False Hero

Chapter 179 - Extra .

{Author: I was a bit busy today that's why I couldn't write today. But till then enjoy this new story I have written, well it is sort of a continuation of the last one. Please enjoy!!! College is fucking annoying.}

Opening my eyes, I looked at the ceiling.

Borrowing my hand under the pillow, I was looking for a specific object.

huh? it's not here.

"It should be here" I picked my pillow up to check once more,

Where did it go? it should have been here.

After searching for a bit, I found the object I was looking for, I found it under the pillow. Somehow magically it was there all along.

The object I was looking for was a cellular device, in simpler terms I was looking for my phone.

I turned on my phone to check what time it was. Well, I guess I have woken up early since there was still five min till the alarm had to go off.

'I might as well sleep five minutes more' with that thought I borrowed my head back into the pillow.

"No, I can't sleep! or I will end up missing the bus!"

The reason I didn't want to miss the bus wasn't that I didn't want to get late for school. I am not upright enough to care about getting late for school.

I have more important concerns!

Today is the reopening of my school, after a month of holiday. To sum up my vacation, I slept for a long, finished up my due work, played random games, went on the beach with friends, went on to see various movies with my little brother or my friends, played some more games and other random things.

In short, my vacation was pretty good.

Looking at the bruise in my hand, I remembered the only unfortunate day of my vacation. The bruise was the result of an asshole biting my hand.

I hate that guy!!

After getting ready for school, I entered the dining room, where I was met with the sight of my little brother chewing on his piece of bread, half asleep.

Giving a gentle chop to his head I spoke up, "Wake up, dumbass. It would be troublesome if you were to die by choking on that bread."

"Yes yes, I am awake," said Peter, still drowsy. Yes, his name is Peter.

After a while, he went to the bathroom and came back. This time he was awake, as awake as he could be.

"Weren't you drowsy just a minute ago?" I asked.

"Yes, I just dumped a giant shit in the bathroom. So I am not drowsy anymore."

"Huh? What do you being sleepy have to do with you shitting?" I asked, confused. But I quickly retracted my question "You know what, never mind, don't answer my question, I don't want to know anymore."

I just didn't want to talk about someone's shit first thing in the morning.

After eating breakfast, I left the house with my little brother as we waved our mom Bye.

It was a cold morning. The sun was not properly out yet, so the sky was still fairly dark. The early chirping of birds was a pleasant melody to my ears.

Well, the internet did a great job of ruining the early chirping of birds for me. I recently found out that, the early morning chirping of birds is not because they are trying to wake you up or something.

The morning chirping of birds is the sound of a male bird warning other male birds to stay off their real estate and away from their partner. So the chirping sound that we hear every morning is basically "Stay away from my girl or I will kill you.".

"Sister, do you still like that bus guy?" asked Peter.

"Yes, I do. Don't call him bus guy, he is a student at my school."

"Now I understand," he said.

"Understand what?"

"The reason for why you got up early and got ready quickly. It was to board the same bus as that guy, right?"

Yes, that was my most important reason for waking up early.

"Yeah, he is a student council president. So he always goes to school early," I said.

"You should confess to him," he said, out of nowhere.

"Huh? why -- why would I do a thing like that?" I panicked.

"If you don't confess to him now, some other girl might take him from you," said Peter.

Imagining him with another girl hurt me like someone was stabbing my heart.

Letting out a sigh, I replied, "Yes, you have a point."

After walking for a while, we have arrived at the bus stop. From here, I and my brother will have to take different paths since we study in a different school, He is a middle school student.

Before walking ahead, poking with his elbow he said "Good luck!! sister."

The reason why he said good luck was because the student council president takes the same bus to the school. We take the bus to the school from the same bus stop.

Waiting for the bus, I sat at the bus stop. There were still 6 minutes for the bus, but why isn't he here yet?

Did he already leave for the school boarding on the bus before this?!! is he late for school?!! did he decide to transfer to a different school? Will I ever be able to see him again?

Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself down.

I am just overthinking, there is no way that he would transfer school. He won't, right?

As I was thinking that, he arrived. He had a tall complexion, taller than anyone of our age. His well-built muscular body gave him an athletic vibe, his back was wide which gave a sense of reliability.

His perfect jawline, curly hair, and his gentle eyes made my heart go in a wild frenzy. His name was Ulrich.

"Good morning, Lora." he greeted me as he sat beside me.

"Go -- Good morning!"

Did I just stutter? I want to kill myself!!

"You are early for school," he said.

"Yes, I thought I should start going to school early!"

"Oh, I am happy."

"Happy for?" I questioned.

"Happy that I would have company, Going school alone gets pretty boring," he said as shot a bright smile towards me.

I turned my head away, avoiding eye contact with him. for some reason I couldn't look him in eyes.

I can't handle looking him in eyes, my heart can't handle that...

After waiting for a while, we boarded the bus. There were many seats on the bus, but he chose to sit beside me. It took me a good second to recover from my nervousness.

We talked about various different things,

Our conversation was going great on most parts until he decided to ask,

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

At that very moment, all my brain cells had decided that they had done enough work for the day.

Braindead, I questioned "eh?"

to answer my "eh?", he repeated the question, "I asked that do you have a boyfriend?"

"Oh, no-- no, i don't have a boyfriend," i answered, trying my best to hide my panic.

"Why do you ask that question" I questioned.

was he curious about my relationship status? is he interested in me? no, no way he would be.

"I thought you had a boyfriend because of that love bite in your hand, but at least you should try to hide it," replied Ulrich pointing towards the bruise in my hand.

Love bite? is he talking about the bruise in my hand?

"No!!! this isn't a love bite, I was bitten by a cat " I lied.

Well technically, I wasn't lying. Since the person that I was bitten by does look kind of like a cat.

But why am I thinking about that guy? thinking about him only kills my vibe.

I hate that guy!!!

As I was clearing the misunderstanding, the bus had reached its destination, near our school.

Walking through the gate, we entered the school building. I walked with him through the corridor, where we talked about various topics.

"Okay, I have work to do at the student council office, so see you at class," he said as he waved me bye.

"Okay, see you later," I said.

As much as I wanted to stare at him walking away, I didn't. what if he catches me looking at him?

Walking towards my classroom, my brain urged me to at least look back once more.

Giving up to the urge, I looked back.

But as I looked back, I crashed into someone.

"I am really really sorry." I apologized, but well it was me who had fallen down.

But it was my mistake for crashing onto them.

I raised my head as I apologized,

"Oh sorry," said that person apologetically.

But upon confirming my identity, his apologetic face changed into an irritated one.

"Tsk, It's you," he said, looking irritated.

Why do I have to crash into him first thing in the morning?

and what's with the irritated face? I am the one that is more irritated.

The guy that I crashed into was Grey and I seriously hate the guts of this guy!!!

{Author: I am writing this novel as a fun project. If you are reading this, please enjoy your read!!!!

By the way, it will be a short story!! but please enjoy this romance story!!!

:) }

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