False Hero

Chapter 59 - 58: Grey Vs Killian (1)

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Grey handed his white scarf to Rai, "Take care of this, I don't want to get it dirty."

Walking down the arena Grey spoke up "I accept the duel.", making the whole arena burst into cheers.

The opinion of the people was along this line:

"What an insane kid, I thought he wouldn't accept the duel."

"Now I kind of want to see this kid win."

"I can't help but root for this guy to win."

"There is no way a no name will be able to beat the son of the Dirksen family."

"Dirksen is a family of warriors, they are trained right from their childhood. There is no way that guy named Grey is winning."

The whole arena was divided into two, people who were supporting Grey and people who were supporting Killian.

It's in the nature of human's they can't help but support the underdog, everyone wants to see the underdog win.

"I don't know that if you are aware, but I will let you know since I am not bad of a person after all. An invitation for a duel is a fight to the death, I am sure you didn't know about it." ridiculed Killian.

"So?" asked Grey as if he already knew the meaning of the duel.

"Are you stupid? I am giving a chance to run away."

"Why would I run away? you were the one that proposed the duel and I am standing here to accept it. Wait! are you regretting your decision now?" asked Grey as he shot a ridiculing sneer at Killian.

"You little shit!!" Killian's veins popped out with anger.

"So now we will begin the match!!! referee, toss the coin!!!."

With the announcement of the commentator, the referee tossed the coin. But before it could land on the ground, it was caught.

Before landing on the ground the coin was caught by the person who arrived at the arena. Well, arrive wouldn't be the right word since Grey and Killian didn't really know where that person popped out from.

"Isn't that John Dirksen?!!!" shouted one of the spectators.

Yes, the large muscular man who caught the coin was John Dirksen.

"Do you wish to say something, sir?" asked the Referee. Due to the large muscular body of John Dirksen, any normal human can't help but feel puny in front of him.

The referee felt the same feeling of being puny in front of John Dirksen.

"I want to be Referee," answered John.

"But sir it would be unfair, for you to be Referee since you are Killian's father."

"Don't worry. I will be fair," answered John with a smile that extended from ear to ear.

"But sir-"

"Let him be the referee, he is the head of the Dirksen family. A family is known for their warrior spirit, there wouldn't a man better than him to be the referee," said Grey interrupting the referee.

Bursting into loud laughter John spoke, "I like you kid.".

John's facial expression turned serious as he spoke the next words "I am sure you kids are aware, but I will state it again. In Duel, everything is allowed even killing someone, so I want to make sure that you both are ready to fight till the death."

"I am ready" answered Grey.

Before Killian could answer John spoke up, "Killian know this, I won't move a finger even if you die in that ring. Do you still want to fight the duel?"

"Dad, I won't die. At least not in the hands of this bastard."

"Son, It's good that you do not fear your enemy but you should always respect your enemies. A man is respectable only as they respect."

But it looked like that without taking his father's word to heart the son choose to ignore it. John sighed on the foolishness of his son as he said:

"Well then if you both have agreed to this duel, then this duel is official. Take your stance, before I toss the coin."

Grey stood with feet being shoulder-width apart from each other, leading foot slightly forward, same as the hand he was holding his one-handed sword with. He was relaxed and 'Springy' on the balls of his feet with his knees slightly bent.

This stance allowed Grey to keep his center of Gravity low and central so that he could react faster to any movement.

Jakob tightened his gauntlet as he took an offensive stance, his metal gauntlet has spiked in the place of knuckles and it extended till his elbow so that he can block off sword attacks relatively easily.

"Here I go," said John, tossing the coin.

With a calm stance, Grey closed his eyes and waited for the sound of coin crashing to the ground.

The coin rotated in mid-air as the whole arena was dead silent waiting for the coin to drop.


Unlike the previous match, there wasn't any sudden moveent instead there was a calm carefulness between both of the competitor as they approached each other.

Being three feet apart from each other, Killian made the first move. Covering his body with a Left-hand gauntlet that is extended till his elbow like a handguard, to block off any incoming attack from the left. He threw a punch aiming at the leftmost side of Grey's rib cage.

With a single verticle slash, Grey swung his sword aiming at the defenseless gap he had spotted, that gap being Killian's right shoulder.

Seeing the flash of mental coming at with high speed, Killian didn't further his attack rather he choose to dodge the incoming attack from Grey.

Killian tried to approach with furthermore different combination of attacks, but each time he couldn't execute it.

This simple-looking stance of Grey had nearly no flaws in it, prooving it hard for Killian to break it. Being pushed around the corner, Killian decided to use external force to break Grey's stance. The external force is magic.

{Author note: Single quotation mark means that it's character's current thought}

'Bastard! is he purposely luring me in? Well if I can't break his stance with my fist then I will use magic. With ground magic, I can shake his footing'

With that thought, Killian took distance from Grey and readied himself to cast the magic.. To perform ground magic a person needs to synchronize his mana signature with that of the ground.

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