False Hero

Chapter 110 - 109: The Black Cubic Box

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"How are you going to imbue the door with raw divine energy?"

"Just watch, but before that----" Looking behind, Grey was looking for someone in particular. Actually two people in particular.

"Apologies my master! this lowly servant wasted your precious time." said the person who just appeared in front of Grey. 

"It's fine, just give me the bag and wait here," said Grey as he took the bag from Ermic's hand. Turning around Grey saw that Aetna was heading his way, giving a nod to her Grey gathered raw divine in the tip of his finger as he placed his finger over the door. 

For the first minute, nothing really happened but later the divine energy seeped through the lines of the door before enveloping the door in divine energy itself. The door shined in a blinding white radiance before disappearing as a whole. 

"Huh? I thought the door would open or something,"  said Chastity, surprised. 

"You were seriously a guard here?"

Grey walked inside the massive door, Aetna and Rin followed him behind. 

"Are you okay, Aetna? Are you injured anywhere?"

"At least be worried about me," said Rin. "Ah, but you should be worried about yourself first. At least stop the bleeding from the leg."

Rin pointed towards the Grey's leg, from where blood was pouring out. 

"Ah, you are right." 

Grey just had noticed the bleeding leg, using his magic he froze the wound. 

"Grey, are you hurt anywhere else?" asked Aetna, concerned. 

Placing a hand over her head, Grey spoke "I am fine and I am also glad that you are fine!"

To catch Grey's attention Chastity made a sound of clearing her throat and she was successful in doing so as Grey turned his attention towards her. 

After a brief second, she spoke, "I think I owe you an apology, I was too much in the heat. Let's forget the thing that happened earlier and I wouldn't want to ruin the relationship that you both have."

By both, she was talking about Grey and Aetna, she apparently had misunderstood the relationship between Grey and Aetna. Well, there was nothing to misunderstand. 

{Author: Chastity has a condition similar to bipolar disorder and she was feeling the same guilt as a boy feels after masturbating.}

"No, there is nothing to apologize for. Are you leaving?"

"Yes, since I have to tend my friends."

"Fine, before you go----" Grey took off his mask as he revealed his face to chastity, "You can have a look at my face, my identity is the real price for your help."

A smile curved up Chastity before she said "I will remember your face,"

After that, Grey, Aetna, and Rin walked inside the door. There was nothing, in particular, that was visible except for blank darkness, Yes! blank darkness would be a great way of describing it.

After taking a step or two inside, the three of them realized that the door was back and the blank darkness was now totally gone.

Grey was standing in a massive room, that looked exactly like a library the only difference is that inside the shelf there were various different artifacts of all sorts. Before the entrance into the aisle between two shelves, there was a board. 

"The will of the weapon is to be followed." 

After reading the board, Rin was obviously confused "Will of the weapon?" she questioned. 

But there was no one beside her to answer her question, Grey and Aetna were already far ahead walking between the aisle. 

"Where do you think it is Grey?"

"I am sensing a cluster of divine energy leaking at the end of the room, so it's safe to say that it's coming from there." 

Aetna paused her walking, she looked at Grey before asking, "Grey, do you think that we can defeat that thing?"

"Yes," answered Grey, "But to be specific, we can only defeat him in premature phase. If he returns back to his power before we kill him, then we are as good as dead."

"Do you know the process?" asked Aetna, to which  Grey replied as,


As they were walking through the aisle, nothing in particular caught their eye. Until a certain artifact levitated its way near Aetna. 

"Good for you, Aetna. The artifact chose you." 

"chose me?"

"Didn't you read the board earlier that stated, "the will of the weapon will be followed" or something along those lines."

The artifact that levitated near Aetna was a burgundy-colored pointy hat, a witch hat to be specific.

as they were talking, they finally reached the end of the room from where Grey was able to sense the leakage of the divine energy. But at the end of the room, there was just another door leading to another room.

This was just a normal manual door, that opened without any effort. 

Opening the door, they were met with a room filled with the color white. The floor, the ceiling, and the walls, everything was as white as it could get. White to the point that it was disturbing to the eyes.

And the center of the room, there was a black cubical box that was levitating at the dead center of the room. It also seemed to be rotating in the anti-clockwise direction. 

"Is this----" 

"Yes, this is where the bastard is sealed. Most probably his followers were trying to summon him in another location in the hopes that it would free him from this seal."

There was a spark of black energy that seeped out of the black cubical box, the black energy seemed to collapse into the white surface between returning back to the box.

Walking closer to the box, Grey extended the tip of his finger in front of the box. The black energy traveled its way toward Grey, before making contact with his finger. 

Aetna trapped Grey's hand saying "Don't do that!!! it might be dangerous!!"

Even after getting yelled at by Aetna, Grey still extended his other hand near the box which Aetna grabbed quickly as she gave a death glare with a mix of pouty look to Grey. 

"Fine, fine I won't do it." 

After a second of settling down, Grey asked Aetna a particular question as he summoned a dagger that was dense with demonic energy. 

"Aetna, aren't you suspicious about how easy it was to infiltrate the church?"

Aetna thought for a second, before answering, "Now that you mention it, it is kind of suspicious."

"Not only that, we seem to get all the convenient information at all the right timing. The timing of information was so accurate at times that it almost seemed like it wasn't a coincidence. Well, of course, it is not a coincidence, since there is definitely someone that's helping us."

"Why would someone help us?"

"I don't know, but looking at the quality of the information, it is easy to predict that the information is coming from a god.", Grey walked closer to the cube, he looked at the cube saying "It looks like you have made an enemy with your fellow gods."

Grey raised the dagger, "Aetna, are you ready to take a gamble with me? it might cost our life though." 

Without hesitation, Aetna replied, "I am ready, but what is the gamble is about?"

"Every creature has a core, right? even humans do. So I was wondering if God does have a core or not." said Grey before stabbing the dagger made out of demonic energy into the black cube.

Nothing really happened for the first second, but it was just for a second when the sudden spike of energy surged across the room before the violent energy relaxed, gathering at a singular point. The singular point was only for a split second before it exploded, blasting the room into pieces. 

Before the explosion, Aetna quickly grabbed Grey into her embrace shielding him from the explosion. Due to impact, they both were knocked away, into the first room full of shelves. 

The explosion was big enough to knock all the shelves away from the first room. Even though Aetna had shielded Grey from the explosion, Grey quickly grabbed her in mid-air before landing on the ground on his feet. 

"Idiot!! why would you do that?!" exclaimed Grey.

"I wanted to look cool, hehe" 

"Idiot!" Grey placed here down to see if there were any major injuries and apparently there weren't any major injuries. 

"Don't do stupid things like that again, okay?"

Emerging from below the shelves, Rin appeared. Apparently, she was buried between the shelves due to the explosion.

"What the fuck happened? what did you both do?"

"Nothing major, just broke a seal of the god." 

"Holy shit!!"

"Yes, holy shit, you can call him that." 

Grey turned to face the cube that violently rotated in mid-air, as a dense amount of divine energy surged around it. Eventually, the rotation stop as the cube started calmly radiating that gathered at a singular point. 

The energy first took a shape of a sphere before a transparent body started forming around it. 

"That is the core." 

Grey summoned a polearm in his hand, while Aetna started circulating all her demonic energy through her body rather than using Mana.

"Then, shall we kill a god."

{Author: I will end the arc in the next one or two chapters, a maximum of two chapters. I am excited to write the next chapter since he would be reuniting with people in the next arc. But my college is nine to five and it is so much difficult to keep up with writing.. Hopefully, i somehow manage to upload daily.}

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