False Hero

Chapter 105 - 104: The Seven Virtues.

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"So this is the place?" asked Grey as he stood in front of the entrance of a very narrow cave. Narrow enough to fit only one person at a time. 

"Yes, this narrow cave will lead us to the biggest cave system. Bigger than you would imagine, my master." 

Ermic entered the narrow cave, following him Grey stepped into the cave. 

"This cave will lead us to a system, from where we will have to follow a particular route to reach the holy vault of the church."

Grey and Ermic were heading towards that particular vault since Grey had his suspicion, he had a suspicion that the vault contain particular things that would be helpful for him in riving Illya.

"Answer a few of my questions."

"I will answer any of your questions to the best of my ability, my master!!" Ermic tone of speaking was exaggerated as always.

"What is Demic sacrifice?"

"It was a major event in history, where God Demic sacrificed himself to save millions of lives from the Demon Abby. The battle seemed to have occurred in this very ground itself, over the church of Iris. Some even say that God Demic will again come back to this world." 

Grey turned to look at Ermic, he asked "Can God be killed?"

"No, I don't think that any mortal creature can kill gods" answered Ermic, sincerely.

"Then doesn't that make Demic sacrifice story a total bullshit?" asked Grey. Grey raised his finger as he said, "I will enlighten you to what really happened during Demic sacrifice."

"Please enlighten me, My master!!!!!"

Without paying any heed to Ermic's exaggerated manner of speaking, Grey opened his mouth to say,

"A certain demon boy decided to fight against gods and he started it by sealing Demic in this very ground. Gods have lied about that story since they don't want mortals to question gods' superiority. Or maybe they have entirely different reasons to lie, I don't know."

Both Grey and Ermic were walking through the cave as Grey was explaining to Ermic about what really happened until one black feline walked in front of Grey.

With her big round golden eyes, she said "Meow!!"

"Kuro! what the fuck are you doing in this random cave?" 

Grey crouched down to pick up Kura with both his hand. Bring her face close to his, Grey asked,

"Why do you keep wandering off to random places?"

He later placed her down, as he said,

"Be careful okay? I heard that there are monsters in this cave that eats cat."


Continuing there walk inside the cave, now with an additional companion. They didn't talk much for around fifteen minutes until Ermic decided to say something. 

He got closer to Grey, as he whispered,

"My masters, are you aware that some people are following us for a while now?"

"Yes, I am aware. They are the people I know, so don't mind them. They don't mean any harm."

The two people who were following Grey were Rin and Aetna they were following Grey because Aetna insisted on ongoing and even Rin was curious and worried about Grey. But they were trying their best to not get noticed by Grey.

"By the way Ermic, I would have to fight the successor of seven virtues right? what are they like, are they powerful?"

"Yes mater, they are powerful. Seven virtues are Chasity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, Gratitude, and Humility, these seven virtues are a direct parallel to seven deadly sins. The ones present in the church are successors of seven virtues, they will be the next seven virtues. So the church is nurturing this young one to be next seven virtues and the stronger version of the current ones."

"Are they all older than me in age?" 

"Yes master, they are older than you, I think around two or three years older than you."

"Will, we be able to avoid them? like, avoid fighting them?" 

"No, My master. They will present in front of the vault, guarding it, so we will have to fight them to eliminate them." 

"I will eliminate them, you will be on guard to cut off any possibility of guards alerting more guards. Basically, you will not let anyone outside, do you understand?" 

Ermic kneeled on the ground in front of Grey, before saying "Yes, my master."

Grey turned to look back in the darkness of the cave, he spoke up,

"Rin and Aetna, you both can do whatever you want, just try not to get hurt, okay? also, you can help them if you want."

Grey actually instructed three-person that were following him, except for Rin and Aetna there was one person following Grey. 

Picking up Kuro in his arms, Grey disappeared from his spot in an instant. Everyone knew what they had to do, Grey was heading directly towards the vault, whereas, Rin, Aetna, and Ermic will be cutting off any chance of Guards alerting other guards.

"Tsk," Rin clicked her tongue in frustration, she had thought that her sneaking ability was unnoticeable. 

To comfort her Aetna opened her mouth saying, "Actually, I knew that he knew that we were following him, it is impossible to trail him without getting noticed."


Aetna placed her finger under her right eye as she said "He actually has this very powerful power from which he can see every energy around him even with his eyes closed."

"That's kind of cool power where can I have it?" asked Aetna as she stretched her hands.

"It is not something that would be sold in a local store," said Aetna sarcastically.

This was the first time Rin had ever seen Aetna giving a sarcastic reply and it stung Rin in her heart. A gloom covered her face,

"You bully me."



Traveling through the cave system for a while, Grey was now near the underground vault. Grey walked out of the narrow pathway and found himself in a massive underground cave. 

Massive enough to fit several adventure guild buildings in it. There were many icicle-shaped formations that hung from the cieling and also any icicle-shaped formation that emerged from the ground of the cave, they are stalagmite and stalactite.

hiding behind the massive icicle structure Grey saw many armed guards, and also in distance far away he saw seven youngsters that we standing in front of the massive door. 

Actually, among them, two were seated while one was standing up and the other four seemed to be fighting among each other, most probably they were sparring among each other. That's what Grey thought.

And Grey had no doubt about it, the seven youngsters near the massive door are the successor of seven virtues since from Grey's eyes he could see that they were monsters among themselves.

Maintaining his stealth, Grey went past the guards. Near the massive door, he could take a closer look at the successor of seven virtues.

Among them, there was a girl with angelic white long hair that extended to her lower back, she had snowy white skin, and a set of grey-colored eyes.

While sparring she drew her blade so elegantly and her pure white hair fluttered with her every graceful movement, it looked like the wings of an angel.

That girl was the successor of the virtue of chastity.

The person she was sparring with was a young man who was the virtue of temperance. He had light blue hair with a silvery blue set of eyes, his stature was on the shorter side. 

On the other side, two young men were sparring among themselves. One had black hair and tall stature, he was the virtue of charity. While the other one had light blue silver hair and short stature, he was the virtue of patience and also the twin brother of temperance.

The two-person who was standing near the massive door and the person who was seated was the virtues of Humility, Diligence, and Gratitude.

{Author: By the way, even though I said that they are virtues, they are actually successors, not the current virtues.}

The girl with angelic white hair took a step back, she placed her slender blade in her health. Later she bowed her head in front of her opponent as she said, 

"I, thank you for your guidance in this spar, I am humbled by your strength." 

"No, I am the one that was humbled by your strength, you showed a great display of your power. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to fight with you."

The amount of respect both of the people showed each other, made Grey wonder whether they were good or evil. It was difficult for Grey to even judge that what kind of person they were. 

But Grey was sure about one thing, if he wanted to enter the vault, he would have to go through this seven successor of virtues. There was no other way since he had no way of sneaking into the vault.

Whether to face them head-on? or to take them out in secret? This was the question that was going through Grey's mind.

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