False Hero

Chapter 182 - 179: War Talks.

After giving her five minutes she stopped crying. But as her nose was still runny, I handed her a handkerchief. Awkwardly blowing her nose, she looked at me. 

At this point, the sides of her eyes and cheeks were colored in the reddish shade. Wearing her glasses back, she cleared her throat, "Grey, was where you all this time?"

I crouched down, leaning my back against the wall I spoke, "Where was I? huh?" 

I scratched my head, it was difficult ----- difficult to explain why was I didn't come back all this time. 

I sighed before saying "You see, Sylphy ----- I was carrying my responsibility and trying to save and protect the people I love ----" Annie who was seated on my side, I placed my hand overhead as I said " ----- my people. I couldn't abandon them, neither I could walk away. Well, even if I had the chance to walk away, I guess I would have stayed and saved them since ------"

Annie grabbed my arm tightly, she looked at me with a bright smile as she said " since brother Grey is my hero and he would never abandon me."

I wasn't going to say that and that's awfully sweet, so I will accept that. 

Illya came and wrapped her arms around my arms as she cheerfully spoke "Big brother Grey is so cool that he brought me back to life, he fought a god-like so so ---- so cool. He defeated the evil god to bring me back to life, isn't that cool!!"

Sylphy looked at Illya with a confused look and for a second I was confused about why Sylphy would look confused by looking at Illya. But then when I looked at Illya, it clicked that Sylphy had a proper reason to be confused.

Illya grabbed me as she rubbed her cheeks against mine, to a stranger's eye, Illya and I would look pretty much the same. Well, Illya looks like a mini version of mine and also a female version. 

She has the same pale white hair as mine and the same set of purple indigo eyes. But unlike me who had a mole under my eye. she has a mole under the left side of her lips, which is very much cute.

I grabbed Illya tightly, rubbing my cheek against her, "You are so cute Illya!!!"

"Hehe, I am cute!!"

Sylphy asked the question that I was already expecting "Huh? when did Uncle Ranulf and Aunt Alice have another child -------- no no no no, it doesn't make sense, this kid is very young, so ----- wait!!"

Her eyes widened as she gasped, she spoke: "Is it -----"

"No! she is not my kid and how would it be that even be possible, we are going side-tracked Sylphy, ----- by the way, I heard that you joined Heroe's party, that's awesome." 

"yes, it is awesome."

Unlike her wording, she didn't look pretty happy about it. 

"Do you remember, I used to say that we will travel the world together and Emilia was also in the plan ----"

Sylphy chuckled as she said "Life had other plans,"

After a brief pause, I clicked my tongue as I got up, "Okay---" I extended my hand as I said, "Okay, everyone, grab my hand."

Emilia understood it quickly as she grabbed my hand, so did Annie and Illya. Sylphy looked at me confused, "Just grab my hand"

After insisting she grab my hand, she placed her hand over my hand. 

I took a deep breath, before saying "Okay, then ---- I will give a brief tour of the places that I have gone to."

"Huh? what are you talking about ----"

before she could complete her sentence, she looked around in more confusion as she found that it was not the same room that we were standing in earlier. We were standing in a forest that was situated on mountain terrain.

Right in front of us was a narrow cave, it was a small cozy cave. 

"This is the place!! this is where we stayed for two weeks!!" said Annie.

I walked ahead as I said Sylphy to follow me. As I expected, she asked the question "How -----"

"Teleportation, it is one of my power. I can teleport to the place I had already been in, by the way, I have recently acquired this power, or else I would have already teleported back to the house. Well, I sort of did teleport back to the house, but you weren't there, and apparently, you were at a place where I haven't been to. "

Sylphy opened her mouth to speak "I see----", but she stopped as she saw a beautiful hot pool of water that was situated inside the cave.

It was weird ----- no weird is not the right word, I guess strange would be a better way to call it. It was strangely beautiful, there was a mysterious shine to this hot pool of water. I never was able to find the reason for this strange, but I guess I didn't have to think a lot about it, I just need to appreciate the beauty that's all. 

When I first walked into this cave, looking at this beautiful scene the first that came to my mind was Sylphy. I came here right after ----- watching a kid end his life due to suffering.

I was helpless, I still don't know what exactly I am trying to achieve. I act like I know everything, but in reality, I am just scared. I don't want to lose anyone anymore and I don't know ------ I don't know if I will be able to handle losing anyone anymore.

I sat down near the pond, looking at the pool of shiny water, I spoke to Sylphy, "When I first took a look at this cave, I remembered you Sylphy. Everything was so perfect, wasn't it?" 

Sylphy took a seat by my side, "It was perfect Grey, the time we spent in that library together, reading through books all day. I had someone that shared the same interest as me, we talked a lot together. It was fun, I was happy ------ I was really happy Grey. The moment I walk out there, everything and everyone was stranger to me. 

I did find friends, a team, lost some friends and team members, Grey -----i ----- I have killed people. it's ------ it's a cruel world out there. They say that it's a huge honor to become a Heroes party member, but in truth, we just walk behind a brainwashed person, who was summoned to this world and was fed the ideal of heroism to the point that it broke them.

Summoned heroes ----- they ---- they are nothing but tools, tools of nobles, church, and even your Hoffmann and Ormr family."

So Sylphy has changed, she is not the innocent young girl I knew. I can't be imagining her killing anyone ----- isn't it ironic.

I chuckled, I couldn't stop my laugh. "We should never have left that Library, we shouldn't have... I loved to tease you, in truth I had a crush on you. Little me always dreamt of marrying you. I always imagined that we both would roam the world as a married couple, I was naive." 

Emilia softly grabbed my hand, as she sat beside me.

There was a brief silence before Sylphy cleared her throat awkwardly, "So I was your first crush.", she sighed before asking "Grey, is it too late for us? is it too late for me?"

"It's too late for us, ------ it's too late for me. I have killed too many, innocent, kids, family, couples, dads, sons, brothers, I have deceived people. The people who are loyal to me, the people who consider me their king, they don't know that I have killed their dad, their leader. I have done too many things, it is haunting."

Sylphy chuckled as she said, "I see, that's what Aunt Alice, Uncle Ranulf, and Master Lozen were shielding you from. It all makes sense now. Grey -----"

I stood up, I guess it is a good time to tell them about it, Standing up, I looked at them. "Sylphy, Annie, Illya, and Emilia, I guess this is a good time to tell this. After all these years, I am prepared now, I just need money now. I will start to move against Church, Inferno, and most possibly gods, the gods who will come in my way.

I have already wasted a lot of time and I have a lot of enemies to eliminate. From next month I will start to move, there will be a lot of blood spilled, I may end up starting a couple of wars. I am ready and now i will fight, I can't wait to become king, I need to move. my first opponent is Divine king, I will eliminate his entire army and also him. 

He will eventually come and bite my ass but before that I myself will walk in his door. I am starting a war, Sylphy and I might be considered evil from tommorow, but I promise that I know what I am doing. I am not a hero but I won't be a villain either."

Sylphy stood in front of me, "I see, then we both are villains who are trying to do a good thing. Both of our ideals are false, with deceit we have built our trust. Grey, ----- let me in, I will join you too."

Mom would sure find it funny that the two people who loved peace are talking about starting war together, I guess life made both of us questionable character.

{I will speed up the story after this arc and I will probably end this arc after two or three chapters.. there will be a year time skip after this arc, and I will get on to the juicy story.}

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