False Hero

Chapter 62 - 61: Squishy Mess.

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I drove my fist into Killian one after another, with each blow his face became more of a mess.

My hands were covered with his blood, I could hear the wet and sticky sound of blood as I punched his face each time.

At first, he begged for me to stop, but now he was barely able to breathe.

He stopped talking from the movement I punched his jaw, Did I break his jaw?

Talking about breaking his jaw, I did break his nose. Just look at the mess squishy mess his nose is.

Talking about squishy mess, His whole face is messed up. How did it get so bad? I just punched him a few times.

I just started punching him, yet he cried and begged me to stop. If you were going to make face like that then you shouldn't have threatened me with kidnapping Annie in the first place.

If you feared death so much then don't hold so much pride in yourself, if you feared death so much then you should have minded your business.

Don't ever threaten my people, if you had feared death so much. People like you take the life of people that are dear to others, like those bastards that attacked the village that day...

"Please, don't kill my son!! I will be a better mom this time!"

Huh? is it his mom?

I stopped with my punch and looked up towards the source of the voice, Seated in the audience was a woman.

It's his mother.

She is crying...

I took a deep breath as I stood up and walked out of the ring. The whole audience was awfully quiet, well I don't blame them since they have witnessed quite a bloody match.

As I walked towards Rai, she handed me a clean piece of white cloth, "Here wipe the blood off your hand." she said.

Taking the white cloth I wiped the blood, the cloth that was originally white was now stained red.

"You didn't kill him," said Rai.

"I couldn't since her mom looked at me like that."

"You are soft," she said.

"What? I messed him up inside that ring, a normal person would get chills looking at the way I assaulted him in that ring."

I wonder what Rai would have done to Killian if she is calling what I did to Killian "soft". I might have made friend's with a psychopath.

I looked at Lora as I said "Your highness, I apologize I made you see an ugly side of me."

"No, not at all. It was rather a natural reaction for someone to get angry if someone they loved were threatened in front of them," said Lora.

apparently, she had something more to say, "That Girl, Annie. You do not love that girl romantically, right?" asked Lora.

That's what her concern is right now? this princess might be more of a psychopath than Rai.

I just came out of the ring, BLOODY! but that's the blood of my opponent. I just smacked a guy to near death and this is the reaction of these two girls?

I looked back at Killian, who was getting picked up by healers. His wounds will probably be healed within weeks. His mom ran up to him, she sure does look worried about him, I mean she is his mom after all.

For some reason, I couldn't help but sigh.

After letting out a deep sigh, I walked away towards the exit of the arena.

But before leaving I turned to face Lora, "Pardon my rudeness your highness, but I will take my leave."

"There is nothing to pardon, you must be tired after this match. Take a good rest," she replied as an affectionate smile formed around her lips.

Damn!! that smile!!. she can capture anyone's heart with that smile.

I turned to look at Rai as I said "I will take my leave first.", then I waved idiot A and Agata bye as I left the Arena.


"What are you doing here Annie?" I asked Annie who was waiting for me outside of the Arena.

"I saw you walking out of the arena, so I waited for you here.", she held my arm with both of her hands before saying "Let's walk home together."

A smile formed around my face as I said "sure."

Walking on the street we talked about various topics. Well, most of the talking was done by Annie. I liked hearing her talk, it never fails to lighten up my mood.

"Oh, I never told you, did I?" I asked out of nowhere.

"Never told me what?" she asked, curious.

"That I have a little sister just like you, her name is Emilia."

"Grey has Little sister...." she muttered.

For some reason, she looked sad.

With a sudden pause in her walking, she looked at me with a death glare as she asked, "Who is cuter? me or your little sister Emilia?"

I take back the thing I said about her being sad, more than sad she looks like she would murder me anytime.

"It a bit difficult question---"

"Anwer it!!!"

Huh? I have never seen Annie this aggressive before.

"You both are plenty cute," I replied with the most neutral answer I could possibly come up with, but there was truth in that answer.


I gently bonked her head saying "When I will leave Goldberg city, I will be taking you with me, you will get to meet my little sister, my dad, my cousin Eira and also my grandmother."

"I am looking forwards to that!!" she exclaimed, but later her expression changed, pressing her lips together tightly her eyebrows furrowed, with a sadder expression she spoke up "But first I would have to survive, hehe."

laugh at the end wasn't a joyful laugh, it was rather a melancholic laugh.

"You don't need to worry, your big brother will save you!!"

"big brother.... YES! big brother Grey will save me!!" she replied cheerfully.

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