False Hero

Chapter 158 - 157: The Responsibility Of A Father.

"I saw that you guys were looking at me, you guys have at least come and said hello since I was getting bored. Right? Aunt and ----" said Grey as he turned to look at Rose, he continued to turn to look at Thomas as he said "Right? Grandpa?"

Grey turned to look back at Well as he said "You are my cousin? it's nice to meet you, brother."

All three of them stood speechless for while, it was hard to comprehend for them how did Grey get so closer to them without them even noticing him. Another thing that went through their mind was how did even Grey notice them even though he didn't even look away from the book.

The last thing that was going through their mind was how did he even know that they were in the city.

Rose regained her composure as a smile curled up her lips "You are Alice's son alright, there is no doubt about that."

Grey looked at Rose as he said with a gentle smile "Aunt!! you are very much beautiful."

"Oh my!!! what a good kid!" 

Rose grabbed Grey in her embrace as she said that. 

Later Grey took a seat in front of them as he spoke, "Why did you all come here?" 

Grey was seated on the directly opposite side of the table where Thomas was seated. Thomas finally opened his mouth "You knew that we were here?"

"Yes," replied Grey. 

"Who told you?" asked Thomas, it was a secret that they were here. There weren't many people who knew that he was here. 

To answer his question, Grey spoke "I heard."

"You are pretty well informed." said Well as rested his face on the palm of his hand. 

There was a minute of silence before Thomas spoke again "How is Ranulf?"

Grey didn't answer his question right away, his eyes were set on the table far away. Later he looked at Thomas as he scratched his cheek, "How is my father, you ask?"

Grey looked at Thomas in the eyes as he said "He is ------ he is fine. Well, he did lose his wife and ---- and he thought that he lost his son for nearly seven years. But you know what, he is fine and he was fine. He is a fucking strong man ----- why do you think that he would not be well."

"Don't you talk to my grandpa----" Well stood up from his place, but he was interrupted by Rose. She pointed him to sit back down as she said "Let Grey speak, he deserves to say the things he wants to say." 

"I am sorry, Grey," said Rose, she couldn't look at Grey in his eyes. 

But Grey chuckled as he said "Don't be sorry, you should never be sorry. You are a great sister. I really meant it, you are a great sister. You sent him a letter every week, those letters really helped him, Aunt. Those letters meant a lot to him and they kept him going, so please don't be sorry. You are a great sister."

Grey kept scratching his palm as he wanted to speak more, "You know if I was in his place. I would have gone for revenge, but that------ that man waited. He was there for Emilia, he didn't abandon Emilia. if you are not aware, Emilia is the name of my little sister. He was there for Emilia to be a fucking great dad.

Even though the fact of not taking revenge for his wife and son ate him alive every day, he was there----- he was there for Emilia." Grey looked at Thomas as he repeated once more "He was there."

"I am sorry, kid," said Thomas. It was a shock for Well and Rose since there aren't many times where Thomas has apologized to someone.

"Don't apologize, blood pact was what you made right? Let's go meet Dad," said Grey as he got from his chair.

"What are you talking about? Dad and I have made a blood pact, it binds us to not meet Ranulf," said Rose as she stopped Grey. 

Well banged his hand on the table as he spoke, "Please don't be a brat and sit down, at least try to understand the situation, Sit down!"

Grey sighed before saying "Are you aware that my dad and Uncle Ronald have already met?"

This particular sentence spoken by Grey caught Rose's and Thomas's attention as they asked simultaneously "How???"

"It was easy for me to break the curse, now let's go," said Grey as he stood there waiting for them to follow him. 

"But ---- I don't believe ----" before Rose could say anything more, Thomas raised his hand slightly gesturing for her to stop talking. 

He got up as he followed Grey and so did the rest of the two. 

All three of them raised their leg to take another step but before they could even realize their other step was near a mansion. They were standing near the mansion, surrounding them was a dense forest and in front of them was a gate and behind that gate was a huge mansion.

A shock took over their face, and there was also a hint of confusion in their face. 

Grey chuckled as he turned around to look at them, "Teleportation, it is pretty convenient power." 

"Can a human have this kind of power?" asked Well as he looked around in still disbelief. 

"Ah, well I am do aiming to be more powerful than gods, so I guess I need this kind of power." Grey pointed towards the gate as he said "You can go through that gate, I have already lifted your curse, so you should be able to meet him."

Said Grey as he walked towards the forest. Thomas opened his mouth to ask "Are you not coming?"

"No, I still have an academy to attend."

"Very well. But I want you to come to my house later, I will have a talk with you and I don't need any excuse." Thomas walked away as he said that, but he stopped once more to ask "Why do you want to be the king, Grey."

Grey turned to look at Thomas, he placed his hand on the chin as if he was in deep thought. After a second of thinking, he answered "Power ----- I want power."

"I see"

Grey teleported away. Thomas, Rose, and Well went to meet Ranulf inside the mansion. They were able to meet him since the curse was actually broken.

{Author: Grey was able to break the curse because the curse was cast with the demonic energy and Grey was able to neutralize the curse using the divine energy.}


Rather than going to academy, i went back to the Lenton city. The thing about rate gang.... i wanted to settle this once and for all. 

I wanted to settle it in a way where there would be no blood spilled. I don't why ----- but it was like something was telling me that if i don't take action now then it will be too late.

I teleported back to the office, but as i teleported back something felt wrong. 

I stepped out of my office to see that everyone was restless. It was obvious from looking at that face that something has already happened. Without much choice i called a meeting in my office. 

It wasn't much of a meeting since i was the one who was seated on the chair and rest of them were reporting to me. There was Ermic, Clay and Ebony.

"My Master, there have been severe casualties on our side. They have been hitting every day now. But that wasn't the problem, because there were no casualties from our side till yesterday. But yesterday, while we were resupplying alcohol like usual, they attacked us. 

We were severely outnumbered. But to avoid the totally annihilation of my men's I had to abandon the goods and retreat. But even after that, the casualties were ten men from our side. All of them dead, I was useless to you my master ------ you can take my ---"

"Ten of our men dead?" 

"Yes, my master." 

I rubbed my eyebrows as I asked "How did they die? tell me their name and tell me the way they died."

"But master ----" 

"Ermic, don't make me repeat myself."

"Yes, master. One of them was a man named James, my subordinate used to call him Jim. I don't know the reason why they called him Jim, perhaps it was their inside joke. He was a good man and a very hard-working one, he chose to be the one that handles transport since he didn't like fighting. But in end, he did fight to survive, but he didn't win"

He paused after saying this, I opened my mouth as I said "Go on."

"There was a girl name, Eva-----"

One by one he told me all the names and the way they died.  I needed to hear that, i didn't what i would do now, but i am sure about one thing.. The world needs to know the consequences of messing with Grey Hoffmann.

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