False Hero

Chapter 186 - Protect The Weak.

Grey swung ice Greatsword at Eira launching her away. To avoid any major injuries she blocked the attack at the last moment but the impact of the attack was enough to send her flying away.

Following her, Grey dashed towards the place where she was going to land. Grey leaped to attack Eria before she could land on the ground. 

But even before Grey could attack her, Eria swiftly turned around in mid-air. As Grey was a short distance away from him, she suddenly threw her greatsword towards Grey out of nowhere.

This sudden action caught Grey off guard, he quickly readied his Greatsword to block the incoming attack.

In contact, Grey's greatsword shattered in an instant. But before shattering the sword did the job of blocking Eira's blade. 

landing on some distance away from where Eira had landed, Eira was successful in creating distance between herself and Grey.

Grey picked up the called Greatsword of Eira. Lifting the sword, Grey's expression changed in amazement as he said "this is a fine blade, actually this blade is kind of too fine. Where did you get it?"

extending her hand towards Grey, Eira spoke "I will be taking that back.", the white blade appeared in her hand as the blade in Grey's hand disappeared.

"That is why you threw your blade like it was nothing."

Grey formed a fireball in his hand as he shot it towards Eira who was rushing at him. Eira didn't stop her movement as she deflected the incoming fireball, but following the fireball came Grey, using a faster set of movements with the help of polearm, Grey exchanged attacks with Eira. Even though Grey's polearm didn't carry as much weight as his greatsword, his movement and speed were much better and faster as compared to his greatsword.

with the minimal set of movements, Eira blocked each of Grey's attacks. rather than facing each of Eira's attacks head-on, Grey opted to dodge the attacks since blocking the attack would only lead to more strain in his hand.

Grey increased his speed of attacks as they exchanged many attacks in the blink of an eye. 

With her blade, Eira pushed Grey's polearm back, following it she went in for another attack. As his polearm was pushed back, Grey closed his eye to take a deep breath.

As Eira was near Grey, he opened his eyes, in an instant he launched several attacks at once. The attacks were at a greater speed than any previous. 

The overwhelming rain of burst of high-speed attack took Eira off guard as three cuts were formed on her body. Two cuts at her arm and another one at her thighs.

Grey readied himself to launch another set of attacks, but before he could do that a sudden layer of frost wrapped over their surrounding, enveloping Grey in a thin sheet of ice. 

Without wasting any more time, Eira struck her feet inside Grey's abdomen, knocking him off.

rolling on the grassland, Grey regained his footsteps. 

he was in a bad spot and before Eira could take advantage of this, Grey threw his snake polar at Eria. 

easily blocking that off, Eira closed the distance between him and Grey. 

"So all this time ------- when we were kid ----- you were always this ------- strong!!!!!"


(Eira's POV)

"I am sorry to inform you but your son and wife are dead. Your wife--- she died protecting her country from an entire army and in the end, she died fighting one of the most frightening demoness that existed in this world. Your son---- he got caught up in the war."

Those were the words of the royal guard that came to uncle Ranulf, they wanted to talk about something. 

Each of their expression looked grim, but ------- no no no no no no---- huh? Dead? What do they mean by dead?

Aunt Alice is young and Grey is a kid like me, they are not ------ they are not old!! Only old people die right?

Grey is probably playing prank with me, I will punch him once he gets back ----- it's rude to play prank like this.

"You shouldn't joke about such things, its-----"

"Sir, we are not joking."

I grabbed onto uncle Ranulf's hand as I said 

"Uncle Ranulf, they are joking, right? Aunt Alice is really strong, they are lying, right? I mean Grey is weak, but Aunt Alice must surely have protected her. Grey is a good boy, he doesn't want any part in the war and all. Grey doesn't even want to fight and he didn't even want to get stronger. There is no way such a thing would happen to a person like him. There is no way."

Uncle Ranulf gently placed his hand over my head, it was comforting.....

"I will go there and check myself, ready the wagon." 

"I will join you too, Uncle Ranulf." 

We went to check ourselves, through out the journey I was calm since I know that ----- that only old people die, Grey won't --------- he won't.

I know, it's all a prank ------ Grey will say it's prank, he will come back and I will punch him for ---- for ---

I won't punch you Grey, so please say it's a prank okay?

"Please sir, Follow me."

Said the person who lead us to a certain place, there were two stones side by side---- 

"Here is where Miss Alice is resting."

My heart ------ it stings ----- my chest hurts ---- I ---- I don't want to hear anything more.

The man walked towards another grave,  "Here is where Master Grey is resting."

My knees gave away in front of the place where ---- this is the place where ----- no no no no no no no


This is what I wanted to shout, but nothing came out of my mouth. 

My heart ----- it hurts. Grey, it hurts... Please come back.

I looked around, there were various graves like this. The whole place was filled with graves like this.

Those were the graves that the bad guys filled ------ but why Grey? He was just a kid like me? He wanted to live quietly right? He didn't wanted to hurt anyone---- he never wanted to get strong.

He just wanted to live a quite peaceful life --- then why?

He was my home ----- along with him I felt normal. I ----- I am born affinity to magic, I was a disappointment for my parents, for my siblings, for people around me.

Yet he always treated me kindly, along with him I felt accepted. 

He ---- he was my home...

If---- only if I was there with him ---- I would have protected him. 

I wiped the tears from my cheeks ----- why can't people like me and Grey live a normal life?

Why weak people like us can't live a peaceful life? You strong people can have all this world but why can't you live us alone?

Do weak people not deserve a peaceful life? Don't they deserve to live? 

Why is there no one to protect the weak?

Why don't no one protect the weak?

Why does strong get the weak involved in their fight? 

If not strong then who will protect the weak? 

I looked down at the drop of tear that fell on my palm ----

That's right ---- I can become strong. If no one is there, I will be there. 

I will become strong --- and 

"I will protect everything weak, that is my responsibility. People who even think of ruining someone's life who doesn't want anything but peace, I will destroy those people. I will become the queen of my country and correct everything evil from this world, I will do it in honor of Grey. I will become the strongest for Grey."

I lived by those words, I trained and trained and trained and trained ------ when it's was not enough I tried to find new ways of getting stronger.

I trained under Uncle Ranulf, but my strength was still not enough. I needed real-life experience, I enrolled in royal nights as a temporary member by using my royal status.

Under royal knights I got to fight real people, there was never a day where I had to kill anyone until one day when I had to use my blade to end life.

It was an unpleasant experience, but I had to get used to drawing my blade without hesitation.

I can't hesitate to kill, I can't hesitate for anything until I achieve my goal. 

In my time I spent in royal knights, I got to know a truth ----- a truth that the weak were willing to be used, trampled on by the strong ----- the weak dreamt of getting stronger and they were willing to do anything for that ------ it was a confusing world out there.

{Author: my laptop is gone for good, it is a sad night for me...... I might cry myself to sleep. God knows when I will be able to buy another laptop, Goddammit!!! No one thought me that being adult usually is equivalent to being broke!!!!}

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