False Hero

Chapter 160 - 159: Predictable Men.

"You are?" asked Grey. He was seated in his office and there was one more seated across the table.

"I am Ajgar, a member of Henisi tribe." the man spoke, as he was seated on the chair. The way he was seated on the chair with one hand on the back and leg above the table made it very clear that he intended to show no respect to Grey.

Ajgar chuckled as he spoke, "I never expected the leader of the newly founded Lenton city organization to be a mere kid."

"And yet you are here to talk business with me, a kid. So state your business since I have other business to attend."

Ajgar's expression hardened of second before he relaxed his face. A forced smile took over his face as he said "You sure must be busy. since you have some bodies to bury."

Grey looked at the Ajgar with a blank expression, the vulnerable expression that Ajgar wanted to see was not present on Grey's face. 

Grey let out a sigh before asking "Words do travel fast."

"It does, Kid. You are not aware of how this world works, I am not sure about how you came into the position of the leader of the Lention house organization. But I am not the man to judge."

"That's noble of you." 

placing his leg down, Ajgar leaned towards the table as he spoke "What do you say kid, I will provide Lenton House with the necessary protection. Under my protection, no man will be able to touch the Lenton Group. I have heard that you have the mind for business. I will provide you with strength and together we can reach new heights.

I personally will guide you since you are still a kid, but I am sure that under my guidance you will run the business more smoothly. I can do all that just for ----" 

Ajgar placed his hand over his chin as if he was thinking something. After a second he raised his finger as he said "---- I can do all that just for seventy percent of your business share."

He looked pretty satisfied with himself. On his mind his thought was something like this 'Even if this kid says no to this offer ---- which he definitely will say no. Then I will threaten to destroy his whole organization by teaming up with the rattle gang. This time he will say yes and beg me to not destroy his organization. When he does that, I will take his entire organization and put him to work under me since I need this kid to run my business. Well, it will be my business in ten minutes.'

Grey sighed as he said "You see ----- what was your name --- umm, Right! Ajgar. Ajgar---- I quite like you--- I mean men like you generally. You see --- I like men like you because you all are quite predictable."

"I am predictable? I would like to hear about predictable I am," asked Ajgar. He was amused to hear what Grey has to say.

"By the way, the answer to your offer is no and I would not accept that offer even for one percent. But I would consider that offer if you choose to work under me. " Grey looked at Ajgar as he said "I only have one partner in business and the rest of the people work under me. That's how it works."

Grey leaned back in his chair as he sighed "Now that I have said no, you will probably threaten me. Threaten to destroy my organization, but if you said that that you will be destroyed by the Henisi tribe. I won't probably buy that bullshit. 

So you will probably say that I would team up with the rattle gang and destroy your organization and it would be a solid threat since they are making quite a trouble for us recently."

Closing his eyes, Grey rubbed his eyes as he placed his leg above the table. Grey didn't have to see Ajgar know that he was making a vulnerable shocked expression.

With a forced laugh, Ajgar spoke as he said "You are aware of the threat that I am going to make so what are you going to----"

"Ajgar Ajgar ---- that threat won't work on me Ajgar. Do I look afraid to you? You are simply too weak Ajgar, I can't be afraid of you or the rattle gang or henisi gang, and even if both of you or ten small times gangs like you band together. That would still not make me afraid. You all are too weak ----" 

Furious, Ajgar reached for the dagger at the back of his bottomwear. 

Grey placed his leg down, leaning towards the table Grey rested his chin on his palm of the hand. With a gentle smile, Grey spoke "I recommend that you keep your dagger away. It won't end well for you, you are in my territory."

"Kid I want to see how long you are going to hide behind your -----"

Before Ajgar could finish his sentence, Ermic came inside the office with a certain person. It was Grey's order to bring that person before he could run away from the city.

"So you are Erwin, brother of Clay," asked Grey as he sat across the table. He wasn't looking at Erwin as he spoke. 

Grey ordered Ermic to bring him here. Erwin was on a run but he couldn't run away faster. He was caught eventually under half an hour and he was dragged in the office where Grey was seated. 

"why ----- why am I dragged like this here??" asked Erwin. 

"You know why you are here, but before I deal with you-----" Grey turned to look at Ajgar as he said "What was your name ----- yes! Ajgar. You can go and by the way, my answer to your offer is no. Even though it was an amazing offer, I would have to decline it."

Grey pointed towards the door as he said the above sentence. Enraged, Ajgar's face got red, it was now apparent that he was very much angry.

"You will regret this kid!!"

"Yeah, whatever. Before you go, I would like to tell you that I will be coming tonight to greet the Henisi clan so be prepared. "

Ajgar got up as he asked, "Are you threatening me?"

"Not really, I am not threatening you. I am just letting you know so that you could prepare for my arrival beforehand and now you may go."

"You fourteen-year fucking kid!!! don't worry we will wait for you."

Ajgar walked out of the office, his anger was very much apparent. But he knew that he was alone in Grey's territory there was nothing much he could do.

"Don't worry Erwin I just dragged you in my office to tell you that I will be executing your brother. So please collect his head and body by evening. Apparently, he was a rat, but well you know ---- even rats deserve proper burial and he was a good man so I can't disrespect his dead body. So please conduct a proper funeral for him."

"huh?" Erwin's mind went blank as he couldn't comprehend what Grey told him. With his eyes widened he struggled to put his question in words "I ---- what are you talking about? my brother ----- no no no no no no no no, he is not a rat. Trust me, please trust me! he loves the organization, he talks about the organization alL the time. He he he ----- he believes in you and he trusts you so much that he would even die for you. Please ---- please, he is not the rat. He loves ----- the development is the organization is all he talks about-----"

"Then why did you betray your brother? he trusted you enough to talk to you with the organization----- " Grey slammed his fist on the table as he asked again "Why the fuck did you betray him, man? ten!!! ten of my people died!!!"

The only reason Grey didn't draw his blade was that Erwin was the same age as Grey and he wanted to hear the exact reason why he did that. 

"I am sorry ---- I am sorry! I didn't know that they would kill people, I swear to god, I didn't know---- I didn't know! They just offered me some booze and --- and I was drunk--" Erwin stuttered, he was barely able to speak.

Eventually, tears flooded out of his eyes as he struggled to speak. "They ---- I was drunk ---- I don't what they added to the drink, but I couldn't stop speaking. I swear to god that I don't speak a lot when I am drunk, but that day for some reason I wasn't --- wasn't able to stop speaking. I just told them the route ---- I didn't know that they would kill --- please! don't kill my brother!"

Ebony entered the room with hand-tied Clay, looking at his brother a sense of panic took over him.. Clay turned to look at Grey and he knew that Grey found out that it wasn't him that was the rat.

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