False Hero

Chapter 173 - 171: Armor Shop.

Today was the day that I had to introduce myself in front of the public. Every other team has already introduced themselves. It was our turn to introduce ourselves. 

A stage was set where in front of the audience we had to introduce ourselves. 

The purpose of this introduction is mainly to generate the hype for the competition. People usually choose their favorites and it makes them invested in the competition. 

After the surprising victory of Eira and the warrior house, people are more invested in this year's fight, and apparently, all eyes are set on Eira.

People usually don't talk about it but there is also this big betting scene around this competition that makes this competition more popular.


(Third person POV)

"Initially I had a different team planned for this year's competition but at the last moment, the team was changed. The initial Warrior leaked team is pretty much the same, except for two new members. Even though there are two new members, I think we have a team that is much stronger than the last year." said Professor Meier.

Everyone's eyes were set on him as he spoke, they were more interested in his words. 

"Without further ado, I will introduce each and every member. The first member that will be representing the warrior house is from the Dirksen family, Falco Dirksen."

As his name was called, Falco got on the stage. Standing in front of the people he opened his mouth. 

"My name is Falco Dirksen and ---- and ----- and I hope that I don't disappoint any of you!!!"

It was a very awkward introduction and Falco himself knew it very well. Looking at the large crowd his mind went blank and the mere task of introducing himself seemed like an impossible task for him.

'I fucked up.... this is so embracing'

As he stood stiff, one of the audience asked "The Dirksen Family? the warrior family?"

"Yes--- yes!!!"

The other person in the crowd asked "Earlier, your cousin Killian Dirksen introduced himself from the Pure mage house, how do you feel about it?"

"Well ---- well, he is my brother so --- I hope that he does well."

As he kept on answering more and more questions, he got more and more comfortable with the crowd. Later Professor Meier introduced Dean Meier, he was the crowd favorite and there were so many questions asked to him that Professor Meier skipped a few questions and introduced Walk.

unlike Flock, Walk wasn't nervous but he didn't have much to say and even the crowd didn't have many questions to ask.

"Now I will introduce the fourth member of the Warrior house. His name is Grey Hoffmann and he will come up and introduce himself."

As his name was called, Grey walk up the stage, each and every eye was set on him. There was confusion and curiosity in everyone present in the crowd.

Standing in the center of the stage, Grey smiled as he looked at the crowd. His smile was tender yet mischievous.

He didn't speak right away. Scanning his eyes through the crowd, he waited for a few seconds to make sure that everyone was looking at him.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat before opening his mouth "My name is Grey Hoffmann." 

After speaking his name, he again stopped. Let out a small chuckle Grey spoke "Yes, I am from the Hoffmann family."

Pointing his finger at the particular person in the crowd, Grey spoke "You look like you have some questions, go ahead, you can ask me anything." 

"are you from the royal family?"

"Yes!! I am from the royal family. My dad is Ranulf Hoffmann." 

Another person in the crowd asked "We haven't heard about you before today. Why haven't we heard about you?" 

"Eh, it's complex politics stuff that I don't want to get into."

The same person continued to ask "Then, are you aiming to be the king ----"

Before she could complete her sentence, professor Meier interrupted as he said "Please ask questions only related to the competition."

Following that, Crowd continued to ask many more questions and Grey answered them one by one. Eventually, professor Meier had to interrupt since there seems to be no end to the questions that were thrown at Grey. 

"Eira Hoffmann is the last member of the warrior house. Due to some issue, she is not available today, so apologies for that."


(Grey's POV)

Giving an introduction to the public was a damn hectic process. I was asked so many questions in so little interval that I was not even getting time to breathe.

Today the format of the competition has been revealed. The format of the competition is weird, to say the least, I don't know who decided this, but----

In my hand, I was holding the format of the competition. It is sort of tournament and free for all...

Confusing right? I will try my best to explain it. 

Initially, there are fifteen people who will take part in the competition. Five from pure mage house, five from mage - warrior class, and then five from the warrior class.

In the first round, I will have to fight against one pure mage class and one mage-warrior class. Basically, in the first round, one member from each class will fight each other and the winner will move to the final round. 

It will be a three-way battle and then the winner will fight in a five-way battle. The house that is standing last in the five-way battle will be the winner of the competition.

Kylie Idun from the pure mage class and Dusk Karkoj from the mage warrior class are the two people that I will be fighting tomorrow. 

I am currently at the market, I am actually searching for a blacksmith that will provide me with a good set of light armor. 

After searching for a bit, I was able to find a shop at the dept of the Vashi market. The place at which this shop was located wasn't exactly easy to find. 

For starters, why does this guy even put a shop where he can't find a single customer. I don't think anyone roams in such deep alleyways.

I somehow still was curious enough to enter the shop. The inside of the shop was for some reason looked exactly that I imagined it to be. 

There were various weapons and armor lying on the shelf with no proper arrangement. Towards the other corner of the shop, there was a woman who was hammering a sheet of metal.

She was a tan woman with a muscular well-defined body.

Damn!!! this woman has better muscle than most of the people I have seen. 

Noticing my presence, the woman turned around as she asked "Oh! I am really sorry. Do you need anything?"

For some reason I expected her to be rude, but she is kind of sweet. 

"I actually needed some light armor." I waved my hand as I said "I will look for the armor on the shelf, you can continue your work."

With a huge smile, she said, "Realy? that so nice of you!."

Okay, this woman is sweet. 

On the shelf, there were various weapons and armor. There were various cool things, but there wasn't any light armor on this shelf.

After searching for a few minutes I was able to find an armor that I liked. It was black armor, it didn't exactly look like armor.

The black set of armor has a chest plate that protected my chest. The rest of the armor covered my waist and thighs. There was also a separate piece of armor that covered my forearm and lower leg. 

I would be lying if I said that I didn't like the look of the armor. The moment I saw it, I was damn sure that I will buy it no matter what.

Taking the armor, I went to the woman who was still working near the furnace. 

"I want this, how much is it for?"

Taking a look at the armor, she said "it would be one silver."

"One silver?" I said as I took the coin and handed it to the woman.

"By the way, it's a nice choice. I was very much proud of it when I made it. I even went out of my way to pain the armor in the color of black since it would look damn cool. Why don't you try it on now, I really want to see how it would look on you."

Okay, this woman is also very dedicated to her job.

I wore the armor and it was a perfect fit on my body. Rather than being shiny, the armor was matt black which made it even cooler.

"It is better than I imagined it to be!!! I think because it fits well on you!!! especially your white hair goes well with this armor!!"

As I was talking to the shop woman, a young girl entered the shop. She walked right towards us as she asked "Is my order done?"

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