False Hero

Chapter 67 - 66: 8v1


{Author: I will be skipping Grey and Rai's match since they won pretty easily, writing it will only bore you guys.

But don't worry, I will try my best to write a great fight sequence for finals!!!}

[What an amazing play by miss. Agata!!!! she is not letting her opponent close any distance between them and with her continuous attacks, she is keeping her opponent at the edge. not being able to see her attack must be really terrifying for her opponent. But I wonder why she has not used her wind blade attack yet?]

Her opponent was trying his best to dodge her wind blast and also was trying to close the distance between them. But with his each try, he was forced to dodge Agata's incoming attack making him retreat further back.

Agata was using her basic level spell efficiently to not drain her mana out, and the pattern of her attack-- it seems like she has a plan.

Without being able to attack, her opponent was forced to dodge, which in turn was tiring him out. With each dodge, his movements were becoming sloppy.

He was huffing and puffing as the match furthered on. Agata was not letting him stand in one place as she kept on attacking him with her wind blast forcing him to move.

His breath became more violent and louder, struggling to breathe his movement became sloppy.

Finally raising her sword, Agata said "It's time to end this."

Slashing her sword in vertical motion in empty space, she ended the match. Before her opponent could realize he was struck with an invisible force, as a crushing pressure radiated through his body.

With that attack, he was knocked out...

"Due to knock out, the winner of the fifth match, Agata Werner!" declared the referee.

[Oh, what a brilliant strategy by miss. Agata, cornering her opponent with continuous attacks and when the time was right, she dealt him with her devastating wind blade. Poor guy wasn't even able to dodge the attack!!! With the conclusion of this match, Team number 16 has won and will be advancing to the finals!!! what a comeback!! after two consecutive losses, they made their comeback with back with three back-to-back victories!!!]

With that announcement, the crowd burst into loud cheers.

"Yay! high five!" I said as I raised both of my hands demanding a high five from Agata.

She high-fived me saying, "Yay! high five!"

"Yay!! yay! high five!!" said Rai high fiving Agata, which in turn Agata high fived her back saying "Yay!! high five!!"

When did they both become so buddy-buddy?

She went on to give a high five to Idiot A and then Lora, "Yay! high five!!" said Lora high giving Agata back.

Lora had a childish excitement while high-fiving Agata, it's kind of cute.


[And the winner of this match, Lily!!! With this win, Team number 1 has finally made its comeback after two consecutive losses!!]

After my match, I was seated in the arena watching the second semi-finals between team number one which was Rin's team, and team number 8 which was Rudi's team.

Currently, Rudi's team is in a better position by winning two out of three matches, now they only need to win one match to qualify into finals.

[The member that will be fighting from team number 8 is, Rudi!!!]

Rudi walked into the ring as his name was called by the commentator, 

[Fighting him, the member that Team number 1 has sent to fight against Rudi is!! Rin]

Holding her sword she walked into the ring, before entering the ring she gave me quick glance, It felt like she wanted me to watch her.

"Before I toss the coin, I want both of the fighters to take their preferred stance.", the referee made sure that have taken their stance before tossing the coin. 

In her hand, Rin held a single-handed saber, the saber had a moderate curve along the length of the blade. The curve of the blade did reduce its thrusting ability though it was still fairly effective, this curve helped increase the slashing and cutting power of the blade. With her saber, she stood sharp.

Rudi didn't hold any weapon, holding one would only get in his way since he classifies him in mage class. Using mana spike he ran his mana from his core to the entire body. Taking a deep breath, Rudi focused his attention on his enemy.

Making sure both parties had taken their stance, Referee tossed the coin.

With the metallic sound of  "Clink!" as the coin fell on the ground, the match was underway.

Rin carefully took a step further watching the movement of Rudi closely.  It's pretty much a definite loss for a mage if they let warrior class too close to them, close-quarter is where warrior class shines the most.

Rudi quickly gathered his mana in the tip of his palm as he released air magic,

"Wind Blast!" 

Which she was able to dodge fairly easily but the attack did its job, which was to maintain a distance between Rudi and Rin.

Without closing any more distance Rin carefully stood in one place as if she was sorting her thoughts and planning her next move. 

But Rudi wasn't going to let her time to think as he used his 'Wind Barrier'. It was a wide a spread attack, that worked on the principle of concentrating air into one place and shooting it towards the enemy.

But in Rudi's case, he was able to do more than just concentrate air in one place. He is able to make walls of air by concentrating them in one place, this wall had great defense and attack capability.

Of course, he was able to perform such complicated magic with the help of his seal marking.

Moving out of the way Rin dodged the incoming attack from Rudi, the attack had the power of a speeding truck, and due to the size of the attack, it was visible to naked eyes, unlike other air-type attacks.

Dodging furthermore attack Rin was looking for an opportunity to close the distance between him and Rudi,

Rin was waiting for the right moment to attack Rudi, the right moment being Rudi running out of mana.

And finally, after a minute of dodging the moment came. The moment where Rudi's attack was getting weaker as he was running out of mana.

With a slight delay in Rudi's attack came the chance for Rin to close the distance between them.

With a quick step, she dashed in front of him, readying her saber to slash Rudi,

"Got you," said Rudi as a sneer curved up his lips, 

He purposely lured her in. Was Rudi always this smart?

"Wind barrier!"

Before she was able to forward with her slash, she felt a heavy pressure pressing against her body. She was hit with a wind barrier at point-blank range.

With the force of being hit with a wind barrier magic sent her flying off, rolling twice on the ground, but rather than crashing she quickly regained her footsteps.

She has been trained well, losing your footstep even for seconds can make you lose your life. 

[He was luring her in!!! what a beautiful play by Rudi!!! with the point-blank hit, it doesn't look good for Rin.]

Yeah, no shit it doesn't look good for her. 

She is bleeding heavily from her forehead and it's not a far-fetched thing to say that she might have cracked some bones.

With a sharp exhale, Rin spoke up "I will be ending this match now."

So she finally decided to use her seal marking.

Her eyes radiated with a bright shade of blue and a hint of yellow in them. Gathering mana in her hand she condensed a ball of water, but the ball of water was big enough to not be able to use as a long-ranged attack.

But rather than attacking Rudi with that water ball, she aimed it higher in the sky. Upon reaching a certain height the ball of water blasted causing it to fall as small drops of water from the sky throughout the ring.

"Rain?" said Rudi, confused. But he quickly regained composure as he prepared another Wind barrier attack stretching his hand.

"Wind Barr--Eek!"

"Like I will let you." interrupted Rin, as sparkles of electricity enveloped her body.

Huh? She is an electric type? No, I am sure it's not. She should be a water type, at least that's what her mana signature suggests.

is her electric power is coming from her Seal marking? That's unusual.

Before Rudi could fire his wind barrier he was met with a sudden sparkle of electricity, contraction of his muscle due to electric shock shut of his movement.

Recovering from the shock, Rudi tried to shoot another attack,

"Wind Barrie--"

But before he could shoot, he was met with another bolt of shock, paralyzing his movement. 

Limiting the movement of her opponent, Rin slowly walked closer to Rudi to end the match.

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