Su Mu Nan is in a trance to wake up, she rubbed her head, dizzy. After looking around the buildings, she found that she was at the gate of national beauty and fragrance. She frowned. I tried to push the door open, but I found out. The doors and windows are locked. But now she is the only one in the car, and huajinxi has gone unknown.

Su Mu Nan is trying to figure out how to get out of here. Suddenly, I felt that the car vibrated violently. There was a loud noise from the top of the head, and the car shook twice. Left blood on the window. Suddenly, a dark shadow rolled through the window and hit the ground. Su Mu Nan was shocked. She opened her eyes slowly. Slowly approach the window. Blood blurred the windows. Su Mu Nan lies on the side of the window, her pupil suddenly enlarges. But the mind becomes blank in an instant.

The woman lying on the ground was covered with blood. I can't bear it, but I don't care about her eyes. This face, the woman who has astonished Su Mu Nan's pupils for countless times, is lying dead on the cold concrete floor beside her car. She will never call her yue'er again, she will never make soup for her, and she will never answer her mother again.

Su Mu Nan pressed herself against the glass window, hoping to squeeze herself out of the glass. She whispered, "Mom Mom Mom... " Su Mu Nan's voice from small to large, mood more and more difficult to control, gradually hoarse hysteria.

She banged on the glass window like a madman without reason.

The pedestrians on the road gradually accumulated. They pointed and looked at the dead women on the ground and the crazy girls in the car. They fabricated various versions of horror stories, but no one wanted to go to the front and help them.

Su Mu Nan broke her throat, her throat was congested, and her mouth was filled with a strong smell of blood. Gradually, she found that she couldn't make a sound, and her tears fell down. Her haggard face became more pale.

"Mom Mom... " Su Mu Nan did not give up crying, more hope, she can wake up, more hope that she can answer her, even if it is to turn around, look at her.

The noise downstairs, through the heavy steel and cement, or spread to the national color and natural fragrance. Ye Gucheng opened the curtain, he frowned at the downstairs and said to himself, "what's the matter today? This time shouldn't be so busy."

Open the curtain, see some bloody scene downstairs, frown more tightly, Hua Jinxi also from one side, he looked down with Ye Gucheng's eyes, eyes suddenly tight, slightly stunned, quickly rushed out of the room.

Ye Gucheng looked at Hua Jinxi, stunned for a moment, and followed him. Through the overlapping crowd, Hua Jinxi impatiently pushed aside the people in front of her and squeezed into the crowd. The roof of the car was compressed into a shape, and the obvious depression was in a piece. The woman's face on the ground was cold, and a huge pool of blood spread under her. Lying in the pool of blood, her skin looked even more beautiful The woman in the car slapped the window hard. Her eyes were scarlet. Although she could not hear, she could see her throat trembling and her mouth congested.

Hua Jinxi frowned, his hand raised slightly, pressed the exquisite car remote control towards the window, and the lights flashed twice. Su Mu Nan seemed to be crazy. She pulled the door, and with a click, the door opened. Su Mu Nan rolled out of the car and lay on the ground in an impartial manner. She called, but could not hear the voice: "Mom Mom Mom... "

Su Mu Nan shivered like Qinhuai, but just climbed to Qinhuai's side, it seemed that she was scared by the blood under her body. Suddenly, she became stiff and her fingers hung in the air, so she didn't dare to touch her.

This is her mother, she did not get a long time to lose the mother, she is so gentle, so kind, so happy, so love her, but now she is so quiet, no, mother never like quiet, even when a person arranging flowers will unconsciously hum a little song, she will not stare at her and ignore her and don't talk to her.

Hua Jinxi came over, and his fingers were just about to touch Qinhuai's neck. Su Mu Nan's eyes were as bright as a cheetah in the dark night. He opened Hua Jinxi's hand, quickly picked up Qinhuai and held him tightly in his arms. His eyes were fixed on Hua Jinxi, and he yelled: "don't touch my mother, you can roll, roll..."

Hua Jinxi gently pursed his lips, forced to bear his anger, and whispered, "she is dead."

"No, you lied to me, you want to take my mother, I will not give her to you, not dead, my mother is not dead." Su Mu Nan hugged Qinhuai tightly, but could not feel its temperature at all. The more he could not feel it, the more afraid he was, the more tightly he held it.

Hua Jinxi's voice was eight degrees higher, staring at Su Mu Nan's eyes and calling out: "don't pretend to be stupid for me. Let her go and stand up."

Hua Jinxi said, stretched out his hand, want to pull up Su Mu Nan, Su Mu Nan struggled hard.

"Come back with me." Hua Jinxi shrieked.

