False Hero

Chapter 101 - 100: Tormented Eyes.

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"We will divide our team in two, first the team that will move faster to the Lenton city to gather all the information we require and the second team will join the first team after traveling with all the troops. Of course, the first team will have few members," instructed Hina, seated in the same conference room.

Sara's team had already left for the Queens port, while Hina's team was doing strategic meetings before going to Lenton city. Including Hina's team, even Aetna was seated in the conference room since Grey insisted on her being in the meeting.

The thing that Hina had said greatly interested Grey as he said, "I want to join the first team. I can move faster, so yes, I will be great for the first team. At least that's what I believe.

"Very well, you will be in the first team. Along with you, I will be sending Ray and Rin." said Hina, she turned to face Rin and Ray "Is it okay with you guys?" asked Hina.

"No problem with me," said Ray, and Rin showed that she didn't have any problem with it, by nodding as an affirmation.

"I will also join Grey as well." insisted Aetna. 

Turning towards her, Grey spoke up "Naturally you are coming with me." 

"Do you guys have any problem?" asked Hina to everyone else in the room. 

On the most part, everyone nodded or spoke that they didn't have any problem and some even appreciated that how great the plan was. Well, I said on the most part, because one particular person had a problem with the plan.

Evan raised his hand as he said, "I have a problem."

"State your problem." 

Evan pointed his fingers towards Grey, which was too close to Grey's face. Perhaps it was Evan's way of making Grey lose his cool.

"I don't understand, why are we giving this guy so much importance. From the time he had entered the room, apparently, everyone is giving him importance. I mean seriously, why are we giving this brat so much importance."

"If you have complains then state it properly, but refrain yourself from using words such as brat," said Hina. 

"Huh? Why would I not call brat a brat, I mean look at his face. It looks like he was born with a silver spoon. I hate people like him the most, they think that the little rich world they had lived in is everything. They live in delusion, that they had seen everything, they pretend that they know everything. Has a rich brat like him ever lived outside of his fancy mansion? does he know what it's like outside in the real world?"

"Evan, I think it's enough." 

"No! I seriously don't understand, why princess got a brat like him in this organization, that too as subleader. Has he ever killed anyone in his life? We can tell a lot by just looking at a person's eye, and I can tell that this guy hasn't even killed an ant. I can see it in his eyes----" 

Evan paused as he saw Grey's eyes. The previous gentle warm looking eyes were now gone, it was replaced with intense ferocious eyes.

It was an eye of a person who has been tormented into insanity, an eye that can inflict great horror into anyone, and the same thing was happening to Evan. A chill was sent down his soul just by looking at Grey's eyes.

"This was the eyes you are looking for?" asked Grey. he continued "I wish I was born with a silver spoon since at the end of the day I just wanted a peaceful normal life. But well, I didn't have such privilege. I would have had such privilege if my mom haven't had died as I was eight years old. I would have lived a normal life if I hadn't had witnessed piles and piles of dead bodies, thousands of them. 

I would have been a normal eight-year-old if I hadn't had killed a man with those little hands. I wouldn't have had nightmares every day if I didn't have to kill little kids as they begged me in agony to kill them. You know, the youngest of them was just a five-year-old boy, five years old!!.

That shit is enough to give me nightmares every night. 

I have killed families, I have killed tons and tons of people. They begged me to not kill them, yet I drew my blade. Even after all that, I was finally able to sleep after years, an angel helped in doing it. She called me big brother Grey and Nyx. I thought I would finally be able to put my nightmarish past behind and live a normal life. 

I decided that I would cherish that little girl, but guess what, I see her hanging to a fucking ceiling!!! you know how did it felt like, everything was crushed in front of me again!! hopeless, I was hopeless!!

But you are damn right, I am just a brat. A brat who can't save anyone. I honestly, hate myself. But there is one thing I am sure about, I will revive that girl again, I will do it even if I had to kill a god. I will cross any line, to revive that girl. 

I am not in this organization for some noble reason, I am here because I want to revive my Illya and I want to burn the church and gods. I will take my revenge on church and gods, I will start with church and work my way up to gods. 

I might be insane, but look at my eyes now and try saying that I don't mean what I say."

Silence... Everybody stood in silence. Evan's specifically was speechless, he couldn't make eye contact with Grey. He didn't want to look at those tormented eyes. 

The realization that the false face Grey was putting on was just Grey's coping mechanism or he just didn't want anyone else to see his real face. Grey's gentle eyes were just him putting on an act, and Evan's now realized that well. 

The fact that made him feel more guilty was that the person he was calling brat or kid was the same person who was so good at masking his pain and grief, as a kid that person was able to efficiently do that. 

But even if Evan felt guilty he had no words to speak. Every time he tried to open his mouth, there were no words that came out.

Even Grey couldn't look at anyone, he looked at the ground. He felt bad that he had made everyone else feel guilty about a thing that they shouldn't have even felt guilty about. 

Moreover, he felt awkward that he said everything that was on his mind.

Aetna walked forward, Grabbing on the Grey's hand she looked at her. With a gentle smile she said "Hehe, you did good! You know I was going to punch that guy if he wouldn't have shut up." 

"Aren't you a thug?" said Grey.

Grey couldn't contain his chuckle.

Hina walked closer to Grey, as she wrapped her arms around him. Taking him into her embrace, she spoke "You have been through a lot."

She stroked her hands through his hair, "But, from now on you can rely on me."

The thing was, as Grey was in Hina's embrace, his face was between her breast, and for Grey, it was the most comfortable place he could be in.

It was warm and soft...

Asai Tsuyoshi walked closer to Grey, placing his hand over his head, he spoke "Don't worry, you have us now. I have no problem becoming your sensei." 

"Sensei? I think I have heard that word somewhere" questioned Grey.

"In the world from where I came from, sensei means teacher. I am a summoned one actually." 

"And I will protect you since you are part of my pride now."  said the Kiara as he stood with his hands folded, proudly. 

Ray walked out of the room as she said "Then, let's go, we are getting late."

Rin, Grey, and Aetna followed her since they are part of the first team that will first go to Lenton city to gather information. 

As Grey was walking out, Evan called out to him "Grey."

But he didn't say anything, He paused there for a second, it looked as if he was trying to find the right word to speak.

He finally opened his mouth saying "I apologize, I went too far. I shouldn't have spoken such words,"

Grey nodded once, letting Evan know that he doesn't hold any grudge against him. Later he walked out of the room joining others.

They wouldn't take horses to Lenton city, they will travel by foot. They will probably have to run through the forest for six hours to reach Lenton city quicker.. The rest of the team will reach Lenton city in two days since they will be traveling by normal means. 

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