False Hero

Chapter 115 - 114: Brothers?

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I walked up to the ------ Well, actually while I was halfway to the gate, I realized that I now have to power to teleport from place to place. So I directly teleported near the gate.

"Where did you come from? I didn't see you coming through the gate," 

said Miles who was standing near the gate waiting for me. He had all his luggage, in his wagon, and apparently, he was only waiting for me before leaving for Depool city. 

"Ah, I was in the forest actually. "

"That makes sense." 

He looked towards the forest, as he asked "So are you coming with me now or you are joining me later. It's your choice, but I can ensure you that I won't let any harm come to you while traveling with me."

"That assuring, but I actually will leave for Depool city a week later since I have something to attend to." 

"Say, Grey," he said, he pointlessly stared at the forest as he said "You must have been through a lot. I know that for a fact since, I have heard the news about your mom and I don't know how you are alive, but does uncle knows that you are alive?"

"Not yet," I stat on the edge of the wagon as I continued "The timing was never right, I was caught up with many things. But now I am free, so I can go and meet my dad."

"I see, I hope you meet him as soon as possible."

"Why do you say so?" I asked. 

He came and sat beside on the edge of the wagon as he said " Ever since the news of Aunt Alice and your death, it is like something has died inside of him. I rarely get to see him, but I think he is still holding himself up, due to the presence of that little girl that he had adopted. His adopted daughter really saved him. 

My dad once said this to me,"

He turned to look at me as he asked "You know how powerful divine king is?"

"Yes, I have heard that he was born pretty powerful," I answered. 

"Exactly, since he was born powerful, he had no match for him. He had lived a life without knowing what fear is until one day he came across a particular person. Divine king, arguably one of the strongest mortal alive, who do you think thought him the feeling of fear?"

I got up from the wagon and walked a little bit to the front, before turning back and answering his question, "I don't know, who it is?" 

"It's was your dad. even though he is considered the weakest Hoffmann, but his method of fighting and doing things is vastly different from any other. He was known to be ruthless and efficient while completing his mission."

That's surprising, I never really heard about dad so much from others, so I nearly didn't know these facts. 

"I never knew these things about my dad, that's surprising."

"Before coming to Lenton city, I went and met him. Apparently, he is going to Chipworth town due to the recent church incident, he was going there to investigate there. You should probably go and meet him."

"Oh, thanks."

After a brief pause, I looked at him as I asked "By the way, why are you so helpful and nice to me? if I remember properly, during our first meeting you threatened me."

"That enmity was only for showing that taking part in the race for the throne will make me your enemy."

"I see... Then I will be clear with it. I am aiming for the throne and I don't mind being your enemy. and If you want we can duke it out here, since once people will know that I am alive it will be more complex than now. Right now we can just kill each other and there will be no consequences since I am just a walking ghost.", I looked at him as I asked, "So what do you say, want to end it here?" 

Rather than answering my invitation for the fight, he asked "When someone says something like this, they usually emit aura or something to pressure the other person, aren't you going to do that?" 

"No, since I don't want to pressure you into fighting me, I want you to take that decision without any pressure," I answered. 

A smile curved up his face as he said, "That makes sense, but I would prefer to not fight now. We will see what happens in the future and besides if you are the better man to rule the country then you are deserving to be the king. So we will let the future decide the throne." 

He got up from his place, as he walked towards the front of his wagon, before opening the door he turned around as he said, "I will be taking my leave now and I will see you after some time in Depool city, brother."

Brother? eh?...

I walked into the room where the three girls were waiting for me with their luggage. 

I told them to pack their luggage since I will be directly teleporting them to my home. 

As I was going to enter the room, I overheard a conversation going on between them.

"Why do you look different now, Illya?" asked Annie.

"I have no idea, but I think I am Nyx now."

"Wasn't brother Grey your Nyx?"

"Yes brother Grey is my Nyx, but I am also Nyx."

"This is confusing.", Annie later asked "by the way, you have changed the way you talk. Before you used to call yourself Illya,"

"Yes, since Illya is a big girl now----", she quickly corrected herself saying "Ahem-- I am big girl now,"

In their conversation, Aetna joined saying "But, Illya really looks like Grey now, white hair and also purple eyes, its just like Grey. You look so beautiful!!"

I entered the room to find Illya hugging Aetna, 

"Thanks!!! Big sister Aetna!!!"

"Love to see people bonding these days."

"Oh, Grey! Where have you been? We are already ready." 

said Aetna pointing towards the bag of luggage.

"I actually went to meet my brother." I looked out of the window to find that it was already dark. 

"It has already gotten dark, so we will leave this place tomorrow." 

"Huh? Don't you have teleportation? We can just directly teleport there." said Aetna. 

"That's because---"

Annie walked closer to Aetna as she whispered in her ears, "It's not that big brother Grey cant teleport there, he is nervous, so we will give him a nighttime to settle himself." 

Oi oi Annie, I can clearly hear you. Well, she is kind of right. I am kind of nervous to meet my family.

"Oh, Now I understand!!!."

Aetna walked closer to me as she held my hand, "Don't worry you can hold my hand if you are nervous."

Annie held my other hand as she said "Me too, I will also hold big brother's hand."

"Why am I getting treated like a kid?" 

"Cause we love big brother," answered Illya with her extremely innocent eyes. 

"Fair enough." 

"Grey, are you nervous to meet your little sister?" asked Aetna.

"Little sister?", Illya was suddenly curious about my little sister. 

"Yes, I do have a little sister, her name is Emilia she was a cute little girl when I last met her." 

"Cute...." repeated Illya, she seemed down and her tone was not very cheerful either. 

I placed my hand over her head as I said, "Illya is little sister, you even look like me!! so don't worry!!" 


"Promise promise."

Annie pulled me towards her as she asked, "What about me? what about me??" 

"Didn't I promise that I will marry you?"

"Huh? what are you talking about?!" her face had gotten in a deep shade of red as she tried her best to hide her face. "Wasn't that something you told me as a joke since I was a kid?"

Huh? what? this girl was actually aware that I was not serious about it. I may have dug my own grave here.

But when did the girl get so big? I have been seeing her every day that I didn't realize that she is blooming into a proper woman, blushing and all. I should control my jokes or else I might end up affecting her heart.

I placed my finger under my chin as I got closer to her, "Ooooo, I never realized that my Annie is blooming into a proper lady." 

She quickly retracted a step as she panicked "my ---- my Annie?!!!!" 

I take my words back, it is fun to tease her, Really fun to tease her. I might continue to tease her in the future, hehe. I am ready to bear the consequences if necessary. 

"Brother Grey!!!! don't tease me!!!" 

"Fine fine!!, I won't tease you."

{Author: From next chapter I will increase the pace of the story,}

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