"No I don't want I won't listen to you any more. I'm at your mercy. Let me go. Let me go. " Su Mu Nan cried, but she hugged Qinhuai, as if she could not give up her beloved. She did not know when to start, Qinhuai became her real mother, in her heart, she became a relative who could not give up. She did not know when to start, she believed that she really regarded herself as Qinhuai's daughter. In her mind, this woman was It's her mother, the one who loves her the most and treats her best in the world.And Hua Jinxi wants to take her, she can't let go, she won't let go, absolutely not.

Hua Jinxi was impatient. He pulled hard and threw Su Mu Nan aside. Su Mu Nan slipped and fell down on the road. Suddenly, a truck passed by, without time to shout. Su Mu Nan felt that he was up in the air and fell heavily on the ground.

Consciousness is chaotic, her vision is more and more blurred, but she is trying to crawl forward, more want to be closer, more want to touch the figure of Qinhuai in front of her, Su Mu Nan murmured in a low voice: "Mom Mom... "

Hua Jinxi frowned, and he was suddenly stunned. He just accidentally missed. He didn't expect that Su Mu Nan would be so weak that she would fall down on the road beside her. He didn't expect that there would be such a coincidence, that is, she would not come early or late, but at this time, a truck would drive on the road.

Ye Gucheng was surprised to see the scene in front of him. All of this happened too suddenly. He pushed and froze in the original place. He looked at the huajinxi which Su Mu Nan collapsed in front of the truck. He reminded him, "go and see if she is dead. There is a dead man here. Another one is dead. How can you find out the murderer."

Hua Jinxi is suddenly awakened by Ye Gucheng's words. He quickly runs towards Su Mu Nan, picks her up and looks at her blood flowing out of her body. Hua Jinxi is suddenly a little afraid.

Don't die. Don't die so easily.

"120? It's beautiful. Hurry up. " Ye Gucheng calls and walks to Qinhuai. He looks up and looks at the broken glass on the top floor of Guose Tianxiang. He doesn't hear that there are people on the top floor today. How did they get there? Why does Qinhuai really appear in the national color Tianxiang, and fell from the upstairs.

Too many questions, all * naked to explain a problem, the incoming person is not good, and prepared, all these are calculated well, calculated huajinxi will come to the national color Tianxiang, calculate well Sumu Nan will also appear here, even better calculate Qinhuai died here, and Su Mu Nan will clearly record this in huajinxi, never feel a thing terrible.

Now, ye Gucheng was scared out of a cold sweat. Who was he and why did he do it?

Hua Jinxi didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't even know how he sent Su Mu nan to the hospital, how Su mu'an was surrounded by a group of doctors and pushed into the operating room for rescue. His body was covered with Su Mu Nan's blood, and his mind was full of Su Mu Nan's shadow, layer upon layer, back and forth. He has been unable to normal thinking, can not be clear until his own what is doing.

Ye Gucheng seems to be talking to him, but he can't hear a word. His mind is full of Su Mu Nan's voice. When she calls him, "Jinxi Jinxi, Jinxi... "

After several hours of rescue, such a long wait, like a century later, the red light in the operating room turned green. Ye Gucheng breathed a sigh of relief. Hua Jinxi quickly came out of the corner and rushed to the door of the operating room.

The doctor took off the mask and sighed helplessly, "it's a pity that the patient's life is great, but it's a pity that the adults are saved and the children are gone."

"Boy Children? " Hua Jinxi frowned and looked at the doctor with some doubts.

"Don't you know? Is the patient three months pregnant? " The doctor looked at huajinxi with some displeasure.

Hua Jinxi nodded, but the heart was in a mess, pregnant? Su Mu Nan unexpectedly is pregnant, why does he not know at all? Is it that Su Mu Nan didn't tell him on purpose?

When the doctor pushed out the hospital bed, Su Mu Nan's face was like a piece of white paper, without the slightest blood color. Looking at her, Hua Jinxi looked at her and suddenly wanted to touch her cheek. He frowned, and his fingers hung in the air. Finally, he put it down. He didn't care about this woman, but now things are not clear. She can't die. Does she have Wanheng The mission of Yue Jiangshan is unknown. Qin Huai is dead. Su Mu Nan is the most powerful trump card in his hand.

"What are you going to do?" Ye Gu Cheng frowned and said with a worried face: "this is clearly aimed at you. I'm afraid it's just the beginning. "

"Did you find out about the shadow army?" Hua Jinxi asked without expression.

"Here you are." Ye Gucheng took out a stack of materials and handed it to Hua Jinxi. His voice was a little tired and said: "the shadow forces have always been strict. No one knows their internal list, or even their code name. Every time they send out killers, they are named shadow emissaries. Therefore, the shadow forces have been rampant for so many years, and no one can catch any handle The organizations that people do not know but fear are the impression the shadow forces want to leave. There is only so much information I can find. "

Hua Jinxi picked up the information and opened it. Most of the photos recorded in it were photos of the scene of the crime and the identity and background information of the victims. These people are of high power and even rich.

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