False Hero

Chapter 180 - 177: Grey Is Alive.

(Third person POV)

Professor Meier's eyes were set on the arena. Being restless, he was at the edge of his seat, well he had all the reason to be on the edge of his seat. 

Grey, one of his students was competing in the ring and currently, it looked like he was going to lose the match as he was trambled by many of the water summonses. 

Gripping his seat tighter, Professor Meier whispered, "get up---"

"Professor!! she has arrived." 

It was the voice of one of his students. "She has? okay, okay..." Professor hastily got up from his seat as he spoke "Watch Grey's watch closely and let me know how it went, I will go and pick her up."

Professor Meier was waiting from someone outside of the arena but when it was announced that Grey was going first, he came back to watch the match as he stationed one of his students to wait for that person and let him know when she had arrived.

Professor walked quickly towards the exit of the arena. As he was walking away, the crowd busted into a sudden roar which made him even more curious about the match. 

As he took some steps, he heard the commentator shout "What happened? did everything freeze up? how ---- how?" 

"was there any ice typed mage inside the ring?!!!"

"Only person that can perform ice typed spells is Grey!!! but how did he perform a spell of this degree?!!"

"When I thought it was over for him, he froze up the entire water!"

"By taking a direct blow from Grey and Kylie on the face, dusk is now eliminated!!! which leads to only Grey and Kylie against each other."

Hearing the following set of lines from the commentator made Professor furious as he cursed "Goddammit!! how did so many things happen, the second I got up!! But --- but it means Grey had already eliminated Dusk, now he only has to defeat another."

He walked for five minutes more and at this point, he was out of the arena. While waiting for the person to arrive he whispered "I didn't know Grey could perform magic at this level. "

After waiting for a minute more, the person that she was waiting for has arrived. 

A royal-looking dark brown carriage, that's what she rode in. She was gone for six months, in total isolation she trained with just one thing in mind, revenge. But the idea of revenge in her mind was very different from any other.

After she learned about his death, Eira Hoffmann went to sleep and the only that remained inside of her was an animal. The first human she killed was at the age of ten, from then on she went on to kill many more.

The carriage stopped in front of the arena. She stopped directly in front of the arena since her match was set to begin, she couldn't waste any more time. 

Opening the door of the carriage, she stepped out, "How have you been professor?" she asked. 

Professor Meier looked for any luggage inside the carriage to find out that there was none but there was one more person with her. Seated in the carriage with her was a young woman with dark blue hair and round glasses around her eyes. 

The dark blue hair stepped out of the carriage, Eira stood beside her as she said "This is Sylyphy, she is like my older sister."

"Hello Professor, it's nice to meet you," said Sylphy greeting the professor.

"It's nice to meet you too."

"So how have you been professor?" asked Eira.

"I am good-------- ah, well not very good since I just missed a very great match. The last time I heard the crowd cheer so loudly was during your match." "

She looked around at the city as she said "That person must be strong then--" 

"He is strong ----- at first I thought that he was just a brat. But the more I spent time with him the more I realized that he was never a brat. By the way, where is your luggage?" asked Professor Meier. 

Eira walked towards the pathway of the arena as she spoke "I visited my dorm before coming here,"

"I see, you placed it in your room," said Professor.

"The crowd inside the arena sure seems cheerful inside. Sure seems like a great match," said Sylphy as she looked towards the arena. 

"It seems like the person inside is capable enough to change your opinion, professor."

All three of them walked on the pathway that lead towards the audience seat of the arena. "He is a lot like your Aunt Alice. At first, I thought that he was just overconfident or he just liked to show off but then I realized that the things that he states are nothing more than facts. 

He is strong and he knows that very well, there is some sadism to his behavior. He loves to play with his opponent. but when it comes to power, he is one hell of a monster. Training him one week was more than enough to know that he is strong."

Eira turned to look at Sylphy as she chuckled, Sylphy chuckled back as she said "We once knew a person like that. That person is the only person that always held back against Eira and she is still salty about it to this day."

Eira chuckled as she said, "We trained together when we were kids. We sparred nearly every day for nearly four or five years until ------. Well, he promised me that he will fight me seriously when we meet next time, but I never got that chance."

Her facial expression was as expressionless as ever.

But Sylphy on the other hand looked like she was remembering some good old memories as she said "But I think he would still hold back against, even if you guys fought now. He would have still flirted with me, just like when he used to flirt with me. Can you imagine him flirting with me? he used to never miss a chance of messing with me, even when he was a five-year-old kid! I miss him a lot."

There was a brief silence before Sylphy continued "Well, I don't he would have fought at all."

Continuing to what Sylphy said, Eira spoke as they walked together, "He did not enjoy fighting or training, his goal was different entirely. I highly doubt that he would have joined this academy if he was alive, he would have continued his life in peace. He would have been weak, but he would have chosen to live a life without violence that's how he was as a kid."

Sylphy smiled as she said "You are right..... if he was alive, fighting you here was the last thing we can expect. But .... to be honest, I loved the person he was, he was the only person that could understand my feeling."

A seemingly evil grin took over Eira's face as she said "Even if we fought, I would hand his ass pretty easily." Her expression softened as she said "But perhaps, I might have been somewhat gentle. But only if he was ... Alive"

Professor Meier didn't answer with anything. He continued his walk to the audience seat of the stadium. Eira followed him since her match was the second last one, so she decided that she will watch some match before going to the locker room

They were heading towards the place where Ranulf was seated since Eira and Sylphy wanted to meet him.

Climbing up the stair, they were near the audience seat where Ranulf was seated. 

"By the way, how many people of warrior house will get selected for the final five-way match? what do you think professor?" asked Eira.

Climbing the last couple of stairs, Professor Meier spoke "I will be honest, I think only two of our Warrior house members will go to the final. The two-person being you and the person who is fighting right now."

A curiosity hit Sylphy, to satisfy her curiosity she asked "Is he the reason that the Audience is so lively?"

"I think so, but I am not sure. But I am sure that he will win this match. I was wrong about his strength in the beginning but as I trained him for a week, I was sure that he is an animal who is capable of fighting toe to toe with you Eira. There is no one else in the competition who can give him trouble."

After a small pause, he continued "You guys are saying that he didn't love to fight as a kid and he had no interest in getting stronger. Perhaps in the past, he was a kid that didn't want any kind of violence, but now he is different. 

I don't know what happened to him in the past, but he has changed. There is a saying that war changed man, perhaps that's what changed him. But I never knew that kid in past, but hearing you both that knew his past, I am more sure that the war changed him. It has turned him into a monster."

Sylphy stopped in her track, her pupil shook rapidly as she asked "What----- who are you talking about?"

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