False Hero

Chapter 60 - 59: Grey Vs Killian (2)

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This synchronization process usually involves touching the ground with both hands, but with some practice and experience, a person can use earth manipulation magic with any kind of physical contact.

During the fight, Grey wasn't going on the offensive and Killian tried to take advantage of this by sneakily performing a mana synchronization with the ground through his legs. It was an excellent move and judgment that could take any opponent off guard.

'Being good at defense doesn't mean shit, once I break your stance its game over. I will beat you to-'

"Using earth magic, not a bad plan. But ----" said out loud Grey, with a tremendous speed Grey dashed in front of Killian.

"---Like I will let you do it," said Grey standing close to Killian. Due to mana synchronization, his body couldn't react in time, and also the fact that Grey out of nowhere dashed in front of him, caught him off guard.

"What -Argh!" with the kick to the abdomen Killian was sent flying for a second before crashing to the ground.

Killian was frustrated at the fact that Grey was able to see through his plan like an open book. He was started to feel helpless.

Down to the ground, Killian's eyes were met with Grey's Gaze as he looked down on Killian with a mixed expression of ridicule, disgust, and pity.

'Hey!! don't look at me like that!! Don't look at me like that, Damn it!!! Don't look at me with that look like you are looking at an inferior creature that you can finish off any time. Don't look at me with those eyes!!!'

Raw anger clouded over Killian's every other sense, this sole emotion of rage took over his rational judgment.

{Author: Grey loves to psychologically toy with his opponent, it is a sadistic quirk that Grey has. Along with physical advantage, there is also a thing as a psychological advantage, With enough psychological pressure, a person tends to make more mistakes than usual.}

Blinded with a sudden outburst of anger, Killian charged at Grey with straightforward movement. Upon reaching a certain distance Killian swung his hand in an upward motion aiming at Grey's chin.

"Ouch!" Groaned as the blow connected to Grey's chin.

Following the uppercut, Killian proceeded with a series of blows aiming at Grey with each blow connecting to Grey's body, boasting Killian's confidence.

The helplessness he had felt before disappeared as if it was never there before in the first place, that helpless feeling of Killian was changed with the one that held tremendous pride.

But little did he know that Grey was just playing his part as a punching bag. The logic was simple, to not stand out throughout the match by taking a few hits.

"I thought you were good for a second, but you were just a disappointment." ridiculed Killian.

"You this so?" asked Grey as he dusted his shoulder off.

"You are awfully cocky for a person who just got beaten like shit."

"Beaten like shit? don't joke with me, you hit like a girl."

"You little ---"


Killian was soaked wet with the incoming water ball magic that was thrown at him by Grey.

"Don't be so mad, I threw this water ball at you so you could ---"

Killian knew exactly what Grey's next word would be, "Don't you say it!" threatened Killian.

"---So you could chill out ;P"

"You bastard!!!!" shouted Killian as he darted towards Grey.

The simple set of movements by Killian was an easy task to dodge, Grey just moved out of his way and tripped Killian with his foot.

John Dirksen stood by as a referee closely observing every move made by both of the participants.

'My son seems to do fairly well against this boy, landing a few good hits at him. But then why? what is this feeling? Even after getting hit, the boy is awfully calm. It's like the whole match is under his control. I hope I am just imagining things, cause there is no warrior more terrifying than the one that can maintain calm in any situation.'

With that thought John tightened his fist, hoping the best for his son.

Falling face-first to the ground, Down to the ground, Killian's eyes were again met with Grey's Gaze as he looked down on Killian.

"I said, don't look at me with those eyes!!!! What do you think you are? how dare you look at me like that. I am Killian Dirksen, I belong to the Dirksen family of warriors, I am a warrior. You are beneath me, don't ever try to think of yourself above me, you low-life dirty commoner was born to be beneath me!!!"

"Funny coming from a guy who is ass flat on the ground."

"You think you are funny? Do you think you are funny?!!! It will be really funny once I send my men to ruin your life. I will target everyone you love. I already know some of the people that are close to you, what was the girl's name? Yes, Annie!!"

Upon looking at the slight change in Grey's expression upon hearing Annie's name, Killian thought it was a weakness that he could exploit.

"Yes the same Annie, isn't she important to you? How would you like it, when I kidnap her and sell her off to a pervert rich man who is interested in young girls. I am sure he would use her body to the fullest."

Upon hearing the threatening words that were spoken out of Killian's mouth, Grey didn't react much.

He turned his face to calmy look at John Dirksen, yes, John Dirksen. Grey looked John dead in the eyes, Grey wanted to convey the bloodthirst he was feeling right now to John.

It wasn't a threatening gaze, It was a gaze that simply made sure that John had heard everything that came out of his son's mouth.

"Look at me, when I am talking to you. You --Gwak!"

With a sudden strike with the foot to his face, came a rush of confusion and dizziness, Killian found the world around him rotating on its own.

"From this moment, only words you will speak is one I will allow you to,"

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