False Hero

Chapter 61 - 60: Grey Vs Killian(3)

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{Author: It's a cruel chapter, so I advise my reader to prepare their heart before reading it.}

"Look at me, when I am talking to you. You --Gwak!"

With a sudden strike with the foot to his face, came a rush of confusion and dizziness, Killian found the world around him rotating on its own.

"From this moment, only words you will speak is one I will allow you to,"

Recovering from the sudden confusion, pointing his finger towards Grey, Killian spoke,

"I just need to move my finger, to get that girl Annie kidnaped---"


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Killian as a shattering bain trashed at Killian's brain, "MY HAND!! MY HAND!!!" yelped Killian as his arm bone known as humerus was shattered into two, his hand dangled from his arm like an oscillating pendulum.

"Didn't I warn you? that you are only allowed to speak the words that I will allow you to speak?"

Without hearing a word that Grey said, Killian struggled on the ground with agony. Rather than not hearing what Grey said, all his other senses were blocked off from the sheer amount of pain that was transmitting to his brain.

Every part of his body was dominated by a single emotion, pain!.

Holding his hand he cried "My hand! my hand! my hand!"

After a minute, recovering from agony Killian got a better grasp of his situation. But this awareness of reality was again overwhelmed by his immense pride. He dispised Grey for putting him in a situation like this.

Shooting a vengeful look at Grey, Killian opened his mouth "You! you! you! you! How dare you!? How dare you do a thing like this to me? I am a member of the Dirksen family, do you have any idea how powerful we are? My father will squish for doing a thing like this to me!!! after this match, I will gather all my men and find that girl to rap--- Gwak!!"

Grey buried his face on the ground by stomping it with his leg.

The words that were spoken by Killian were far from true. John Dirksen, the father of Killian will never do a thing such as exact revenge against a kid and in this scenario, there was nothing to hold a grudge out of. John was an honorable man who would never do a petty thing such as this.

In this case, the word that was spoken out of Killian's mouth disgusted John. He regretted not paying more attention to Killian as he grew up. But John was a great father since he had raised two fine sons before Killian, those sons being Killian's two older brothers. He had regretted that Killian had turned out like this, unlike his two older brothers.

Grey's hands reached down and grabbed Killian by his collar.

"You-- Gwa!!"

Before Killian could speak any words Grey drove his fist into Killian's face.

"How dare you hit-- Gwa!!"

Not letting complete his sentence, Grey drove another fist into Killian's face.

"Don't--- Awk!!"

Grey cluttered his fist into his nose, the dizziness of being hit on the nose blurred his vision.

But Grey didn't stop, He continued to rain down fists one after another on Killian's face. With each punch blood clotted on his face forming bruises of various sizes and colors.

Grey didn't use the venom factor to increase his strength, the strength he was raining down his punches was his normal strength.

With each punch, more bruises swelled upon his face. The non-stop punishment of punches that Killian's face was facing on the hands of Grey resulted in the various obscene cut's on his face.

The sound of Grey hitting his face changed into a sound of "Splat" as more blood spewed out of the cuts that had formed all around his face. With each punch, Grey's hand got covered with more blood as Killian's face got more and more bloody.

A punch that split his lips.

A fist that broke his nose.

A blow that split open his eyebrows.

Another blow that punctured the insides of the mouth.

The following punch shattered his teeth as it flew away from his mouth.

One after another Grey kept driving his fist into Killian's face.

Grey knew the thing he was doing now was a thing far from what a hero would do. But, he didn't care about it at all, he was simply furious from the words he had spoken about Annie. Grey would never become a hero at the cost of someone he loves.

If it comes to it, he will gladly be the source of all evil if it were for the people he loved. Grey was not kind enough that he would let someone walk away who showed vulgar ill intention against people he love.

Grey does aim to become a hero, but the hero is all he wanted to be he doesn't plan on becoming a saint. If a person deserves it, he wouldn't think for a second before killing them off.

He had been doing it for a while, like the time he had killed Hobgoblin.

Tears fell down Killian's eye, as he cried and begged, His voice twitched as he begged "Don't kill me, Please don't kill me, I beg you.".

With a broken voice cried, Killian. Without paying heed to Killian begging, Grey drove his fist into Killian's jaw, dislocating it.

With his jaw being dislocated he was unable to talk, but his tears still fell down as he begged for mercy.

"Dear!! stop him!! our son will die!!" Called out Killian's mom to her husband John, "Please dear!! stop him!!".

But without reacting to what her wife has said, John stood as a referee and watched his son getting beaten to death as he clenched his fist.

"No!! I can't do that, our son got into this on his own knowing the risk. Our son said things that shouldn't have been said, he brought this upon himself."

The only thing John was expecting now was Killian to die quickly, he didn't want his son to suffer anymore.

Grey didn't stop with his one-sided beat down and with each punch, Killian's consciousness was fading away, his breath was getting lighter.

"Grey!!!! please don't kill my son!! I beg you! please leave my son alive, I promise I would discipline this time properly. I should have disciplined him when he was assaulting all the innocent people to near death. I should have disciplined him when he was doing all the wrongdoing!! But give him one more chance, please I beg you!! I will discipline him I promise."

Killian's mom was regretting every time she let him get away with all his wrongdoing. Times when he beat an old man to near-death, she thought paying the old man money will shut his mouth up. But now she regretted everything, she begged for one more chance at parenting.

"Please, don't kill my son!! I will be a better mom this time!" she begged.

This plea from the mother finally made Grey stop, he stopped his assault on Killian.

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