False Hero

Chapter 66 - 65: Semi-finals(2)

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[The second matchup of the semi-finals, we have the silver-haired beauty who has shown excellent performance in the previous match--- representing Team number ten, Our fan favorite! we have Aetna!!]

The announcement from the commentator was met with the cheers of the people seated in the arena.

Damn, she is popular among the audience.

[And representing team 16, the dignified, the majestic, the refined, Radiance bright enough to outshine everything, the pride of our nation, her majesty, Princess Lora Ormr!!.]

This time the audience reacted with an even louder cheer following the announcement of the commentator.

"Seeing that both the fighters are ready, I will toss the coin."

Both of the girls who were standing opposing each other and didn't hold any type of weapon since they both belonged to the mage class.

The coin crashed to the ground with that came the metallic sound of "Clink.".

But there was no movement among both of the competitors, 

"Greetings Miss. Aetna, you have rather pretty hair!!" 

Princess? Princess? Why are you complimenting your opponent? aren't you supposed to fight her?

"Hehe! princess is also really really really pretty" 

Stop with the girl's talk and FIGHT!.

"Thank you! would it be rude to ask about what kind of element do you master?"

"No, not at all, I master in fire element!"

"Oh, that's great, I master in fire element too, Let's have a great match!!"

With that, Both of the girls went silent for a second as the mana from their core ran through their bodies.

With the sudden spike of mana in their body, they both opened their eyes, ready to fight.

The technique they used right now is known as 'Mana spike.', it's a very basic level warm-up skill, where the mage runs mana through their body to use magic more efficiently.

Like physical warm-up helps prepare for physical activity, 'Mana spike' helps to prepare the body for magic-related activity.

Their eyes shined brighter as they concentrated the mana in their hand simultaneously, 

They both simultaneously stretched their right hand, with the palm facing each other. The mana gathered in their hand and which in turn condensed into a ball fire.

It was a basic level fireball spell, but--

[What?!!!! the fire in their fireball turned red!! Isn't it an intermediate-level spell!!] 

Yes, the fire in their fireball turned Red, which made the basic level fireball spell an intermediate level spell.

Based on the color of the fire, the level of the fire spell is decided. Orange is the basic level and blue is the most advanced.

"Fireball." said both of them simultaneously as they shot the attack against each other.

Upon contact, both of the fireballs merged as one which in turn led out a blinding crimson radiance, followed by it came heavy noise of the explosion. 


The explosion resulted in a massive cloud of dust, which covered the whole ring which made it difficult for the audience to keep track of both of the fighters.


Another explosion was heard, which led to another shockwave. Following the second explosion came many other consecutive explosions.




[I don't know what's going on inside that thick cloud of dust, but it looks like both of the fighters are still fighting inside that cloud!!]

Yes, they were still fighting inside the cloud of dust. Even though I can't see their physical body, but I can still see their mana core and all the energy that flows inside that ring.

So I am able to track their movement. Currently, they are quickly throwing ranged attacks at each other and dodging at the same time.

Well, even their vision is limited, so I think they are guessing the position of their opponent based on the direction of the attack that is thrown towards them.

After a few exchanges of ranged attacks, the ring became silent. They were no sounds of attack heard and no attacks were thrown at each other.

The dust settled revealing both of the girls still at their original position as if they never moved from it since the beginning. 

But there was something different,

"I give up, I have run out of mana!" said Lora raising both of her hands slightly, it was the gesture of surrender. 

but in the contrast to her surrendering, her face held a bright smile.

"Due to the surrender of her opponent. The winner, Aetna!" declared the referee.

[Really?!!! Our princess has surrendered!! resulting in the winner being Aetna!!]

Lora lied, she was nowhere near out of mana. I don't know the reason for her lying and I am also curious about one more thing, why isn't she using the venomous factor of her Ormr blood.

I have not seen even once her using her venomous factor. I have a feeling that there is more to Lora than she shows on the surface. Due to their Ormr blood, they are natural warriors.

If I had to guess, Lora is most probably warrior mage class.

Now that we have lost two matches consecutively we have to win the rest three matches to qualify for to finals. 

I heard a cracking sound of a fist, as I turned around towards the source of the sound,

"Rai? What are you cracking your fingers for?"

"Going to beat the shit out of princess, since she doesn't want to take this competition seriously," replied Rai.

"We will be fugitive on the run if we beat the shit out their princess, or even worse they will catch us and execute us."

she placed her hand on my shoulder as she said,

"I can rely on you since you are also the prince of this nation. you will protect me!." 

"No no, I won't protect you, on the contrary, I will watch you get executed without even blinking my eyes."

"You hate me that much?"

I shook my head in denial as I said, "Love might be the right word."

"Toxic love?" asked Rai, tilting her head.

I couldn't but let out a chuckle as I said "Yeah."

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