False Hero

Chapter 123 - 122: Godess Of Curse.

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"Sorry but I don't go around, handing over my things to others, I am not much of a charitable guy, to be honest."

Helm couldn't help but laugh as he said "No, this is not charity, this is handing your things to your superior----"

"Brother, shut up!!! I never get in your business, so please don't meddle in mine." 

Kirsa showed obvious anger at her brother since he promised her that he would not meddle with her business.

Helm stared at Kirsa for a second before saying "Fine, I won't meddle with your business, but you don't need to get so mad about it. You are still a kid so you don't know how this world works when you have the power you can take anything you want. There is no need to negotiate with someone weaker than you. and this guy he is weak-----"

before he could complete his sentence, the red-haired woman interrupted him saying "Dear Helm, you are mistaking this boy to be weak. He is no means weak, since-----" 

The red-haired woman turned to look at Grey, she looked at Grey with a side of crimson red bright eyes, "Since this boy had killed one of my kind, he is no sense weak."

Grey felt the instant chill from just looking at her eyes, but what bothered him more was she mentioned that he had killed one of her kind, Grey had killed many races at this point so he wasn't sure which 'kind' this woman was talking about.

"Your kind?!! aren't they supposed to be the strongest? how did he---"

"I don't know, how he managed to kill one of us, but it was the first time in our entire existence that someone had killed one of us." 

Grey's eyes widened as he realized that what 'kind' she was talking about. Grey now clearly understood the fact that he was seated in front of a god.

Grey smiled as he said, "No wonder, I got a fright every time I looked directly in your eyes."

Helm got up as he said "This is boring, I am going back home ahead. Grandma safely brings Kirsa home after you are done with the business here."

Helm started walking down the stairs but he paused, looking back he said "You will have over your brand to us by yourself, I promise you that and when you do that, I will first carve the pretty face of yours-----"

Helm didn't complete his sentence any further, well, anyone who has a sword pointed towards their throat won't even be able to speak.

"I told you to not disrespect my master, you brat," said Ermic as he pointed his sword towards Helm.

But when Ermic looked back he saw that Grey was gone from his place, and along with Grey, the red-headed woman was also gone. 

When Ermic dashed towards Helm, the redhead woman was going to attack Ermic, but before that could happen Grey touched the red-headed woman's shoulder and teleported her away far away along with himself.

Teleporting in mid-air, Grey fell from the air to the water, and above him fell the red-headed woman. 

"Can you get---- adkjbdkbs" Grey's words weren't very much audible since his mouth was covered with red-headed woman's breast.

"Ah sure,"

The red-headed woman got up from above Grey, but rather than getting totally up, she was still seated above Grey's lap. 

"Um, can you properly get------ " Grey felt a weird please down there, he felt that please because of weird movement by Redheaded woman's hips "Can you please stop moving your hip, well a part of me doesn't want you to stop. But please stop.".

"No, I am actually feeling something pocking on my private region, so I am actually----" she started moving her hips around vigorously to check what it is that is pocking her.

"Don't!! I am at my limit!" 

"Limit?" questioned the red-headed woman, but her facial expression changed as she realized what it is that is actually poking her and what does Grey mean when he said that he is at his limit.

"Apologies, I tend to forget that how quickly a human male matures."

"Then, get up from me!! but well, I kind of don't want you to, but yeah please get up before I lose my purity."

{Author: Make up your mind!}

But rather than getting she pressed her hip more into Grey as she said "Well since I have turned you on and you are at your limit, I can help you relieve it off."

"No, thank you!!! but yeah I would be grateful if you relieve me off, no, you know what, let's not do it."

{Author: Like I said, please make up your mind!! btw I was really tempted to write a sex scene here, I will probably write it in a 'what if' chapter or something.}

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am" 

The red-headed woman finally got up from him as she said "It was so pointy through your pants that I thought it was a big dagger or something." 

Clearing his throat, Grey said, "Ahem--- let's not talk about it."

There was a brief silence before Grey asked "Do you want to go back since you already know that nothing really happened to Helm, I just teleported you here to calm the situation down."

"Before that, I would love to talk to you mortal."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Did you really kill a god?" asked the red-headed woman as she sat under a tree. Her body was wet from head to toe, but it didn't seem to bother her.

But due to her wet clothes, her undergarments were easily visible through the clothes.

"How do you know?"

She brushed her hair back with her finger, as she said "You might have already figured it out, but I am a god and I can tell a lot by just looks."

"You don't seem mad about it."

"I didn't really like the guy, so I don't mind him dying and besides I am not really close to any of my fellow gods."

"What kind of god are you?" asked Grey as he sat down under the tree beside the red-headed woman. 

"What kind of god are you?" 

"I am godess of the curse, I am the weakest god that had ever existed. A god who doesn't even understand the power that was given to her. Not being able to understand my power, I naturally don't know how to use it properly."

Grey looked at the red-headed woman as he asked "Should you be saying this thing to me. I killed one of your kind, even though I used cheap tactics I still killed one of your kind. Are you sure that you want to say this to me?"

A very elegant smile curved up the red-headed woman's lips as she said "I don't really care, I in fact want to be killed."

"A suicidal god?"

the red-headed woman chuckled as she said "You can also say that."

Grey sighed as he said "I can't kill an innocent,"

"I am not innocent, I have killed an entire city full of people, the people who had believed. I am far worse than a normal murder. But I don't really want to die, I was just joking."

"You sound full of guilt, godess."

The red-headed godess stood up as she said "Let's go back."

Grey got up and he was ready to take her back, but before he could take her back, godess opened her mouth saying "The next time we will talk, we will most probably talk as an enemy. Helm has a bad temperament and he won't stop until he will destroy you as a whole. So I want you to take care and the next time we meet, treat me as your enemy." 

"Fine," Grey didn't really say anything more, but before he could teleport her, Grey asked a particular question "What is your name?"

"Me? I am the godess of the curse, my name is Arae."

After that Grey teleported her back and when he came back he saw that everybody was quietly eating their food along with Ermic and apparently no blood was spilled and he saw the Helm was not there.

Helm had already left for his inn since he had no interest in the meeting and he had already planned to leave for his home since he had heard the news that someone is toying with his power back in the Depool city.

The person who was toying with his grip over Depool city was Miles himself, he had already started making moves on Depool city and here Grey had already annoyed Helm. 

For Helm, the Hoffmann family is truly a pain in the ass and he doesn't know the fact that there will be more pain waiting for him in the future as he had already crossed paths with two of the Hoffmann's. 

But before leaving the Lenton city, he had left a letter for his 'Grandmother..".

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