"Yue'er, come up for a moment." Yue Jiangshan, standing on the stairs, looked at Su Mu Nan in the living room. Su Mu Nan jumped down and quickly turned around. Su Nan Mountain has gone back to his study. Misfortune never comes singly. It's a wave after wave. That's it. We have to deal with yuejiangshan.

Su Mu Nan follows the Yuejiang mountain dejectedly. Into the study.

"Close the door." Yue Jiangshan soft voice said, Su Mu Nan nodded to close the door, to the opposite of Yuejiang mountain.

Yue Jiangshan took a sip of tea and asked, "yue'er. What did you do? "

Su Mu Nan handed the document on his hand to Yue Jiangshan and said, "this is it. I didn't sign it all the time. Finally, I signed it in a soft and hard way."

Su Mu Nan said wearily. Yuejiangshan frowned a little. Look up. He took Yuese's document and looked at it. "Did you sign it?"

"Yes." Su Mu Nan nodded and said, "it's not easy to calculate the signature, which wastes my whole day." Su Mu Nan said helplessly.

"Ha ha, good. It's my daughter. The time of the day. Take this to Hua Jinxi. If he dares to face you again. Dad helps you clean him up Yue Jiangshan said with a smile.

"He just saw SK president Meng Ke send me back." Su Mu Nan said in dismay.

"Ha ha." Yue Jiangshan chuckled and raised his eyebrows: "how many of my daughters of yuejiangshan are lining up to get married, and one or two competitors take such an attitude. This son-in-law is not worthy of my daughter. "

"Dad. You are gloating Su Mu Nan helplessly asked.

Yue Jiangshan suddenly stood up, detoured behind the desk, took out a document to Su Mu Nan. "Give this to Jinxi, he won't care about it with you again," he said with a smile

"What is this?" Su Mu Nan doubts to take a look at it, it is really a jump, actually is the employment letter of seven subsidiaries of Huayue group. Su Mu Nan's eyes widened and asked, "Dad, what do you mean?"

"Jinxi has been here for so long. I also know that you have long wanted to live on your own. During this time, I can see that Jinxi is sincere to you. As a father, I also have some expression. This is the authorization of seven companies. If you transfer this to Jinxi, the number of companies managed by him exceeds that of my management, which is also a kind of recognition to him If I want to continue to live, I welcome it. If I want to go back to the Chinese family, I won't take care of it. " Yue Jiangshan said with a chuckle.

"Dad, what if I look like you?" Su Mu Nan's eyes suddenly a little wet, even began to scatter Jiao.

"If you miss me, come back and stay for a few days. Isn't your room still there. Go and see Jinxi. It's just that I'm bullying my son-in-law. " Yue Jiangshan laughed and asked for leave. Su mu, although you have mixed feelings in your heart, she still frowned and said, "Dad, take this back."

Su Mu Nan pushed the document down in front of Yue Jiang Shan. Yue Jiang Shan was slightly stunned and asked, "why?"

Su Mu Nan frowned and thought, I can't tell you that Hua Jinxi wants to take all your property as his own. She thought for a while, finally frowned and said with some guilty heart: "he already has a lot of companies, I'm afraid he is tired."

"You girl, you are really the water thrown out by the daughter who married out, so that you know that your husband does not care about father. I am not tired of management. Take it Yue Jiangshan asked in a feigned displeasure.

Su Mu Nan is eager to speak, but finally he can only pick up the documents on the desk. One step back to the room. I don't know how long it took, she kept fighting at the door, and finally got up the courage to return to the room.

Only see the back of huajinxi, he stood on the balcony. Just looking at her back, Su Mu Nan felt cold all over her body. Su Mu Nan pursed the corners of her lips. She frowned and walked over. Just standing behind Hua Jinxi and about to admit his mistake, Hua Jinxi turns around and leaves the balcony without looking at Su Mu Nan. Su Mu Nan frowns and shouts, "Jinxi I'm wrong. At least listen to my explanation. "

"Explain? What do you want to explain? Explain that you didn't answer my call and spent the day with the man who sent you back? " Hua Jinxi asked in a cold voice. He could not see his expression clearly with his back to Su Mu Nan, but his tone sounded very calm but with a chilling smell. Su Mu Nan was speechless at once.

Standing in the same place, watching Hua Jinxi pick up the suit on the sofa and put it on as if he was going to go out. Su Mu Nan ran up to him and said, "I'm not a fool. I just want to help you win this business."

"Let go." Hua Jinxi said impatiently, because she is now in the Yue's family, Hua Jinxi has been irritated to a certain extent, and still dare not do anything about her. After so long playing the comparative drama, she can't fall short of success now. The best way is to be out of sight and out of mind. If you don't see this disappointing thing, maybe you will be in a better mood.

