False Hero

Chapter 183 - 180: Five Way Battle(1)

People seated in the arena had their eyes fixed on a magic device that was placed at the center of the arena ground.

It was a huge cube that was suspended up in the sky. Each side of the cube, except for the up and bottom side had a plain white surface on it. No one in the arena knew what exactly this magic device does.

People came to the arena with the expectation of watching the five-way match, but rather than the entrance of each of the final competitors they were introduced to this huge rather cubical magic device.

Along with the cubical white device in the center of the arena, there was also some sort of white cloth suspended from the roof of the arena at each side of the arena. 

In total there were six of these clothes on each side of the arena.

"This is the beginning of the five-way match, it is a final match to decide the winner and to also decide the best house. The rule of this match is simple and best, similar to the three-way battle, the last man or house standing will win. 

Now introducing the first competitor, from the pure mage class, he flawlessly defeated all of his opponents in the three-way battle, resulting in one of the shortest matches. Due to his excellent skill of controlling the mana, he has acquired the name of Mana prince, 

Introducing first, from mage class. Tim Meier!!!!!"

Following the announcement, the cubical magical device lit up, so did the rest of the white clothes. A set of various colors sparked through the device before an image was formed, it was the face of Tim Meier, who was standing in the middle of grassland. 

"Look there is a person inside the cubical magical device!!!!! How did they even put him inside?" 

"seriously? but how?"

"No idiots, I don't think so, look at the piece of this huge cloth, it is also showing the same thing. But how would a human fit inside that cloth? I think it is some sort of projection spell, it ----- it's awesome!!!"

"Seriously? it just projects memory, doesn't it? and it's an advance spell, how did they even manage to do this?"

People in the arena were amazed yet confused about what exactly is the device doing. 

"Ahem!" the announcer cleared her throat before, "As many of you are confused, this device is an invention of Professor Blake, this device enables us to watch things that are happening right now, and well this device does need a lot of skilled mages to operate and project it but we are willing to do anything for your guy's entertainment!" 

The new device was well received by the people as there was no stopping of the incoming cheers to die down. After waiting for a few minutes for cheer to die down, the announcer continued,

"The person who we will be introducing second is from the pure mage class but is also known as the warrior of the mage class. He has received this name due to his superior hand-to-hand combat style despite being from the pure mage class. 

The three-way battle that he fought to enter into this finals showed exactly how he is capable of using everything at his disposal to fight. This match will also be his chance to settle his score with Grey Hoffmann after he loses at the Goldberg city. 

Many didn't have the chance to witness that match, but the fight between him and Grey was said to be legendary. Will we be able to watch a legendary fight like that again?!!!

Introducing from the pure mage class, Killian Dirksen!!!"

A loud cheer erupted around the arena, he was well-loved by the people as he was the underdog of this match. The said-to-be rivalry between him and Grey is the most popular that surfaces around during this competition.

"Introducing now, she is the only person who has reached the finals from the mage warrior house. In her last match, she was untouchable, literally!! Using her mysterious power, she defeated the second year. Her victory was the most shocking of all!! even at end of her match, none of her competitors were able to find out the nature of her mysterious power.

Introducing from the mage warrior class, she is also known as the silent wind, Lily Jung!!!"

There was disappointment among some audience who was seated in the arena. But not the sort of disappointment one would expect, 

"Goddammit!!! we worked so hard on this banner for our queen and she can't even see it!!!!!!!"

"I wanted her to look towards me!!! I haven't been this angry since ----- since"

"I can't even look at her face now!!!!"

As three of the boys sounded their frustration, the fourth one was just staring at the huge cubical magical device, He pointed his finger towards the device as he said "What are you talking about, now we can take a more good look at our queen with the help of this device."

The four boys were mesmerized as they saw their angel on a big screen. 

"Professor Blake, you are a god!!!!"

"Now introducing, the fourth competitor, he won by defeating the competitor who was most favored to fight in the finals against Eira Hoffmann. This prince's way of fighting changes so quickly that it gives his opponent hard time deciding about how exactly strong he is. With his entry there lot to look forward to, his team with his cousin, and his rivalry with Killian.

The warrior house who can perform Mage house caliber magic!! Introducing, from the warrior class, he is known as Ghost and the Bleeding Aishen of the Goldberg city!!! Grey Hoffmann!!!"

The crowd was hyped up and just like Killian, he was one of the underdogs of this competition. People cheered as they looked forward to his team with Eira Hoffmann.

As his face was shown in the big cubical magical device, the cheer died down. People's eyes were fixed on his face, 

His long white eyes lashes, accompanied with violet- indigo eyes. 

"This magic device is not good for my heart. Is he this beautiful in real life?"

"Yes, he is in my classroom. he does look like that in real life" Letting out a sigh she spoke, " I never get enough of staring at him during our class."

"Lucky you!! can we change classes?"


The screen switched from Grey's face to a zoom-out that covered the entirety of the field that the competitors were standing in. 

It was wide ------ the ground that the competitors were so big that even a small army could carry out their battle in it.

"Introducing last, the person that you all were waiting for!!!! she is the winner of the last year's first and second-year competitions. She is the person that made history by bringing victory to the warrior house for the first time in history!!!

Even after all the four years were done fighting, people were only talking about her. In front of her immense raw strength, no one was able to stand a chance. It was a one-sided battle, the competition of the last year and the three-way fight that she fought this year again Otto Ormr and Agata Werner was totally a one-sided battle.

There was no one in this competition who could even bring a fraction of her real strength. Will we be able to see more of her strength today?"

To the announcer's question, the crowd roared in sync "No!!!!"

"Will anyone be able to come even close to beating her?"


"will we even be able to see her at least struggle for once during her battle?"


"Now, that a warrior house member is along with her in this five-way who is also her cousin, will we even see any other house winning against this monstrous team?"


"Introducing from the warrior class, she is also known as a monster of the throne and the cold princess, Eira Hoffmann!!!!"

The crowd busted in the cheer that was heard all over the Vashi city. No one received this loud of a cheer and even after being the obvious winner in front of the people's eyes. No one want's to see her lose, the only thing they want to see is what exactly she is capable of.

The extent of her strength is what people wanted to see more than anything, for that they are looking forward to the other competitors giving her a hard time.

Another thing that people were more excited to see was the Hoffmann team in the action, but unlike their belive, there was no ----

As all the competitors stood in the circle, Grey stood furthest from Eira, they were far enough to the point that they couldn't even see each other. 

The people that Grey was able to see were Tim Meier and Killian Dirksen. Grey summoned a snake polearm in his hand as looked at Both Killian and Tim. 

Looking at both of them it was obvious for Grey, 'I see, two vs one, eh?"

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