False Hero

Chapter 104 - 103: Unspoken Friendship.

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Grey, Ray, Rin, and Aetna were climbing up the stairs of an abandoned building, it was an old Nyx temple that was later abandoned. 

Calling it abandoned is incorrect since the church executed every priest and everyone related to the temple since they didn't want any other religion than their own in Lenton City. 

The most chilling thing was that it was done publicly and the normal people cheered as the priests were getting executed. The church labeled anyone who believed in Nyx as evil.

In those days people had more blind faith in the church, those were the worse times for people in general because of the ongoing war. The war resulted in excessive poverty, so people were emotionally vulnerable and they found religion as their salvation. 

There was something in Rin's mind, but she was hesitant to ask about it. Not Hesitant, she just didn't know from where to begin her question. 

At last, she formed a question in her mind, before asking, 

"So what did you both do? I just have bits and pieces of information. How did you make both of the gangs join you?" asked Rin.

"I don't know from where I should begin talking.' answered Grey as he ascended up the stairs.

"Grey, how did that man know that you were a prince, wasn't it a secret?" asked Aetna, as she tilted her head in curiosity.

Grey placed his hand over Aetna's head, patting her, he said "I gave money to that guy to say that out loud"

"Ooooo, then the drug speech was also something you told him to say. That speech about the drug sounded exactly like something you would say," 

"You know me well," said Grey letting out a chuckle.

"Who else did you give money to?" asked Rin.

"There was also one other guy from the Saphed gang, the guy who agreed with the other guy's drug speech. Then there was also the owner of the Inn."

"You have really thought ahead." 

"No, it wasn't entirely my plan. It was a plan that I came up with your sister, Ray."

They continued to ascend up the stairs until Rin decided to halt, With a sharp look in her eyes, she looked at Ray and Grey. 

It didn't occur to her yet, but just now she realized something. 

"What?" asked Ray.

"I don't how it didn't occur to me yet, it was obvious. From the very start. you both controlled the entire situation to achieve your goal. That also means that you both killed that entire Inn filled with gang members and gave other gang members money to lie about what really happened at the Inn."

Grey and Ray didn't reply with anything, they stood there silently. Their silence was an answer in itself. 

Rin turned to Aetna asking, "Don't you find anything wrong in this?"

"I don't, Only thing that is right for me is what Grey does, I will follow Grey on whatever he does. I don't have the memory of my past, my only truth is Grey, I don't have anything else other than him."

Her eyes wide open, Rin realized that there was something wrong with the three-person he was standing in front of. 

Rin sat on the stares as she took a good minute to process everything, before opening her mouth, 

"Sister, when we were little, you always annoyed me. It always annoyed me that you never had any greed, you always gave your things to me without complaining. You were always so kind to everyone, you were a gentle girl. You were so pure that it made me feel like I was a bad girl. But even after all that I admired the person you were.

And Grey, when I first met you, I saw a tormented set of eyes. But yet there was still weird kindness in your eyes. Knowing your past I always wondered that how a person could look that kind even after all that happened. I really admired that part of you. There might be darkness inside you that I didn't know about since you did a good job of hiding it. But in general, you had some kindness in you that I really liked to see, as much as I hate to admit it.

It is sad, really sad to see people's eyes change. I don't know what happened to both of you in life, but ---"

Rin got up as she walked up ahead on the stairs, "Whatever happened to you both, it must have been tough" 

There wasn't much talk after that, they eventually reached the top of the temple where few people were waiting for them.

Reaching the top, they walked closer to the people who were waiting for them. The people who were waiting for them were the second team who had arrived late.

They were all seated on the ground in a circle and their troops have set camp in the forest. 

"So you guys are finally here, it took you guys quite a while to gather the information so it's better to be worth it," said Evan, he sounded more complaining rather than actually wanting to hear the information.

He was still awkward about the last time so he still doesn't know how to act around Grey.

Placing his hand over Grey's should Kiara spoke in a cheerful yet loud manner,

"It's fine, Gathering information is not a simple job, so don't beat yourself to it." 

"Yes! You will get better at it over time," said Asai Tsuyoshi as he stroked his chin. 

It was obvious for Grey that they are trying to cheer him up since in their eyes Grey is still a kid. 

Grey sat down with them, so did Rai, Rin, and Aetna. 

Rin opened her mouth as she pointed towards Grey, Ray, and Aetna, "They did more than just information?" said Rin bluntly. 

Kiara's face lit up as he said "Nothing less expected from my pride!!!" He grabbed Grey, Rin, Rai, and Aetna in his huge arms, "What did you guys do!!?"

"Yes, what did you guys do?" asked Hina, curious. 

Rin didn't want to maintain the suspense anymore. Rin still found it highly uncomfortable, the fact that Grey and Ray work together a such a good team made her highly uncomfortable.

Maybe because of the fact that she thought that Grey and she made the best team together.

letting out a sigh, Rin spoke up "They have already taken over the underworld of the Lenton city, they even gave it name as House Lenton." 

Everyone seated there was confused, to say the least, their facial expression twisted in various ways before finally, someone spoke up,

That person being Evan, "They have----- already ------- taken over------ the place?"

Wow! The guy is so shocked that he had forgotten his ability to speak full sentences.

Evan walked closer to Grey, Grabbing him Evan asked, "She is joking right?! right?! tell me she is joking?! There is no way! right!? right?! right?!" 

Why is it so hard for him to accept?

Grey placed his hand over Evan's shoulder, closing his eyes Grey gave him a nod of pity. Opening his eyes, Grey spoke, "You can believe in whatever you want." said Grey with a great pity in his voice.

"Huh? what's with that face?!! Don't look at me with those eyes! my pride!!", Evan placed both of his hands on the ground "I am done for, the princess will kick me out of the group for being such a useless piece of shit, My junior is doing hundred times better than me. More than that I might not even be able to face myself in the mirror, I am a useless senior."

This was the start of Evan's great depression and his inferiority complex became much worse. But he didn't hate Grey, moreover, he felt like he owed Grey an apology. 

"Please don't mind him, he just has a severe inferiority complex." said Asai Tsuyoshi, later he raise his leg before kicking Evan's butt saying "Now get up, Don't be depressed."

Poor Guy.

"It's really surprising that you all did this job rather quickly. No, it was so quick that there is no way that princess team will be able to win now." 

"Yes, it was only possible because I found such a great partner." 

Ray raised her fist pointing towards him, she was offering a fist bump. Grey accepted the fist bump as he bumped his fist over hers.

"I found a great partner myself, I am excited to work with you in the future."

This moment was the birth of a weird friendship between two most random people who would have never become under normal conditions.

They found mutual respect due to their shared cynical nature and tendency to set humans on fire, they will probably set humans to fire if is needed to achieve their goal.

{Author: I will explore more of Ray's character, I will show her obsessive and narcissistic side. I will also explore Aetna's character since I have planned a great character story for her.

Rin's character won't be explored anytime soon, she will get her next arc around many arcs later when I will introduce Rai back to the story. Rin and Rai will have a story together.

And of course, Grey will be related in every story, since he is the main character, so yeah. }

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