Su Mu Nan timidly let Hua Jinxi go. No matter how much she said, Hua Jinxi's disgusting and disgusting eyes still hurt her deeply. Maybe it was because she was used to the gentle and considerate huajinxi for such a long time, and even now even the look in her eyes is so hurtful.Su Mu Nan's eyes began to wet. She held the folder in her hand, and her knuckles turned white. Hua Jinxi looked at Su Mu Nan's appearance. Her eyes stopped and she turned to sit on the sofa. Su Mu Nan's tears fell. She went and squatted beside Hua Jinxi, put the document on his knee, and looked up at him with tears flashing. This angle should be the most pitiful Hua Jinxi frowned and turned his head to one side. Su Mu Nan stretched out his hand and pulled his skirt carefully.

Hua Jinxi glanced at Su Mu Nan and saw her pitiful appearance. His original anger seemed to have disappeared. He lowered his head and stared at Su Mu Nan's pear blossom and rain face. Su Mu Nan looked at this move and pretended to be a little effective. He quickly opened the document and said, "I'm really just for this contract. Just now that person is Meng Ke, SK, Ren Dazhong President of China. We signed the contract, so he sent me back by the way. "

"Where are you calling? Why not Hua Jinxi asked with a face that looked like a thousand years of frost.

"Lost. I lost my cell phone on the road. I can't remember your number again Su Mu Nan said some grievances. She slowly lowered her head. Hua Jinxi frowned and glanced at the documents. It was really SK's. The case was profitable, but no one could handle sk. The erratic and perverse president could not even see him. She really didn't expect Su Mu nan to win the contract.

"And the person you saw in the coffee shop that day was him. The client I mentioned really only had business contact. Otherwise, how dare I let him give it to me, right?" Su Mu Nan explains that if Hua Jinxi really mistook her, he would dare to bring him a green hat and feed her a dog slowly.

When Hua Jinxi didn't speak, Su Mu Nan immediately made persistent efforts to open another document and said, "I know I'm wrong. This is to apologize to you. My father told me to give you the management rights of the seven subsidiaries of Huayue group." Su Mu Nan blinked his big eyes and his eyelashes flickered at huajinxi. He frowned and did not look at the document He threw the papers on his lap to one side, pulled Su Mu Nan, who was squatting on one side, into his arms, looked at her, and asked with blame in his eyes: "in order to talk about business, can you not tell me that you disappear out of thin air? What am I in your eyes? "

Su Mu Nan is stunned and speechless. He doesn't know how to answer Hua Jinxi's question. Every sentence of his is like a proper trap, which makes Su Mu Nan speechless and in a dilemma. She doesn't know what she should say or what she can say. She can only watch Hua Jinxi show a picture. I know it's wrong. It's all my fault.

After a long time, Su Mu Nan stammered out three words from his teeth: "yes I'm sorry

"Oh, I'm sorry? Sorry, that's all? " Hua Jinxi asked.

"I won't. I promise not again. " Su Mu Nan quickly promised to arrive. Hua Jinxi frowned and asked, "Meng Ke. As the president of Greater China, SK has a perverse character and his whereabouts are erratic. Many people have found contracts he hasn't obtained for many years. Why can you get rid of him in the afternoon and say, did you promise him any additional requirements or... " Hua Jinxi's face became more ugly, and his voice became more and more cold. Staring at Su Mu Nan's face, he seemed to freeze her directly.

"No, no Nothing. He just took me to a ranch for a while Su Mu Nan immediately called.

Hua Jinxi's eyebrows frowned more tightly, his voice repeated with some hoarseness: "what?"

Su Mu Nan seemed to suddenly realize that she had said something wrong. She quickly lowered her head to avoid Hua Jinxi's angry eyes. Hua Jinxi's eyes almost burst into flames.

"What else? How and what? " Hua Jinxi pressed his anger in his chest and asked calmly.

Su Mu Nan didn't dare to speak. Hua Jinxi's voice suddenly became more cold. Although the voice was not big, there was a kind of chilling feeling. He said in a cold voice: "say."

"It's really nothing. He has a psychological shadow. He was bitten by fish when he was a child, so he didn't dare to eat fish. Then I made a fish for him in farmhouse, and he signed the contract." Su Mu Nan looks at Hua Jinxi sincerely and answers, just imagine that what he said is true, not vague at all.

After that, I suddenly want to kill myself. Shit, how can someone be bitten by a fish. How can we believe such excellent intelligence quotient of huajinxi. You can't make up a story.

Did not expect Hua Jinxi after listening to the frown slightly relaxed, still unhappy said: "you are really good, casual cooking for men, is not a sense of achievement?"

"I did it for you. I don't want him to continue tormenting you. Of course, we have to solve this kind of thing as soon as possible Su Mu Nan's eyes twinkled and looked at Hua Jinxi wrongly, as if to say, for you, all for you, I will do what I don't want to do. It's really all for you.

According to Hua Jinxi's character, she will be eaten alive. But now he has a strange feeling in his chest. He can't go up or down. Don't mention it's hard.Su Mu Nan leaned in his arms like a child who did something wrong. He looked at his expression with tears, as if he was the one who was wronged.

"Did he touch you? A man looks like a woman, and he knows that his mind is not right." Hua Jinxi asked in a bad tone.

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