False Hero

Chapter 159 - 158: A Sneak Peak Back Story....

(Third Person POV)

Grey sat there quietly for a minute before opening my mouth as I said "There is a rat among us. I don't who that is, but I am sure about it that's not someone amongst you. " I sat up on the chair as I said "I am going for a walk, give the men proper burial. Hold them a proper funeral, do it with our money and also give me some time, I will handle both the rat and the Rattle gang. I will handle both of them and obviously, I will find out who the rat is."

Clay still stood there as if he wanted to tell me something. He looked at Grey with a hesitant look but still didn't say anything. 

Pointing his finger toward Clay, Grey spoke "Tell me, What do you want to say."

It took Clay by a shock that Grey knew that he wanted to speak. But still, hesitant Clay managed to speak some words "Ummm ----- Grey."

Before speaking anything else, Clay hardened his expression as he spoke "I was the one that betrayed you guys, I am the rat." 

He said with no hint of doubt on his face. He looked at Grey with a determined look as he continued "Because of me ten of our man died, you can have my head."

"Hmm" Grey nodded after hearing what Clay had to say. He didn't speak right away. He sat in the chair as he kept tapping his finger rhythmically on the table.

Rubbing his nose, Grey spoke "I see, Ermic go and lock him up till my further notice. I will decide his fate later tonight."

grabbing Clay's arm Ermic spoke, "Master ---- I don't if it has any relevance, but I don't think that he is really a rat."

Just waving his hand away Grey spoke "Just do what you are said to do.". Grey's voice was serious yet calm, but it was enough to make Ermic intimidated. 

Without further question, Ermic dragged Clay out of the room, before being dragged out of the room he paused one last time as he said "I am sorry, Grey."

As of now only Grey and Ebony were in the room. Breaking the silence Grey spoke first "I think it would be obvious for you Ebony, wouldn't it?"

"Yeah, he is lying. He is not the rat, he maybe has some condition that's why he is lying. Maybe his brother is kidnapped by the rattle gang."

Looking at Ebony, Grey spoke, "Do you remember that Clay has a habit of talking a lot when he is drunk?"

To Grey's question, Ebony replied with "Yes, that is why you banned from ever drinking with someone that is not our people."

"Not that i remember, Clay was going to drink with his brother. He ----"

Before Grey could say anything Ebony's eyes widened as she asked "Do ----- do you that ----- that his brother -----"

She sat down as she grabbed her head. She couldn't help but chuckle "It's funny, how much sense it makes that his little brother is the rat. His little brother---- he ----- he was a hot-blooded piece of shit that loved only fight. He was always against you taking over Lenton city."

She looked at Grey as she said "I was part of their enemy gang so maybe that side of me is speaking. But as an outsider, Grey can you please find out that is he is really the rat. Cause if I do the job, I don't know what I will do to his brother."

Grey got up as he spoke, "Gather everyone here in half an hour, we need to serve justice for the family of the people that died." 

Grey scratched his head, he wasn't sure about what path he should choose now.

{Author: Hey hey!!! it's me, Author. I am writing about Grey's past life that took place on the earth. So I will attach it to this chapter and have a great read. }

A past life

Normal... Normal life is what I aim for. I don't want exciting life, since living an exciting life comes with a risk of sadness. I prefer, well mostly avoid being sad.

It's in human nature that everyone wants to be special. They want to be the main character of some sort of story. Some might deny that they don't want to be special.

But trust me when I say it, they are lying. Deep down, they want to be special.

The last time I asked my mom if am I special, she was like "Yes, the moment you were born, you were special."

I mean, how? how am I special? how was I born special? Like I was born with the same set of limbs as other humans and I have a dick, like every other male in this world.

I don't want to be special, I am not a human being that can bear the weight of being special.

I am just normal in most parts, except for my talent for being overly observant and being overly cynical. Aside from that, I am normal.

There are times when I must choose whether to catch people's attention and be in the spotlight or just be normal.

And the situation I am currently in is one of those times.

"Give me your money!" demanded my fellow classmate.

We were not on the school campus. This act of bullying or extortion was happening outside of the school.

They have been following me outside the school for quite a while. I have noticed a long back that they were following me, but I choose to let them follow me and lead them here.

My reason for letting them here was to know the reason why they were following me. I had the option of running away, but they are my classmate and they know my identity, so I would have to face them some way or another. So I just choose to face them now.

Apparently, they needed my money.

"What are you looking at? you bitch, give me your money," said Killian. He is the son of the Dirksen family, a pretty powerful family in this city.

"Why do you need money, aren't you plenty rich? I mean swipe your card or something, your card must have a shit tone of money in it," I said.

It greatly confused me, why does this rich brat need my money. Well, I already knew the answer, it was just for bullying me. He is just a sadistic fuck.

"Are you questioning me? you poor bitch, I get more pocket money than your dad's salary" he retorted.

"Seriously? then why do you need my money?"

"You think you are funny?" asked Jakob. He was Killian's, right-hand man.

"I--" as I was going to speak, Jakob swung his hand, his palm crashed onto my cheeks with great impact. 

I was slapped, in a public place. The bystander who was walking by paused for a second before continuing his walk like it was not any of his business. There were many other people around who had witnessed the scene of me getting slapped, there were also some of my classmates.

They stood there as if it was some kind of scene and it was definitely entertaining for them, the scene of me getting slapped and getting beaten the shit out of me was definitely entertaining for them.

Among the people who were watching the scene of me getting the shit beaten out of me were some of my so-called 'friends'. They stood there as they watched me getting beaten, some were smiling and laughing watching the scene.

Well, I hope I have seen it wrong. since it would kinda hurt that they are laughing at me getting beaten.

Ah, it's humiliating.

I just got kicked in the stomach, it kind of hurts. For a second I thought I wasn't able to breathe.

I can't pinpoint the reason why am I getting beaten, after brainstorming for a while as I was getting beaten. I finally remembered the reason why I was getting beaten.


Now that I remember, Karen had recently started flirting with me. I don't know what made her make move on me, but she started showing signs of being interested in me.

I don't blame her, since I am fairly good-looking.


I just got kicked in the face, the shock of getting kicked in the face is really messing with my thought process. I kind of feel dizzy.

Yeah, so basically, Karen is the girl that Killian is chasing and he is taking it out on me for flirting with her. I didn't even flirt with her.

After beating me for a while, the six of them left. But, oh well, they did make sure to take turns spitting on my face before leaving.

I honestly would have stabbed them with the knife I am currently carrying, I would have retaliated. But I won't since it would trouble my mom and dad. My dad works at a company owned by Killian, so if I retaliate, they would probably fire him.

We are poor, I don't want my mom and dad to suffer.

I was still lying down on the ground as I stared at the sky. I kind of felt sad, it was humiliating.

My body hurts...

No one will probably talk to me in school from now on...

And most important of all, it hurt my pride...

No human being would want to be treated this way and I am just a normal human being after all. But why? why is this happening to me?

Why living a normal life is so hard? why is this world so twisted? why did they beat me? why did everyone watch as I was getting beaten? why did no one save me? why is this world so bitter?

I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

I should probably consider suicide....

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