Hua Jinxi took a look at the phone, is Qinhuai's phone, he slightly frown. "Shut up," he cried

Su Mu Nan scared a smart, she quickly covered her mouth with her hands, Hua Jinxi connected the phone. Before he could speak, the voice of Qinhuai intersection came from the opposite. She said in a hurry, "yue'er. Go back to your car. Your father is missing. He seems to have an accident

Hua Jinxi frowned. Some doubts, Li Qing didn't mean that Tianyue Jiangshan only recovered the summons from the court. What's going on.

"Clean your face. Something happened to yuejiangshan. " Hua Jinxi said impatiently. He turned downstairs, Su Mu Nan's nerve was immediately pulled together, she quickly got up. Follow Hua Jinxi down the stairs. Huajinxi is also confused.

He suddenly asked, "the shadow army. What is it? "

"I don't know. I just heard Yue Jiangshan say that he is a very powerful killer organization. But he and Hua Tianming were both the killers of the shadow army. Later, they could not face the condemnation of their conscience. Defected. Later, because Hua Tianming was betrayed by the organization personnel, so the shadow was wrong, he sent a representative to trace the whereabouts of Hua Tianming and yuejiangshan, so Hua Tianming died of acute myocardial infarction. It's the shadow army drug. This is what Yue Jiangshan told me. " Su Mu Nan's reply is all right.

Hua Jinxi frowned. Although he had heard about the shadow army abroad earlier, he didn't know that Hua Tianming was a member of the shadow army. He thought that Hua Tianming's death was due to yuejiangshan's plot against Huayue group, but there were other details in the matter. Is it wrong? Hua Jinxi's eyes were horizontal. Even if it was not Yue Jiangshan who killed Hua Tianming, it must be Yue Jiangshan who killed Zhang Zi. On this basis, all the people of his family in law should die, and all of them should be torn to pieces.

The car stopped in front of the Yuejia villa. Strangely, the door was open and no one was seen. Su Mu Nan's nervous heart beat faster. She quickly jumped out of the car, but there was no figure in the room.

"Mom Mom Mom... " Su Mu Nan called and went upstairs. Hua Jinxi followed him and looked at the surrounding buildings. Although there were no obvious signs of fighting, he always felt that there was something strange.

"Dad Dad... " Su Mu Nan called twice, still did not see the figure.

"Where are you, where are you..." Su Mu Nan cried, there was no one inside and outside. Suddenly, she found Qinhuai's mobile phone from under the table. There was a recording on the phone. Su Mu Nan's hands trembled and pressed the play button. A man's voice rang.

Su Mu Nan suddenly felt his hair on his head, unconsciously out of a cold sweat.

"Oh, yuejiangshan is really lucky. Although you are old, you can't see that you are old. No wonder the president will sell you to the national beauty and natural fragrance to meet the guests. Xu Niang is still in her old age."

This is Li Qing's voice, Su Mu Nan clearly recognized.

"Who asked you to come? How dare you! What's the place of Yue's family? How dare you bring people in? " Qin Huai asked in a sharp voice.

"Ha ha It's really interesting. In the past, the Yue family was in B city. It was a big family that could shake three shakes when sneezing. But now yuejiangshan is unable to protect itself. There are no eggs under the nest. What do you think you are? It's cheap for you to continue to live a life of luxury and luxury. " Li Qing sneered twice.

"You let go, let go of me, let go of me." The voice of Qinhuai became more and more distant, and finally disappeared.

Su Mu Nan rushed downstairs as if he were crazy. Huajinxi was squatting under the stairs. He pinched a small piece of soil from the ground with his fingers and carefully identified where the unexpected guests came from.

Seeing Su Mu Nan rushing down the stairs and just standing up with a frown, Su Mu Nan suddenly raised his hand and slapped him in the face of Hua Jinxi. Her nails cut through the skin of Hua Jinxi. Hua Jinxi's eyes suddenly became fierce. He grabbed Su Mu Nan's hand and yelled in a cold voice, "do you want to die?"

"Huajinxi, you are not a human being. You are not a person. How can you do such a thing and pretend that nothing has happened and stay out of it?" Su Mu Nan shouts at the top of his voice.

"What do you say?" Hua Jinxi pressed down the anger in his heart and raised his eyebrows to ask.

"Are you still pretending? Hua Jinxi, you really opened my eyes. I never thought that you were still such a dare not take the responsibility. "Su Mu Nan sneered. She pressed the play button and played the recording repeatedly. When she heard the recording, Hua Jinxi looked at it for a moment. Why? It's strange. It's Li Qing's voice, but he never told him to do such a thing. Liqing has been with him for so many years, and he will never be good at asserting and making such a thing. What is the situation.

Hua Jinxi is impatient. Things are too complicated. Everything is not what he planned.

"No more words, right? Let my mother go. Let my mother go." Su Mu Nan seems to be out of his mind like a crazy, Hua Jinxi's arm, her hands tightly pulling his suit, a pair of desperate look.

"Get out of here." Hua Jinxi impatiently pushes Su Mu Nan aside. It's obvious that he came for such a thing. However, he doesn't remember what kind of person he offended and would use such a mean to provoke him.Yuejiangshan's whereabouts are unknown. Now, even Qinhuai River has disappeared. Who is it? Who is it? What's wrong? Huajinxi wants to find out.

