False Hero

Chapter 102 - 101: A Plan.

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Grey and the group were already on their way to the Lenton. They were traveling through the forest swiftly without any rest to reach the city as soon as possible. 

Grey had left Annie in Hina's care since they knew each other, Hina had no problem and neither did Annie.

Along with him, he was also carrying a huge bag on his back. The content of the bag was rather sinister, but well maybe using the word 'sinister' is not right.

In the bag was the frozen dead body of Illya, now I leave it up to you guys to decide whether it's sinister or not.

"I will provide basic information about the Lenton city," said Ray as she was traveling through the forest swiftly. 

Following right behind her, Grey and others closely paid attention to the information that Ray had to provide.

"First the important information is that the Lenton city has two minor underworld organizations, Kaala and Saphed is the name of this organization. They work under inferno, but they seem to have a conflict with each other. The second major piece of information is that the city is the home for Iris church, one of the important churches in the church union." 

Grey sped up his pace, "So, it is safe to assume that the church and both of the organizations are working together?" 

To his confirmation, Ray said "Yes, it is indeed how it is. Iris church and organizations have close ties, basically, they are butt buddies. That is precisely why we have to work carefully and find a way to deal with the church." 

"Roger!" said Rin. 

"Is the option of killing the people of the church on the table?" asked Grey. 

Ray snickered under her breath, "As much as I would like to consider that option, we have to operate carefully. Apparently, the successor of seven virtues and their master is present there, so any fight would cost us great casualties."

Halting in the forest, Grey spoke up "Can we pause for a second, I need to discuss a plan,"

On his call, everyone stopped their movement and focused all their attention on Grey. 

{Author: I am purposefully cutting off the scene in between. Since it would be boring if you guys knew the plan all along.}


It has been a full day since then.

At the heart of Lenton City, a man walked into an inn. This particular man was just a low-ranked member of the Kaala organization.

The reason why this man was at this Inn was that he was told to check the Inn since his boss wasn't back yet. There was supposed to be a meeting held between the Kaala and Saphed gang. 

As he drew a step closer to the Inn, he realized that Inn was awfully quiet. It was odd since being quiet was the last thing you would expect from this inn. 

Being cautious, he stepped inside the Inn and his sight was met with a dining hall. 

If I had to go into great detail, then it was a dining hall that didn't have any food in it, nor people who were eating food. Instead of food on the table, there were scattered limbs on and off the table. The crimson liquid was dripping from the table to the ground. 

The walls had scattered red pain in random, it wasn't a work of art. Well, it might be a work of art for a sinister set of eyes. But for a normal human, the sight that this man was seeing was just chilling. 

From the entrance of the Inn, he was able to see many dead corpses and two particular individuals, 

Apologies, perhaps calling them corpses would be more appropriate. The two corpses were the two bosses of the organization, the organization named Kaala and Saphed.

"They are pretty dead, at least seems like it from here." said the man, his tone apathetic. He seems to have no reaction over his boss or comrades' death. 

Along with his comrades, the opposition organization people were also dead. 

"What happened here?" 

The man was curious about what happened to all the people here, but he was not curious enough to step inside the bloody inn. Recently this young man has been reading too many horror novels, he was afraid that some monster might jump him. 

Perhaps he was overthinking, definitely, he was overthinking. But he didn't want to join the same fate as his fellow comrades so he walked away to let his other comrades know about the thing that happened here. 

The young man's name is Cowar. 

Well, after this incident both of the organization was headless and was in a pretty vulnerable position. 

The young man, whose name was Cowar told his comrades back at the Kaala organization who was waiting for their boss that he had died and the word also spread in the Saphed organization that their boss has died as well. 

Going back to the scene where the act had happened, it looked everyone had killed each other. There was some survivor found, who confirmed that fight broke out between both of the gang.

At first, both of the gang was furious, gang war seemed imminent. But certain individuals from the Kaala gang suggested that they should perhaps choose peace. Gang war now would weaken the state of both of the gangs. 

The talk of merging the gang started after a day and they were set to meet at the same inn. The talks of merging two gangs under a new name started spreading out, but for that, they would have to come under the same term. 

Everyone was again gathered at the very same Inn,

The inn was divided into two parts, the table on the right side was occupied by the Kaala gang and the table on the left side was occupied by the Saphed gang.

"It couldn't be helped, I have no grudge against you guys since they were the ones who fought and died on their own." 

The person who was speaking was the daughter of Saphed, she assumed the role of leadership after her father died.

"The feeling is the same from our side, we don't hold any enmity on the contrary I think it is in the best interest to merge both of the gangs."

The person speaking from the Saphed gang was their dead leader's son. 

"Then we will discuss further terms-----" 

"Can I speak my mind?" 

A certain individual raised his hand interrupting the meeting. It was Cowar.

"Sure, I don't mind." 

The person took a deep breath, he paused for a good second, it looked like he was finding the right word to speak. Then after a brief pause, he opened his mouth asking a simple question,

"How do you guys feel about the drug we sell to general people?" 

His question was particularly directed towards the successor of both of the gangs.

"I never thought about it" answered the daughter of the Kaala gang, her name was Ebony. 

"Me neither." 

It was disturbing, the ignorance that was present in their answers was highly disturbing for all the gang members. Most of their expression twisted into one of slight disgust whereas others tried their best to hide their facial expression. 

But it was clear for every gang member of both of the organizations that their leaders didn't know anything that was going on in the real world outside. 

"Are you not aware of the impact of our drug on common people's life?" asked Cowar. But his question was met with a silence which made it clear for him that they aren't aware. 

Cowar couldn't help but grit his teeth, 

"You really aren't aware of the impact that our drug has on people? The drug that the church supplies us to sell among common people is bad, to say the least. Taking on the advantage of people's poverty, sadness, and weakness in general, we have ruined their life and these people are the ones you meet in your day-to-day life.

Knowing what kind of person they are, knowing what kind of hardship they are going through it becomes suffocating to even live after ruining their life. After dealing drugs with these people, it gets difficult to sleep at night. 

And god knows what kind of shady thing the church is doing with these drugs, even little kids are taking them. Little kids!!! I don't know about anyone else here, but I can't keep doing this, my conscience won't let me keep doing this.

I am sorry, but if we keep doing the same business with the church, I will leave the organization and I am ready to take any punishment." 

After the thing they have heard, everyone seated in the dining hall was silent. No one dared to speak anything until a man stood up from the Saphed gang

"I will agree with that man, I can't keep dealing with this drug."

One by one, the majority of gang members stood up to show that they agree with Cowar in being against selling the drugs. 

Hesitant Ebony opened her mouth saying "But the drug is the major source of our income, how will we even do business without selling drugs?"

"Yes, I ask the same question. We are businessmen we prioritize money before feeling. The one who is standing up, tell me, how are we gonna make money, if we don't sell drugs?" 

Asked the son of the Saphed gang, but his question wasn't answered by the gang members who were standing, it was rather answered by a complete stranger who was seated on the table that was upstairs. 

From above, the young man looked down with his sharp yet gentle purple-indigo eyes, He rested his face on his palm. With an attractive tender smile, he spoke,

"I have a suggestion, "

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