False Hero

Chapter 57 - 56: Brother Vs Sister.

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"I have made my decision -------------- Be my man."

"Pardon?" I asked, confused.

"HUH???!!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Idiot A and it was a natural reaction.

Following his reaction, Agata was blank by the sudden turn of events "Wha- what Are you talking about Lora?"

And Rai's face looked like her soul left her body.

Lora held my hand even tighter "I want you to be mine. If you accept my proposal, I will take care of you and you wouldn't have to worry about even a single penny rest of your life. I will try my best to make you happy and after getting married-----"

With a shy expression she struggled to say the following sentence "After getting married, we can even ma-make ba-b-babies.".

It's a tempting offer, I would have even agreed to it under some other circumstances. But, I would have to deny it with a heavy heart.

The only problem is---------THE OFFER IS TOO TEMPTING!!!

"Your majest----" Before I could finish my sentence I was interrupted and I am glad I was interrupted.

"Forgive my interruption, but it looks like it's your majesties team's turn to fight next." Said the fourth royal guard who just entered the room.

I felt relieved by the sudden distraction caused by the royal guard.

She turned towards me saying "Please consider my proposal!!"

I could consider her proposal if not for the fact that I and her are actually cousins. The complicated part is not her being my cousin, the complicated part is we are both tied to royalty.


(Third person perspective)

It was the last fight of the day and yet the arena was jam-packed with people in it.

Every single occupant of the arena patiently waited to watch the princess of their nation in action.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!! After the fabulous display of power by the youth and the prince of our nation, Now it's time for the last match of the day!!!!."

With that announcement of the commentator, the crowd erupted into a loud cheer.

"Now introducing our first Team, The pride of Goldberg city!!!! Team number 15!!!"

He had to refer to them as the pride of the city since he was told to sell the image of these five boys by higher-ups.

They all belonged to the powerful family and their family already had somewhat power over the city, of course, their power was nothing in front of the power that the Werner family held over the city.

Emerging out of the hallway, the five boys walked into the arena. The crowd cheered them despite their notorious image, only because they belonged to the Goldberg city.

It was simple logic of supporting your home team even if they had a bad image. Being from the five powerful families of the Goldberg city made the crowd feel that these five boys' teams represented the Goldberg city itself.

"Now introducing our next team, the princess of our nation and the princess of our city!!! Team number 16!!"

The commentator didn't even bother to introduce Grey, Rai, and Idiot A since they didn't belong to any powerful family.

Walking down the hallway, Grey and his team entered the Arena. This time the crowd burst into even loud cheer.

The whole Arena roared wild into the sight of their princess.

As per the rule of the competition each team was said to send a written name of a team member that will be participating in the first round.

And the first member that will be participating in the first round was----

"The person that will be fighting first round from team number fifteen will be the son of the Werner family, Jakob Werner!!!!"

The first member chosen to fight first from Team number fifteen was Jakob Werner.

"The person that will be fighting first round from team number sixteen will be the daughter of the Wener family, Agata Werner!!! Turning it into a fight between brother and sister."

After the commentator's announcement both of them walked into the arena.

"Sister, I wanted to fight that Trash, not you. Will you step back and let that bastard in?" asked Jakob politely.

"I can't do that, little brother. Your opponent is me and I would like you to refrain yourself from calling him trash or any other name." Answered Agata in a calm demeanor.

"Are you taking his side?"

"Yes, since he is my team member and also my dear friend."

The unexpected reply from her big sister blew Jakob's fuse, the fact that his own sister supported a stranger over him pissed off even further.

Jakob sighed to calm his anger as he took a ready stance saying:

"Don't regret this later, sister."

Even with his bad image, he doesn't dare to bad-mouth his sister. The only person that was ever able to control Jakob was his big sister, Agata Werner.

Agata Werner had a side to her that many people didn't know about, the side that Jakob feared.

In terms of power, no one knows about the power level of Agata, Even Jakob doesn't know about the power level of Agata since they never fought with each other. This fight will be their first time going toe to toe against each other.

The killing was strictly prohibited in this competition and the referee is only allowed to call off the match once he thinks that one party has won the match.

Players can also object referee's decision if they think that the referee's decision is an unfair one. In such cases, the decision will be reevaluated by the higher-ups.

Unsealthing his duel-wielding dagger he got into a crouching position with his front knee over and both hands on the surface of the ground, this weird stance looked exactly like the stance a runner would take before his race.

Holding her sword with both hands, Agata took a defensive stance waiting for the referee to start the match.

The match will start once the referee drops the coin, the sound of the coin hitting the ground signifies the start of the match. It's an unwritten rule among the spectator to keep dead silence when the coin is dropped.

The coin was tossed in the air by the referee, after reaching a certain point in the air the coin started to travel back to the earth at terminal velocity.


With the sound of coin crashing into earth, the match was underway.

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