False Hero

Chapter 68 - 67: Successor?

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(Rudi's POV)

Move!! my useless body!!!!!

As the electric current traveled through my body, Paralysing my movement. I begged my body to move.

Struggling to move, I broke free from the paralysis, and in a desperate attempt, I tried to perform another wind barrier.

"Wind Barr-- Guh!"

But I was again stopped as another sparkle of electricity met my body, stunning me.

Again paralyzed, I tried to move my body.

A state of panic occurred to me as I saw my opponent walking closer to me.

I can't lose!! I have to win!!!

I can't let down Annie!!! we will save her!! for that, I have to win!!

Move!!! you useless piece of shit, move!!

My opponent was close to me, maybe three steps distance. But it's okay, my body was getting freed from the paralysis. I will be able to move at any moment!

Yes finally!! I can move!!

"Due to definite results, The winner of this match, Rin!" Declared Referee.

Huh? I didn't lose yet. 

I didn't---

I lost...

Her saber was near my throat, it was a fair victory.

The only thought that ran in my mind was how to save Annie now. As reality hit me, along with it came the dispair.

The S rank Amrit fruit is only one of a kind, without it how are we going to save Annie? The useless me couldn't win a simple match.


with that thought, I slammed my fist into the ground.


(Grey's POV)

Rin won the match against Rudi, He did his best against her. He did everything he could do. 

I think I figured out what exactly is her Seal marking. When I first saw her seal marking, I thought I saw a symbol of an eel-like creature symbol on her hand that day and I was correct.

It was the symbol of an electric eel, a creature that hunt's its prey by shocking it with electricity, the stunned prey gets swallowed by the eel alive. 

Rin seal marking allows her to use electricity without being an electric type. It's truly interesting that what kind of power can seal marking provide to a mortal.

{Author: People compatible with electricity are very rare in this world. currently, of all the characters I have introduced, only Rai is the character that can use electricity.

Rin is not compatible with electricity but she can use it because of the seal marking of Thalassa.}

Apparently, Rin can't use electricity freely like Rai, since she needed to first moist her surrounding air to use electricity. 

By first making her surroundings moist by throwing a huge water ball in the sky, she was able to use her electricity freely. But I wasn't able to see more of her weird sword style that she used against me that day, I wish I could have seen that.

Now that Rin's team has won another match, they have won two matches, tieing with Rudi's team. This last match will be the deciding match of who I will be facing in the finals. 

and the person that is participating in the last round was---

[Introducing the last member of team number one who will be fighting this round, The one who ended all his matches in one hit, the prince of our nation, the blood of Ormr, and the successor of hero Alice, Otis Ormr!!!!]

The successor of Alice, huh? interesting... 

I saw this coming long ago, naming someone "Successore of Hero Alice" will only boost their image. 

I did expect the Ormr family, to use my mom's name to sell images of their kids. I hate politics, but due to being royalty of two nations, I will eventually be dragged into it someday.

Standing firm with his polearm, Otis stood in the ring waiting for the referee to toss the coin. 

"Now that both of the competitors have taken their stance, I will toss the coin." said the referee as he tossed the coin.

The sound of the coin hitting the ground was followed by the sudden dash by Otis, with a quick dash he was in front of his opponent.

Readying his polearm, he prepared an attack from the right. With one strong swing, Otis attacked with a horizontal slash from the right, It was a very quick attack. Even though his opponent knew it was coming, he was still barely able to block it

But blocking it was of no use. Otis's polearm clashed with his opponent's sword, the force at which Otis swung his polearm was more than his opponent has expected.

Even though his opponent had blocked the attack with his sword, it was not enough the stop the force of polearm that was coming his way.

With a sudden pressure, he was sent flying off crashing onto the wall of the Arena. Knocking him off.

Otis defeated the opponent with one move.

"So this is the power of Ormr blood?" asked one of the spectators behind me, shocked.

"What a tremendous physical power, it's so powerful that it feels unfair going against it."

"How can someone expect to win against this power? There is no doubt that team one is winning this competition."

[He won the match, Again!!! with just one move!!! one move was all he needed!! will any opponent will be able to draw our prince's full power?!! But with the conclusion of this match, the winner is Team number one. The finals will be between team number one and team number 16!!!!]

Apparently, in all his previous matches Otis had defeated all his opponents in a single move. What a show-off.

More importantly, I will be fighting Rin's team.....

Rin looked at me as the winner was announced, on her face she wore a confident smirk. It felt like she was saying that 'she will win the finals and make me join Celestia'.

I shot a gentle smile towards her, as she looked at me. My smile said 'You can try if you want.'

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention?" said Otis calling out to the crowd. The whole crowd went silent, wanting to hear what Otis have to say.

"I, Otis Ormr, the blood of Ormr bloodline, One of the princes of this nation, stand here to ask you all to be my witness."

With a little pause, he continued, "My Aunt, and the person that is well known as Hero Alice, died four years ago, she died fighting for our nation!!! she died as a hero!!!!"

With his following line, the whole crowd cheered, chanting "Long live hero Alice."

He is doing a great job of firing up the crowd, is he doing it on purpose? No, I think what he is saying is his genuine feelings. But now that crowd is invested in what Otis is saying, they will pay close attention to his words.

"She took out a whole army!!!! and defeated a demon!!! alone!!!! It will be insanity if someone were to say that they want to be her successor. But I, Otis Ormr, stand here and declare that I will be the successor of the hero Alice."

This bit seems kind of fake like he is forcing himself to say this. 

"Aunt Alice never had a son, so naturally someone from her family has to carry on her legacy and I as her niece will carry on her legacy. I, as the successor of hero Alice, will protect this nation. I will be the strongest!!! In tomorrow's match, I will show everyone that I, only I am capable of carrying Hero Alice's legacy

Naturally, I will win finals tomorrow, since no one in this tournament is powerful enough to defeat me."

A bold claim, I like it. 

But I have this feeling that what he said just now was just an act, well I might be wrong.

I don't have any problem with him being the successor of my mom, if he is powerful enough, then he deserves to be the successor. 

It's an Ormr family secret that Hero Alice had a son, that is me. The general public doesn't know that she had a son, they didn't even know that she was married to the royalty of Frey nation. Well, even the Ormr family believes that I am dead, so there is that.

But I am not planning on being dead forever, I will stop hiding and I think I will probably tell everyone the truth that I am alive after a year. When that happens, Otis will view me as an enemy and I am not sure if Lora would still have feelings for me after knowing the truth.

The future will surely be interesting...

"He wants to take your place," commented Rai sarcastically. She was sitting beside me.

"My place?" I asked.

"As the successor," she answered.

"oh.... well, I have no interest in titles such as that, cause at the end of the day they are just that --- Fancy titles."

"Oh, my --- How cool!! when did you become so cool?"

"Always was."

"In your dreams."

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