False Hero

Chapter 184 - 181: Five Way Battle (2)

"Ready set fight!!!" 

A fireball was shot up high in the sky, which meant that it was the beginning of the match.



Commentator 1: Tim didn't waste a single second!!!! 

Commentator 2: Two simultaneous fireballs, Will Grey be able to dodge this!!!

Till Meier shot a fireball as soon as the match began. Spiingng his snake polearm, Grey deflected both of the fireballs, as he proceeded to dash towards Till Meier. 

"We are not wasting any time are we?"

Commentator 2: What a smooth deflection from Grey's side,

Till prepared another fireball, "You should probably watch your back, ", he had a smirk on his face. 

Grey's movement was obstructed as a hand emerged out of hand, grabbing his leg. 

"Well, the wrong direction, I meant to say watch your below!!", Till shot a fireball as Grey was trapped. With a swing of his polearm, Grey deflected the fireball away.

Commentator 1: It was good teamwork, but both of them would have to do something about Grey's polearm. With the help of his polearm, he is able to block attacks like it is nothing.

Grey turned around as he threw his polearm towards Killian who was the cause of his leg being trapped. 

In the process to block the incoming polearm that was thrown at him, Killian created a stone wall. But on contact the stone wall broke apart, not being able to stop the polearm. The polearm went right by Killian barely missing him.

Commentator 2: Ah, well.... he threw his polearm off himself.

Commentator 1: Why would he throw his advantage, like that? 

Commentator 2: But that sure was a scary throw, it went right by Killian, breaking the stone wall like it's glass.

His breath was hasty, his hand shook vigorously, he looked above to find, Grey rushing towards him which sent him into a deeper state of panic. In a state of panic, his mind went blank.

"Fire wall!!!"

A wall of fire emerged in front of Killian, obstructing Grey to reach out for Killian.

Commentator 1: A mage's biggest weakness is hand to hand combat and these two mages are working together to not lot Grey near them,

Commentator 2: what great teamwork.

"Stay focused dumb ass!!!! We are a team and we will win this thing, Taking him one on one would only waste our energy, if we work together we will be able to finish him off, then we can proceed to concentrate all our energy on Eira. I would rather fight this guy alone and I can win, the same goes for you too, but for now, we have to work together to save our energy. 

So stay focused, and no matter how confident you are, you have to stay focused!!!" 

exclaimed Tim as he kept casting his firewall to block Grey off. 

But Tim was way off the mark about what was going through Killian's mind. 'What are you talking about? I can't ------ his face, I can't stop my hand from trembling. I thought that I got over this fear, but when I come face to face with him ----- it, I can't stop it!! I am not confident, not confident in the slightest --- Tim you are not aware of -----'

The firewall disappeared and beyond the firewall, Killian couldn't see Grey. 'Tim you are not aware of the monster we are fighting now.'

"Tim look out!!!" shouted Killian.

responding to Killian, Tim turned around, Grey was already behind him. Grey swung his fist, as Tim was able to react in time, Grey could only graze his cheek. The clumsy movement result in Tim falling on his ass first, 

Commentator 2: It happened, Tim lost his eyes on Grey and now Grey is in close range with Tim.

Commentator 1: This looks bad for Tim...


Grey quickly grabbed Tim's directing his fireball away from himself. 

"Your time to cast a spell is no joke,"

"Well, I am from the pure mage class. That's what we do ------- best!!!!" 

Falling on his back, Tim grabbed Grey's hand, Locking Grey's arm between his leg, Tim executed a triangle choke to lock only Grey's arm.

Commentator 1: A triangle choke?!!!

Being held into the choke, Grey's back was wide open. Which Killian tried to use as he dashed towards Grey's wide back as he concentrated a rock lance in his hand.

"Do you think that I can't fight up close? we pure mage class are trained in hand-to-hand combat to deal with your crafty warrior classes." 

Commentator 2: They have got Grey with their teamwork!!!!!

Being right near Grey's back, Killian lifted his lance as he shouted, "I am not afraid of you anymore, Grey Hoffmann!!!!!!"

"I see, that's good since I always felt bad about going overboard on you." 

The stone lance clashed on the backside of his skull right above his neck. He collapsed on the ground, his skin on the back of his skull was split open. 

But there was a thing, the thing was that the 'he' whose head is nearly split isn't Grey, rather it is Tim. Grey lifted Tim, with the arm that Tim has locked between his legs, Tim didn't let go of Grey even after being lifted. Lifting Tim, Grey turned around using Tim as a shield against the stone lance that Killian swung towards Grey.

Commentator 1: What?!!!!! Grey turned around at the very last moment!!!!! It was as if he was waiting for Killian to attack!!!!! 

Commentator 2: It was a clean friendly blow ------- it looked pretty bad, the blow was struck to the most delicate part of the head ----

Commentator 1: I think, Tim should be eliminated and given immediate medical treatment. 

Rushing towards the fallen Tim, "Hey hey, are you good? respond respond!!!" exclaimed Grey. 

"Yes, yes I am good, I am good!" 

"I am so sorry, Tim, I didn't mean to-----" 

Tim sat up as he exhaled saying, "I know, I know." 

Grey condensed an icicle sword, as he placed it near Tim's neck, "It looks like there is no damage to the skull, but I am taking this win."

Killian condensed another rock lance, but before he could, even move, there was an icicle blade near his neck. 

"It's a fair and square win, " said Grey as both of his hand was holding an icicle sword near Killian's and Tim's neck.

Tim's raised both of his hands as he sighed saying "Yeah, it is fair and square victory, you had the chance to finish me off, so yeah, it is a fair and square victory. I lose" 

Killian, let go of his rock lance as he spoke "It is my loss too,"

Commentator 1: Did both of the competitors give up?!!! 

Commentator 2: Well, they did have a sword pointing in front of their neck, it was a technical loss anyways. Rules are rules, but it was a wonderful spirit shown by three of these competitors, they care about each other as a human. 

Commentators 1: Things like this are always a good sight to see.

on the other side of the ground, a fight was taking place between two of the remaining competitors. It was a fight that was simultaneously taking place as a fight between Grey, Killian, and Tim was taking place.

"Wind Blast!!!" 

Lily took a step back as she was having a hard time against Eira, she was bleeding heavily while her right arm might have a potential broken bone.

Her breath was heavy, stabilizing her breath quickly she focused all her attention on Eira who was heading towards her way. 

Couldn't being able to hold her sword with both of his hands due to her right-hand injury, she opted to use the only left hand. Being on close range, Eira swung her feet, but rather than being the feet went right through Lily's body. 

Lily swung her sword with her left hand, which Eira blocked off with her Greatsword. 

"Wind blast!!!" 

Lily used another wind blast, but this time she blasted herself away from Eira to gain some distance between them. even though Eira was using a heavy sword, she was still faster in close range than Lily.

Landing on the ground, she regained her footsteps, but as she lifted her head to look towards Eira, she was ------ gone from the original place she was standing. 

Lily's instinct kicked in as she turned around to block off Eira's incoming attack. Comparing Lily's sword with Eira's, Eira used an heavy great sword that weighed thirty times the weight of Lily's sword.

Lily blocked the incoming swing from Eira with all her strength, which she was able to block for a split second, but the weight of Eira's sword was more than Lily's sword could handle. 

Lily lost grip of her sword as it fell down, and before she could, even more, Eira had already placed her sword on Lily's neck.

"It was a great fight, there will be more fights in the future, so don't injure your hand anymore, I want to fight you more in the future."

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