False Hero

Chapter 111 - 110: The Two Who Killed The God.

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"Then shall we kill a god?"

Grey summoned a polearm in his hand. The body around the core was getting more and more developed with each passing second. 

The initial black sphere now had a hint of red in it. Even though they were underground the wind was blowing rapidly, as if they were at the top of a mountain.

The dense divine energy gathered near the core to give the body the shape, the body had started to look humanoid. 

The humanoid transparent body spoke, "Finally!! I am free!! my follower did a great job, you had freed me even before I had expected!!."

The humanoid body sounded content about his current situation and he had mistaken Grey for his follower. 

But Grey had nothing to say to the god. Taking a stance, Grey gathered all the demonic energy he could inside his lance, concentrating the demonic energy to the point where the violet energy started leaking out of the lance.

"Aetna, hold him down."

Aetna closed her eyes, as she visualized the demon energy inside her. The energy that was given to her by demoness Emi. 

"Focus it all on the tip of our finger. Concentrate it at the center point, the energy that is hidden inside me, come forth and help me bind this god!!"

Opening her eyes, she raised both hands. Following that, a set of giant hands made out of fire busted out of the ground. 

Those set of hands wrapped itself around the god, 

"What are you doing mortal? are you perhaps trying to bind me? with this power, even a weaker version of me won't get bound."

The transparent god swiped his hand, the action itself made the firey hands disappear in an instant. 

"Then how about more hands" 

Replacing two hands, more sets of hands emerged out of the ground, wrapping themselves around the god. the god tried to destroy each hand, but more and more hands emerged out of the ground, wrapping themselves around the god. 

Ten's, no perhaps the number of hands had just gotten under. Each massive hand, bonded the god rendering him motionless. The bring yellow hands made out of flames of various shapes and sizes, the hands the emerged out of every possible direction were holding the god captive.

"Grey! take your time, I can hold him for longer." 

Grey didn't quickly reply to what she said, but after a good second Grey opened his eyes as he said, 

"No, this is enough."

His eyes, in particular, were shining in the shade of bringing purple as the aura around him had gotten denser. But the thing that was catching more attention was the polearm he was holding in his hand. 

The polearm shined even brighten than Grey's eyes, in the shade of dark purple. The scale around the snake polearm seemed to have gotten thicker as the mouth from which the blade was emerging out had gotten bigger. 

Rin was blocking every falling stalagmite and boulder from the ceiling of the cave, she was doing this to prevent it from falling onto Grey and Aetna.

"Mortal, what is this game you are playing?!"

Shouted the angered god, the humiliation of not getting treated properly was angering for the god. He had imagined that his followers would receive him right after he was free. 

But people he thought were his followers were trying to bind him down. 

"Don't you get it, we are not playing games, we are trying to end you. It's as simple as that." 

The transparent god tried to free himself by destroying a few fire hands, "Mortal!! know your place!! don't think highly of yourself."

But it was all for naught as ---

"You are not freeing yourself!" said Aetna as she poured more demonic energy into her spell, more hands busted out of grounds, much more than before as it wrapped itself around the god, tying him down even more.

Grey closed one eye, to take aim from another eye. his aim---- his aim was the core of the god. 

"Oi god, do you what happened after you were sealed?" 

Grey looked at the transparent god whose mouth was shut due to being covered by the hand, he wasn't able to speak. 

"The others gods were laughing at you, apparently they never considered you a true god. You are the weakest of them all, so weak that you don't even have the fraction of their power."

Grey raised his polearm as he took aim. The polearm that was dense with demonic energy, shinned every brighter than before as the aura around it kept getting denser and denser. 

"The point I am trying to make is that you are just too weak to be a god."

The final words that came out of Grey were finished blow to the transparent God's anger, as he managed to free his upper body by busting out of it.

"You mortal!!! who are you calling weak?!!"

But he was too late in busting out, as a polearm was shot at his way. The polearm traveled through the air towards the core of the god. The violet energy that was leaking out of the polearm made it look like a meteor falling from the sky. 

The force at which the polearm was shot destroyed everything in its close proximity, even Grey was knocked back by the sheer force of it. Even while traveling through the air the shock wave created by the polearm was enough the keep destroying everything in its path. 

The colossus streak of energy made its way to the transparent god's. The polearm made contact with the body of the half-transparent god, the action of polearm piercing through the body of god created a small explosion in itself.

The polearm finally reached the core, making the contact with the spherical core, the polearm pushed its way into the core. The god tried to block the polearm with his hand, but his hand was caught by Aetna's fire hand, as many of them wrapped around god's half transparent hand.

"I am not letting you do that." 

"Thi--- this won't destroy my core. A weapon made out of a mere mortal, will-- will never break my----"

As the transparent god was saying this, a sound of glass cracking was heard by him. Yes, it was a sound of a crack being formed in the core.

"Are you sure? well anyways--"

More cracks were formed on the core as the polearm kept forcing its way into the core. Eventually, it happened,

"Goodbye, god."

In an instant, the polearm passed the core, which was followed by any cracks forming on the core, which eventually turned into dust. 

The core broke apart like a powdered glass as it fell from the sky and the god tried his best to catch the falling dust, but it just seeped right through his hand.

"No!! no! no! no!!, my godhood!! no!! noooo!!" 

The half-transparent body of the god was now no dispersing away like a cloud of smoke in the air. But it didn't disperse, On the contrary to getting dispersed all the energy including the powdered core gathered in the air at one particular place, forming a ball of radiant pure white energy.

"This is it!!"

Said Grey as he got up from the ground. 

"This is what we need, this is---" 

Grey walked closer to the ball of white energy that was levitating in the air. Stretching his hand forward, Grey tried to reach out to the white ball and the levitated white energy ball descended its way towards Grey's hand. 

The white energy ball floated right above Grey's hand, Grey looked at it as he said, 

"This is the energy, equivalent to ten thousand mortals."

Grey closed his fist, the ball of white energy that was inside his fist, seeped into Grey's body as it traveled inside Grey through his every vein, through his every cell. The white divine energy was moving through Grey's body as if it was its own body.

Every time the untamed traveled through a body part, it felt like someone was twisting that part into hundred folds.


Grey couldn't help but let out his scream, as he was desperately trying to control the wild untamed energy inside his body.


Grey was about to pass away, or he just wanted to give up. But he lost his balance as his consciousness was giving up. But he quickly regained his balance and consciousness as a certain face flashed through his mind.

"For Illya," he whispered as he started concentrating all the wild energy, to keep it in check. The wild energy inside Grey finally calmed down as the pain in his body also stopped. 

But nonetheless, Grey still felt his soul drifting away from his body. He helplessly lose his consciousness as he fell down to the ground. 

After a brief second, at least that's what it felt like for Grey. Grey was able to open his eyes. Opening his eyes, Grey was met with someone in particular. 

In the colorless world, where even the sky was colorless, a particular set of shiny eyes looked at Grey as he was lying down on the ground.

"Big brother Grey?" asked the little girl.

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