"Hua Jinxi, how can you be so cruel and cruel? Are you not doing enough harm to the Yue family? Do you even miss your mother? When you lived in your mother-in-law's family, how did your mother treat you? How could you handle it. Hua Jinxi, you are not a human being. You are a well-dressed man. You are not as good as a pig or a dog. " Su Mu Nan's language talent has never been so developed. He suddenly uttered so many idioms that he had never heard of. Hua Jinxi glared at her and tried to explain, but felt humiliated. His voice was cold and said, "shut up."

At present, there are many enemies in this place. They are all lurking in the dark. They are too dangerous. We must leave here first, and then make a long-term plan. Hua Jinxi impatiently pulls Su Mu Nan up. Just about to leave, Su Mu Nan suddenly shakes off Huajin River and shouts in a cold voice: "I don't want to be held by you again. Huajinxi, I won't be your puppet again. You give my mother back to me and give me back 。”

"Madman." Hua Jinxi gives Su Mu Nan an impatient look. Once a person is mentally disabled, it is useless to eat many supplements. Such a simple frame up can't show that it is really brain damaged. Hua Jinxi has no time to pay attention to Su Mu Nan now, because she is like him and even more than she wants to know who dares to frame him up like this, and who are yuejiangshan and Qinhuai captured Yes.

"You let go of me, *, beast, let go of me You let me go... " Su Mu Nan struggles with all his strength. Hua Jinxi is upset for a moment. He splits a palm at Su Mu Nan's neck mercilessly. Su Mu Nan struggles twice and faints. Hua Jinxi resists Su Mu Nan on his shoulder and quickly leaves the Yuejia villa.

He still Su Mu Nan in the back seat, while taking out his mobile phone, broadcast the phone. Li Qing just picked up the phone, he heard Hua Jinxi's displeased voice. "Go and find out who has got your voice sample, and go to Guose Tianxiang. If you see Qinhuai, redeem her."

"What?" Li Qing was confused. For a moment, he couldn't understand what kind of characters huajinxi had given him, what kind of voice samples, what kind of national color and natural flavor, and even Qinhuai, who was not the wife of yuejiangshan, how could he appear in the fireworks place of national color and Tianxiang.

"Don't ask so many questions. I don't have time to explain to you. Do as I say." Li Qing did not have time to ask, Hua Jinxi hung up the phone. Call another phone call at once.

He glanced at Su Mu Nan in the back seat of the car. Su Mu Nan still fell asleep like a dead pig. Only at this time, she would not be in the way. Su Mu Nan was born as if she had come to trouble him. As long as it was su Mu Nan's appearance, he would create extra troubles and unexpected troubles, and the performance would become more and more intense, and the last hair could not be stopped.

Su Mu Nan always has the talent to make things worse. Just like now, huajinxi is in a fog, and he can't even think about what happened.

"Hello." There was a careless response from the phone.

"Check the information of the shadow forces. The more detailed the better. It would be better if we could find a part of the list of members." Hua Jinxi rubbed his temple, and his voice was a little tired. Ye Gucheng frowned and his heart thumped. He stood up from the comfortable sofa and asked solemnly, "why do you ask about the shadow troops?"

"Let's meet." Hua Jinxi hung up the phone, speeding up the speed of driving. Driving toward the national beauty and natural fragrance, Hua Jinxi stops the car downstairs, looks at Su Mu Nan, who is sleeping in the back seat of the car, locks the door and enters the gate of national beauty.

His face was cold. He pushed open Ye Gucheng's door and went straight to the tea table. He picked up a glass of red wine and poured a glass of red wine into it. He drank it in one breath. He turned to look at Ye Gucheng, relaxed his tie and asked, "has anyone sold you a middle-aged woman, the wife of Yue Jiangshan?"

"Huajinxi, are you ok? What place do you think I am? I'm down to the point where I can take old women? " Ye Gucheng asked without being angry.

"I don't know if this incident has something to do with the shadow forces. Yue Jiangshan and his wife Qinhuai are missing. But this morning, Yue Jiangshan told Su munan that he was a traitor killer of the shadow forces, and now the shadow forces have come to clean up the door in person." Hua Jinxi frowned and explained.

Ye Gucheng's face suddenly turned pale. He frowned and was surprised to see Hua Jinxi. Hua Jinxi frowned and said, "Yue Jiangshan also told Su Mu Nan that my father Hua Tianming was also a fugitive killer of the shadow army, just like him. He died of sudden heart paralysis, which is the usual method used by shadow forces. To kill him is not Yue Jiangshan, but shadow troops An emissary. "

Ye Gucheng's face became even paler. He was terrified when he heard the shadow troops. Hua Jinxi, a boy who didn't know his boundless nature, should not get involved with such a terrible killer organization. However, after listening to Hua Jinxi's words, he knew that no matter how he admonished him, huajinxi would never let go of the shadow troops. According to the current situation, he was not optimistic The situation is that the shadow forces do not seem to want to let Hua Jinxi pass.

"So, what do you mean?" Ye Gucheng asked with some doubts."I don't know. Check mengke by the way. I suspect that he has something to do with the shadow army." Huajinxi frowns.

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