False Hero

Chapter 56 - 55: Be My Man.

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The tournament was underway, my team is scheduled to fight the last match of today.

The tournament will span up to three days, among sixteen participating teams the eight winning teams will qualify further to fight on the second day in the quarter-finals, and on the same day also semi-finals will be held.

The final match will be held among the two teams that have beaten every other team and proceeded to the finals, the finals will be held on the third day.

Since my team is scheduled for the last fight, I will have to wait until evening for my match. I was sitting in the waiting room that was assigned to each individual team.

At that moment I heard a sudden loud roar coming from the arena, it was the sound of the crowd bursting into cheers.

Damn, the crowd is going wild.

Did they witness something incredible or did some important person show up?

{Author: He was right, some important person did show up. Those important people are his cousins. The crowd went nuts on the arrival of the prince and princess of their nation.}

"Aren't they going wild?" Said Rai.

"No Shit."

"Are the crowd cheering for your cousins?"

"Might be the case."

Rai, Rudi, Aetna, Annie, and Ulrich know everything about my identity. Since they were there when the attack in the Amon village happened, they have witnessed it and they have been with me.

I have no need to hide my identity from them. Right now we all are doing our best to save Annie, that is the main reason we are taking part in this competition.

"Once we are done with saving Annie. What will you do?" asked Rai out of nowhere.

Answering her sudden question I opened my mouth to say "I will leave Goldberg and go back to my home. Of course, I will take Rudi and Annie with me since Annie is just a kid and Rudi is straight-up stupid."

"What about Ulrich and Aetna?" she asked.

"I and Aetna are bound by contract so leaving her alone are out of the question and Ulrich is mature enough to make his own decision. So I will leave it up to him about what he wants to do next."


This time I asked the question, "What about you?" I asked.

"About me? I have a thing I need to find so I will go look for it," she replied.

"I hope you find the thing you are looking for!" I said, shooting a gentle smile at her.

For some reason, Rai's expression changed into a sadder one as I said that.

I know nothing about Rai's past, she never talked about her past since the time I found her injured in the forest.

But I never ask her anything about her past, since it looks like she doesn't want to talk about it.

"Sorry for making you guys wait." Said the person who just entered the room with an elegant slight bow. She was Agata Werner.

Later we were joined by Idiot A, the fourth member of our team.

{Author: The real name of Idiot A is not Idiot A and the same goes with Idiot B, that's something Grey calls them. The actual real name of Idiot A and Idiot B is ------------------- that's a secret :P}

Four out of five members of our team were gathered in this room, now the only member that was yet to show herself was Lora Ormr, the princess.

Both Agata and idiot A asked me about the change of my eye color, I lied saying that I wanted to change the way I look.

After waiting for some time, I heard a couple of footsteps approaching our room. it was three heavy footsteps and one light footstep.

As footsteps approached closer, the girl arrived in the room. The girl held an exceptionally majestic aura that could put anyone in speechless awe, her silky golden blond hair must have been one of the reasons for her majestic aura.

Her fair complexion and delicate slender frame gave her a fragile look, so much so that a person can't help but feel the urge to protect her pure delicate body.

Her long eyelashes accompanied by her purple-indigo gentle eyes had a calming look to them. Unlike my eyes which are said to have an intoxicating look, her eyes held a gentle calm feel to them.

So this is the princess and my cousin, her looks definitely live up to the image of a princess. She was followed by three of her royal guards.

"It's a pleasure you again, your royal highness." Said Agata with a slight welcoming bow.

"No need for formalities since we are childhood friends." Said Lora grabbing Agata's hand.

Their demeanor towards each other really gave the childhood friend vibe.

"I have waited for your arrival with great anticipation, I hope there wasn't any difficulty in your journey." Asked Agata holding both of Lora's hands.

"It was my pleasure to finally get the chance to meet my old friend, and there wasn't much difficulty in my journey."

Ah, I might go blind today by the elegance these two girls are radiating.

I, Rai, and Idiot A stood there without introducing ourselves since we didn't want to interrupt the get-together of these two old friends.

Lora looked at us and opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but before she could say anything she was interrupted by Idiot A,

"Forgive my inconsiderate behavior of not introducing myself----" said Idiot A and later he went on to introduce himself to Lora.

Later Rai opened her mouth to introduce herself saying: "My name is Rai, looking forward to working with you as a team."

The way Rai directly introduced herself without any fancy talk with Lora is what I like about her.

It was my turn to introduce myself…

To not catch her attention, I need to act like how everyone treats her and not stand out.

By bowing my head slightly I introduced myself "My name is Grey and it's my pleasure to make acquaintance with your majesty."

That was the best fancy talk I could do.

As I raised my head to look at Lora after introducing myself, I found her gazing intently at me.

She walked closer to me without breaking the gaze, "I adore your eyes." said Lora out of nowhere.

She continued "No, Adore might not be the right word. I might have developed a deep affection for your eyes. I feel like I might get lost in your intoxicating eyes."

Huh? What is this girl talking about? More than that, how can she see my real eyes?

She got more closer to my face as if she was examining my face "Just like your eyes, even your face is charming."

Huh?????? Seriously what's with this girl??

She closed her eyes and folded her hands together as if she was in deep thought. Then after a few seconds, she broke the silence by grabbing both of my hands and saying:

"I have made my decision -------------- Be my man."


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