False Hero

Chapter 124 - 123: Kitty.

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"Helm, did he already leave the city?" asked Kirsa, she was just back to her, after making deal with Grey. They came to on a common term on the meeting and the partnership was made successful between Grey and Kirsa.

The term stated as such, Kirsa will provide with her assistance and financial support for the ten percent share in the company, and that ten percent share is only for Kirsa not for the Esser family.

To reply to Kirsa's earlier question godess Arae opened her mouth saying,

"Yes, apparently he had left a letter, there seems to be some kind of uproar back in our Depool city."


"Something is causing his grip to weaken on the Depool city so he is going back to check what is exactly happening over there."

"I see----" 

Before Kirsa could say anything more, Arae said, "There was something more in the letter, he said that he wants me to put a curse on Grey Hoffmann."

Kirsa's facial expression hardened up as she said, "How long---- how long does he think that he can do whatever he wants? wasn't it enough that he had already ruined so many lives, killed so many people? He kills people for his own greed, makes them do things that no human would think of doing, he makes them their slave through your curses --------- I hate the monster that is my brother!."

There was a brief silence for a while before Kirsa again opened her mouth saying "You have no choice but to follow our orders right? "

"I can't say no to any of your's orders."

"Fine, then, I will give you an order that is similar to my brothers, my order is that put a curse on Grey but let it be curse like -------- " Kirsa letting out a light sigh before saying "Let him grow a pair of ears and tail, and put the effect of the curse for about a week." 

Arae looked at her for a good second without saying anything. 

Feeling awkward about being stared at Kirsa opened her mouth saying, "What? don't judge me."

After staring for a good second Arae opened her mouth saying "Kirsa, you have some weird fetishes---"

"No no no no no, I am just helping Grey, and well, he is a good looking guy, so I just wondered what he would look like in cat ears and tail---- it's not a lot to ask for okay. Besides, I am just ordering you to but a harmless curse on Grey since I need to override my brother's order."

Arae chuckled as she said "If you say so, I mean I have seen far worse fetishes---"

"Noooooooo, please stop it!!"

{Author: The curse of the goddess is herself cursed to follow every order of the Esser family, and no one abuses this power except for Helm Esser. If she receives two simultaneously different orders, she will have to follow the first order and ignore the second. But if two orders are similar then the first order can be overridden, that is how Kirsa is using her order on Arae.}


It was morning the next day, Illya was sleeping next to Grey, her tiny hands were wrapped around Grey's head. 

She does this from time to time, well, she does this nearly every day. She sneaks into Grey's room and sleeps beside him. She loves to sleep beside, in her words she loves to snuggle against Grey.

Grey doesn't say anything to her since she is still a little kid and she is her little sister, so it does not matter to him anyways and for some reason, he is also able to sleep well when he sleeps beside her. 

Today was no different, as Illya was sleeping beside Grey as she held on tight to him. But for some reason, she felt like something tickly against her nose, she tried to brush it away, but as she tried to brush it away, but as she touched it, it felt nothing like hair. 

Opening her eyes she tried to touch it again, but the thing twitched as if it had a life of its own. Upon taking a closer look, Illya realized what it was. 

She shook Grey as she tried to wake him up, after shaking him twice Grey woke up as he asked, 

"What happened Illya?"

But Illya's reply was something he hadn't expected and it was kind of random. She said, 

"Brother is a cat."

Being confused, Grey asked "Huh?"

"As I said, Big brother is a cat."

"I am a cat?" asked Grey.

To which she replied as she pointed towards a mirror. Turning towards the mirror Grey looked at the mirror, looking at the mirror his eyes widened up as he said,

"Illya, I am a cat...." 

As Grey was looking at the mirror, Ranulf walked in as he said "Grey, you told me to wake you up, so that we can train together. So i am here, let's train----"

Upon taking the first look, Ranulf stood there in silence, without saying anything he looked at Grey before turning back and walking away, walking away as if he had seen nothing.

Grey didn't pay any heed to his dad as he walked closer to the mirror to take a closer look at himself. 

"How did this happen? did someone curse----- damn you!! curse goddess!!" 

"Brother Grey, can I pet you?"

"No! I will bite you."

"Please please, only one time!."

"No means-----"

As Grey was saying this, he heard Ranulf saying, "I promise it will be worth it, just come and see." 

That sound was followed by Ranulf walking into the room with Aetna and Annie. 

"I was sleeping, Uncle!!"

"Just look at it, I promise it's worth it." 

"What is---"

Annie turned to look at Grey s she was going to ask something, but she stopped as she saw Grey. 

"Brother Grey you look good, but what kind of hobby is this? and those ears and tail are weirdly realistic."

Aetna walked closer to Grey, before touching his newly grown ears. She drew her hand closer to the black bushy ear. 

As she touched her hand, the ear twitched as Grey made a muffled "eek!" sound. 

Aetna turned around as she said to Annie in lower, "Annie, those are real."



Annie walked closer as she touched Grey's tail, she gently brushed her around Grey's slender cat tail. But for some reason, Grey couldn't stop the reflex action of smacking Annie's head.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to do that, it just came out naturally."

Lying down on the ground Annie said "I understand, I mean cats do hate it when someone touches their tail. But getting smacked was worth it, it was so soft tail." 

Ranulf patted Grey's head as he said "I wish that your mom was here, she would pet you so much. She absolutely loves cats."

"I also do love cats, but by no means I didn't want to become one."

Grey turned around as he said to Kuro who was playing with Grey's tail "I am not you mama cat, stop playing with my tail."


"Fine, you can play with my tail."

"How did this happen?" asked Aetna, to which Grey replied, 

"I was cursed,"

"I kinda don't want this curse to go away,"

"Me too."

"Me too."

"me too."


"I am going to punch you all one day, but before that, I have to catch someone." 

By catching someone, he was talking about Arae and Kirsa. Since Arae was the only one who can put a curse like this on Grey. 

Without wasting any time Grey quickly rushed to her Inn, but there was no one in the inn. He inquired and found out that they have already set out for the Depool, the receptionist said that they left in hurry.

Grey walked out of the Inn as he muttered to himself "in hurry? most probably Miles had started making his move. I should also join them."

Grey was walking through the street, but as he walked through the street he saw Emilia and Aunt Sofia, apparently, they were shopping for something. 

Grey walked towards them as he asked, "What are you both doing?"

"Ah, brother Grey! we were actually shopping since the market here is best, we will take back things for everyone,"

"Are you taking something for grandma Lozen?"


"Ah, by the way, when you go back, don't let Grandma know that I am alive since I want to give her a surprise myself, I will be going to Depool city for now, after I am done there, I will be back."

Emilia's face saddened a bit as she asked " Are you going somewhere again?"

Grey chuckled as he gave a gentle chop on his head "I am just going for some days since big brother has some responsibility and I can teleport to you any time so don't worry."

"Okay!! i will wait for big brother!!"

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