about a project with her, or to make Meng Ke a good friend. Can only deal with it in silence, in order not to show the horse's feet. Su Mu Nan thought all the way.

In the end, I still didn't come up with an idea of how to deal with huajinxi. Meng Ke looked at Su Mu Nan's pale face and frowned. He took out a folder from the back of the car and threw it to Su Mu Nan. He was impatient and said, "take it to me."

"eh?" Su Mu Nan suddenly pulled out of her own meditation. She opened the folder and took out the documents. After a look, it was really a project. Another cooperative company was actually a foreign-funded company that appeared many times in their business, but finally failed to reach cooperation. Su Mu Nan looked at Meng Ke in a shocked face. Meng Ke said with indifference:“ I have said for a long time that I have more money than huajinxi, and I don't know how many times my money is. "

Su Mu Nan swallows to spit, immediately feel oneself must be in a dream, must be. It is not true. Hua Jinxi is already the richest person she knows. She is very rich and can do everything. Then there is a person who is more rich than Hua Jinxi, has background and is even more handsome. The point is that although it's poisonous, it's much easier to get along with than huajinxi.

Su Mu Nan's feeling is like buying a Chinese cabbage in the vegetable market, and then walking home, he finds a better cabbage and the price is cheaper. This sense of loss is hard to describe in words.

"Hua Jinxi certainly doesn't believe you can win the SK project. Then you can make up a story and say that I like you. It doesn't matter. Anyway, I didn't say anything about robbing other people's wives. One more than you is not much, and one less you is a lot. " Meng Ke said with indifference.

"Go to you. I don't care. I care. If Hua Jinxi knew I had brought him a green cap, he would not kill me and feed the dog immediately." Su Mu Nan stares at Meng Ke one face nervously to say, he is to have no way that you how, but I that. My life is not my life, is it. Although Su Mu Nan is very unhappy with Meng Ke's statement, but looking at Meng Ke's natural and unrestrained signature on the document, Su Mu Nan is still relaxed.

Alive, alive. Finally, he found a sufficient excuse to put off the past. Su Mu Nan also read some information about sk. Because it is a foreign-funded enterprise, it is a common skeleton that is hard to chew. Too many people are folded on it. When Hua Jinxi came back to China, he tried a lot to negotiate the project. Finally, the fish ran away. As the president of Greater China, SK is always unconventional and even perverse. It is very difficult for SK to give people the opportunity to tell a plan.

This can take SK, should be a good explanation for the disappearance of half a day, Hua Jinxi can't say anything at all. Therefore, this kind of thing can only postpone the progress of his plan, but can not let him have any idea of ruining the boat.

Because SK's single business income is enough for Huayue group's position in the stock market to a higher level, so the company will go all out to do a good job in this case, and hold a board of directors, then all small actions should be stopped for the common interests of all.Suddenly the car stopped at the door of the villa, Su Mu Nan just came back from the joy, some surprised asked: "so soon arrived?"

"Not promising." Meng Ke snorted, this idiot is really holding a file, silly ha ha smile all the way.

"Although I know that you are plotting a miscarriage of justice, I still thank you for helping me solve a big problem in front of me. As for the serious consequences of this delaying tactic, I think it will be handled by huajinxi instead." Su Mu Nan smile, suddenly smile stiff in the face.

Her eyes across the window, fell behind the door of Yue's villa, Hua Jinxi's face is a little ugly, he frowned at the door, looking at the car, Su Mu Nan a smile at the car, do not know who is the man.

Hua Jinxi frowned and looked at Su Mu Nan's bright smile. His knuckles slowly closed and locked into fists. His knuckles became white. He didn't know what he was angry about, because the puppet gradually began to disobey his orders, and suddenly came back to him and other people. Or is it just because she disappeared with a man who didn't know who she was without saying a word. The phone didn't answer and the text message didn't return in the afternoon. As a result, she still refused to give up the man in the car, smiling and smiling?

In a word, although huajinxi didn't mean to get angry on the surface, he was very upset. He was very upset. He was really angry.

When Su Mu Nan saw the huajinxi River, his face immediately became cold. It was like a flash of thunder and lightning after he was in full bloom. There were only a few flowers and willows left on the ground. He murmured in a low voice: "it's over, it's dead."

Meng Ke turned his head along the direction of Su Mu Nan's eyes. Seeing Hua Jinxi standing at the door, he immediately understood the meaning of Su Mu Nan's expression. His eyes suddenly became lunar calendar. When he looked at Hua Jinxi, he raised his mouth slightly. He turned his head and said to Su munan, "don't go quickly. Your husband seems not very happy."

"You Su Mu Nan looked at Meng Ke with a smile of schadenfreude, but with a cry of helplessness, opened the door and got out of the car, and walked timidly towards huajinxi. Until she got up the courage to stand in front of huajinxi, huajinxi's eyes were still closely following the white sports car driving far away.

Until Meng Ke's car disappeared in the community, huajinxi just turned around and went into the house without saying a word. Su Mu Nan closed his eyes in pain, stamped his feet, and rushed to catch up. He doesn't speak again. Hua Jinxi's silence and indifference can really frighten people to death. Every time he wants to publish, he will have such an emotional excess.

Su Mu Nan didn't mean to stop looking at huajinxi. He ate the ambitious leopard, but he generally rushed up and took huajinxi's arm. His voice was somewhat aggrieved and said, "Jinxi..."

Hua Jinxi mercilessly shook off Su Mu Nan's arm. Su Mu Nan frowned and sighed. He knew he was dead. He knew that he shouldn't come back from Meng Ke's car. At the beginning, he thought he was kind enough to send her off. Thinking of the present situation, Su Mu Nan suddenly had a kind of vicious idea. Meng Ke didn't mean to be a jerk. He knew Hua Jinxi would come out He will send him home. Yes, he must be. He is not a good-natured hippopotamus. Think of Su Mu Nan suddenly feel that he was pit, reasonable can not say.

Seeing this scene in the corridor, Qinhuai shook his head helplessly, walked out and said, "Jinxi is angry?"

"Yes." Su Mu Nan helplessly nodded, thinking, in a moment back, how huajinxi will clean up her there, think about all feel a cold sweat.

"It's also your fault. You don't say a word when you go out. Your mobile phone can't be called. You can't send a text message. If you come back so late, Jinxi wants to call the police. Or your father stopped him and said that you used to have this habit in business. He had to wait for you at the door until now. Yue'er, you used to be a workaholic. If you're single, you don't have a boyfriend. Now you're married. You can't be like this. " Qin Huai frowned and said that although Hua Jinxi was not very happy with his daughter, he thought Yuese was wrong, so he had to say two words about his daughter.

"I see, mom." Su Mu Nan some aggrieved said. She held Qinhuai in her arms and called out, "Mom."

"Hi. The child. " Qinhuai helplessly stroked Su Mu Nan's back, and said in a soft voice: "what's the use of being coquettish with me? I won't be angry with you. You can keep this energy and use it on Jinxi. The children are really angry."

Still act coquettish, I go, this is oneself seek death? Su Mu Nan swallowed to spit, helplessly sighed.

"Yue'er, it's not surprising that Jinxi is angry. You really are. When you go out to talk about business, you should at least tell him that you are married and no longer come alone. The relationship between two people needs to be maintained by both parties, OK?" Qin Huai frowned and ordered.

Su Mu Nan nodded and thought that he was not worried about me. He knows what he fears best. Su Mu Nan thought so, and suddenly feel a little sad, do not know what's going on in his mind, every time I think of this kind of thing, he unconsciously twitches.


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