False Hero

Chapter 114 - 113: Teleportation.

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"Where are you going next?" asked the demigoddess.

"I am going to Frey nation," 

"Is there any particular reason?" 

"I want to meet my family, and I want to find the hidden gods of Frey nation."

Lifting her skirt up, she gracefully walked into the shallow lake.

"Then our interests are aligned." She paused on the lake, before turning to look at me "I want you to find and meet the curse god,"


"And I will give on a hint, that god is being used by a big family of Frey nation.", She waved her hand before saying "Bye!!!!!"

just like that her dimension disappeared and I was back to my bed.


While we were fighting at the church, Celestia and House Lenton had already discussed their terms. Apparently, House Lenton agreed to work under Celestia only on the condition that they will be loyal to me. 

If I leave Celestia, they will also leave Celestia.

I am not planning to hide my identity anymore, so I am right now confused about what I really should do. I can make my identity public and fight for the throne since I would need the power of a nation to fight against gods.

For now, I should go to Frey nation and check what is the political condition there. But before all that first I will go back home and meet everyone. 

First I will have to find my old man, I don't how he is doing. I was walking up the stairs, where everyone was waiting for me.

All the member of the Celestia has gathered here in the abandoned temple to hold the second meeting and declare the winner of the friendly competition we had going on. 

As I ascended up the stairs and went to the top floor, I found all of the members waiting for me as they were seated on the floor. 

Why do they like to be seated on the floor so much? Well, I went ahead and sat with them. 

For some reason, Sara was seated on the center of them all, 

"Now that everyone has gathered here, let's get to the juicy bit. Our bet was that we will divide ourselves into two teams and try to capture two different places. The result from our side is obvious, we were successful in capturing the underworld organization of the Queens port, we did it in five days. we had to destroy around 30% of their strength before they surrendered before us."

Sara looked particularly proud of her achievement, she then looked at us as she asked "What about you guys? it's fine if you didn't capture it in time, I am here now so we can all capture it together. Even if you lose, don't worry, your leader is here to always have your back!!"

"Indeed, as the leader said, there is no need to worry we have your back!!!" agreed Robert, the chimera. 

Dracy chuckled, as she looked at Evan's with a ridiculing look.

"It's fine, even if you didn't manage to capture Lenton. Evan, you can be my junior and I can teach you how the underworld organization works."

But Evan didn't get angry, on the contrary, his facial expression turned into a big smug smile. He placed his hand over my shoulder as he said "Grey, did you hear that how dumb that vampire girl is sounding. She says that 'Even if we didn't manage to capture the Lenton city.' can you just hear how funny this shit is."

I couldn't hold my laughter, "Indeed it is funny."

Looking at us laugh, Dracy the tenth corp leader facial color turned beet red from anger. She pointed her finger at us as she said,

"I swear if any of you ever get demoted from the core member position, I will bully both of you so much!!. I swear on my name, from this day, you both are my enemy!!!!!"

Hina stood up from her place, she cleared her throat before saying, "Everyone settle down, I will report our result."

Everyone was so curious about our result that no one dared to speak a word until Hina said the report herself. 

"We completed the task of capturing the underworld organization of Lenton city, around 2 days and we also had to destroy nearly none of their force to capture them. We didn't capture them, they agreed to work under us, and also they swore their loyalty to Grey."

There was a brief silence after what Hina said until brother Eddie decided to speak. "That's nice---- no, that's actually unbelievable and that's an incredible feat, and how? ah? I need to process the information again." 

Brother Eddie's brain seemed to crash whenever he tried to process this information. It took them a good minute but all of them eventually accepted the result. 

Everyone seemed to be joyed about the fact that we managed to capture both of city, everyone except for Miles. He looked rather grim. 

Sara slammed her fist on the ground of the temple as she said "I am a failure as a leader, I was supposed to look cool after this competition. But all my spotlight was taken from me by my subordinates!!"

But later she quickly regained her composure as a smile was taken over her face, "But I am truly proud of you all and I hope that we world like this even in the future. Does any----"

"Princess, I have something to say, if you don't mind." interrupted Miles as Sara was talking.

"Sure, I don't" 

"I want to go back to Frey nation." his Grim expression seemed to have gotten more serious.


"Depool, the financial capital city of Frey nation. The Depool city seems to be off-balance because of a particular family. The Esser family seems to be in a sudden rise in power and the reason is not discovered, but due to their sudden rise in power, the city seems to be in chaos. Also, the underworld organization of Depool city seems to work rather suspiciously. That is the reason that I want to go back to Frey nation."


Sara didn't answer him right away, she went in deep thought for a good minute before finally opening her mouth saying,

"Fine, you can go. and If you are weakening the underworld organization of Depool city, we might as well capture it. So, I want you to take Grey with you in this mission and since you both belong Hoffmann family, Grey might be helpful for you in handling the Esser family."

I expected Miles to have a problem with what Sara said, but on contrary, he agreed to her saying 

"Very well princess," 

She looked at me as she asked "Are you fine with it?"

"Yes, I have no problem." 

I really had no problem, since I also wanted to go to Frey nation, so this might work very well for me.

"By the way, The Esser family, their sudden rise in power is obviously due to involvement of the third party, so don't focus on Esser family. Focus on finding out the third party that is making Esser family stronger." said Sara, she raised one of her fingers as she said, "If you destroy the third party, the Esser family will automatically come back to where it was."

Sara--- the princess is genius, it didn't even take her a second to figure the whole situation and find the optimal path to solve the situation. Well, she is the leader of Celestia for a reason.


The next day, I was walking towards the gate of the city from the place I was staying in. The place I was staying in was actually Ebony's house.

{Author: Ebony is the daughter of the Kaala gang, well now it is the ex Kaala gang. she is now the sub-leader of the house Lenton and also the in-charge of clothing lines.}

I stayed in her house for around a week, these days I showed her the ways for how to make a clothing line work. Well I just know it in theory, I just told her the theory, now she is trying her best to put it into practice. 

Of course, I will oversee the whole process to help both of them as much as I can,  it is my responsibility to lead them since they have sworn their loyalty to me.

By the way, the thing that Kuro got for me was apparently a teleportation artifact. I asked loli demi god about this and she said that it is a device that is used to teleport packages, not humans. It has no capability to teleport human organisms. 

But for some reason, I was able to teleport myself and others with it. The artifact is situated inside of my right hand, well actually it has dissolved itself in my right hand, becoming part of it. 

So every time I run, divine and demonic aura together in my hand, it activates and teleports me to the place that I am thinking about. From the experiment, I have found out that I can't go to the place with it which I have never gone to myself. 

But I can teleport to places I have already been once in.

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