False Hero

Chapter 172 - 170: Training Arc.

(Grey's POV)

Its been one week since the selection for the intern house competition. The bald professor has been training us quite well.

He makes us wake up at 4 am in morning. From then he forces us to do various tasks. Those tasks mostly consist of some heavy exercises, like running a lap around the town, doing a set amount of pushups under set time constraints. He usually gives punishment to those who are not able to do the pushups.

No one actually received the punishment for the first few days since Walk is the son of a royal knight, he is used to this harsh training.  Dean is the nephew of the sword king so he is used to doing heavy exercises and then there is Flock, who is a member of the Dirksen family. Dirksen family is a warrior family so he doesn't find any problem with keeping up with the exercise and it seems like the professor has been training Flock and Dean for a while.

But then from the past couple of days, the professor has raised the difficulty of the training and well -------- The three of them are going through some hell. I have somewhat regenerative power, thanks to my Ormr blood. This regenerative power helps me to not get tired and even if I do get tired, it doesn't last long.

The morning training has just ended and ----- 

"Professor! ---- prof ---- professor!!" panted Flock. His words were broken due to his hasty breath.

After a few seconds when his breath got stable, he spoke again "Professor, this training it's killing me!!" 

"This training is for your own good, I want you all to reach beyond your limit. Breaking your limit and reaching for new limits is the only way you can achieve new heights and power. The power of breaking the limit is not easy---"

For some reason, between his motivational speech----- for some reason, he turned to look at me. "And it's definitely not as easy as this boy is taking this exercise."

Dean who was lying on the ground struggled to speak between his pant "Ye ---- yes!! I am dying to get some ---- some air and this guy is breathing calmly as if he didn't just go through hours of hellish training!! You know ----- you know, you could at least struggle a little bit. Or at least act like you --- you are struggling, it is heartbreaking to see you having your time of the life during the training and I am here fucking dying ------- Ow!!"

The last "Ow" was due to him getting kicked by the professor. "Maintain some discipline in front of your teacher and ----" He again turned to look at me as he said "This training is easy for you, so I would like to test your limits. Tell me, how long you can run at your top speed?"

My top speed?

"The max I have run without stopping was for approximately a day, I could have run more but had to stop for food."

Raising his eyebrows, he asked, "At your top speed?"

"Yes at my top speed."

Running his hand through his forehead, he sighed before speaking "As unbelievable it sounds, but I think I believe you since you weren't even slightly tired while running a lap through the city. I have been on the same team as your mother and father, your mother was also capable of similar feats, so I think I believe you."

That's oddly nice of this bald professor. Maybe I should stop calling him bald professor. Nah! he can't read my mind anyways.

He seemed to be struggling in his thought, he spoke again "When was the last time that your entire body was tired."

"Yesterday," I answered.

"Doing what?" 

"There is the thing that Aunt --- I mean professor Ronia has thought us. It is named mana thread and I have been practicing it for a while. Practicing it usually makes my whole body tired to the point that I can't even move a limb, I don't know why but it's a really tiring process."

I think I have reached some progress in developing mana thread, unlike before, now I am able to properly develop something that closely looks like a thread.

"Man thread? I have heard a lot about it, I think you can't make a mana thread from a small mana core. I have heard that it's a process more suitable for a pure mage. But that's the only thing that I have heard, you can try to do it and you might even be successful in doing it. Well, it works out fine since I needed something that really tired you out. From tomorrow, I will make a new training regiment for you and be prepared since it will break your body."

He seems to really care about his student, maybe I had the wrong impression of him. Talking about impression, I talked to dad about Professor Meier. 

"Professor Meier," I called.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Actually I talked about you to my dad and -----" 

Before I could even complete my sentence, I heard him clicking his tongue. His face was very much irritated. "I don't want to talk about him and be ready to go through hell since we need to win the competition and Eira will become a day before the competition, some kind of delay happened on her side. 

Also the day after tomorrow, you guys will have to introduce yourself to the public. It is a tradition and it usually boasts the talk of the competition. After introducing yourself to the public, you will have to meet the king, so be prepared for that and Dean please cut your hair, I don't want you to look like an animal in front of the king. And also ----"

He turned to look at Walk who was attentively hearing what Professor had to say "You are a good kid, but you don't need to be so stiff, okay? Make friends out of these three people, get along with them, and if any of the bullies you, you can report to me. I will make their life a living hell."

That's some soft spot for Walk, this professor doesn't even try to hide his favorite.

"In front of the king, properly introduce yourself. Well, I am not worried about you and Grey since you both know proper royal etiquette, and also Grey is part of the Royal family so he doesn't need to be so formal to the king."

But if -----" Professor turned to look at Flock and Dean as he said, "If any of you both act like you own the country in front of the king then I will make sure to bury you there itself."

Both Flock and Dean try to not get on the bald professor's nerve. Maybe they are already traumatized by this professor.

It was it for the day and we all went to our own dormitory. I had some work with Professor Blake and Aunt Ronia since I needed to ask them about mana thread and mage circle. 

I wasn't able to get hold of Professor Blake, he spends most of his time in the library and I didn't want to disturb him. He is apparently researching more about divine energy.

Afterward, I went to meet Aunt Ronia, but she seemed to be going somewhere. She was going to the dark woods forest where the city of the witch is located. 

She is also taking Aetna with her and also Lora. She is taking Aetna since she wanted to train Aetna to get better at using the demonic energy inside her and I am not sure why Lora is taking along with her. 

Lora seemed very apologetic about the fact that she wouldn't be able to attend my competition. But going to the witch city seemed very important for her. 

Her mother is also a witch, I guess she wants to walk in the footsteps of her mother. It's good to see that Aetna and Lora are people of their own.

Later when I entered the dorms, I saw a note stating that "My dead Grey Hoffmann. I,  your wife will be gone for a while. But I will be back, please don't miss me. If I had the power to teleport I would have teleported to your place and we would have had a great time at night. But once I get back, we will do it since we both are that age. 

I am going out for a while since I am going on a training arc and I want you inside me. Your dear wife, Rai Hoffmann."

What did I just read? and why the last line was so random? and somebody why is this note so chaotic and random? and what does she mean by Rai Hoffmann?

A training arc? 

After reading this letter, I have so many questions on my mind. 

I let out a sigh as i said "This girl really loves to mess with me."

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