False Hero

Chapter 69 - 68: Finals(1)

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"Big brother Grey went like, Bam!! defeating his opponent, He looked so cool!!. Then it was Big sister Rai's match, she was so amazing, she hadn't even used elemental power even once. She only won with her sword skills, Isn't she amazing?!!!" explained Annie about how today's match went to Grandma Julia, with exaggerated gestures and childish excitement. 

Grandma Julia chuckled as she patted Annie's head, "I was there to watch the matches and They were amazing!"

"Right!! Everyone today was so amazing!!" Annie's eyes sparkled with excitement, she continued to talk about each of our matches with nothing but pure joy.

In contrast to Annie's joy, there was a very depressed person sitting beside me at the dinner table.

"Why so gloomy?" I asked.

"I lost. Even though I knew that this was the chance we could not let go of, I still lost."

"There was not much you could do, forget about it," I said patting his back.

"Exactly, there was not much I could do. We have already seen many of our friends die, helplessly. I wanted to save Annie, no matter what. How useless could I have been? she calls me big brother. But I don't deserve to be called big brother. "

With a little pause, he continued, "I dream of becoming a hero that saves everyone."

"I know that very well," I replied.

"But, I have done nothing hero like yet. I couldn't save my people. I couldn't even end their misery as they begged to be killed, I wasn't brave enough. In end, it was you who dirtied your hand. I just watched doing nothing." said Rudi as his voice broke apart.

Rudi was walking about the time when there were fourteen of us, the surviving kids from the village. Later one by one each kid died due to instability in their mana core caused by their dark dura.

In their ending moments, they begged to be killed. The pain was too much for those kids to bear. So I ended their life for them, it was the most heartbreaking I had to do. 

I still get nightmares of those times...

"And now, I failed the chance to save Annie. what should I do now, Grey?"

"It's simple, You should trust me and Rai to win finals tomorrow. Besides, you are overthinking." 


Before he could say anything, I stuffed a spoon full of food in his mouth.

"Even if Grey doesn't win, I will win for sure," said Rai as she stuffed another spoon full of food into Rudi's mouth. Apparently, she had heard everything me and Rudi were talking about.

"We are feeding, Rudi? let me join too!!!" said Aetna as she stuffed another spoon full of food in his mouth.

"Me too!! me too!!" said Annie, excitedly as she stuffed the spoon into Rudi's mouth.

With so much food, Rudi's mouth was stuffed to its fullest. 

"Looking at them, they are so happy. You were worried for nothing," I said as I gave Rudi a gentle chop on his head.

I turned my head to look at Ulrich who was eating his food quietly, Ulrich was purposely diverting his head to avoid any possible eye contact.

But with the power of my "Death glare.", he gave in.

Letting out a sigh, he stuffed his spoon full of food in Rudi's mouth.

Grandma Julia chuckled as she said, "Watching you guys reminds me of my son." But before we could say anything she corrected herself, "No, you all are my kids, my son, and daughters. I am truly glad that I got to live with you kids in my last year."

"Last year? You don't need to worry about dying so soon, you still have fifty years or so to live," I said.


"You don't have to personally take me to the arena each time. You have your finals today, rather than wasting time on escorting me to the arena, you should make a plan or something with your team. Look I have my walking cane, I can walk pretty well on my own." insisted Mark.

"Shut up old man. what will I say to Aunt Bruna if you trip over and fall on your face flat? You should take life easy at this age, It would be ugly if you broke your bone or two at this ---AGE." I sarcastically implemented that he was getting old.

"Ow ow ow ow!!" my cheeks were getting pulled by mark.

"Don't disrespect your elders!!! and besides, I am not that old, I am just thirty years old."

"You said the same thing last year. I mean I get it, being old might be a real shocker for you. It's fine, you will learn to accept the reality, eventually." I said as I placed my hand over Mark's shoulder as if I was consoling him.

"So, being thirty is your standard for getting old, then you are saying that your Aunt Bruna here is way older since she is a year older me. She is thirty-two years old right now," said Mark as he pointed his finger towards Aunt Bruna who was walking with us.

The next moment, I and Mark felt a heavy pressure weighing down on us. It was the pressure of Aunt Bruna's death glare.

This old man!! he is purposefully dragging me into this.

I grabbed Mark's collar as I said, "Old man, You!!! don't call Aunt Bruna, old!!! Do you dare call such a beautiful wife of yours old? I have never seen her get old over the years, sometimes I wonder if is she is de-aging or something."

"Oh my, that's so sweet of you Grey."

"Thank you, Aunt Bruna. Then I shall take my leave I am getting late for finals," I said as I quickly walked away.

"Yes let's go, we are getting late," said Mark as he tried to walk away with me.

"Wait, dear. where do you think you are going? You think you can walk away by calling me old." said Aunt Bruna threateningly as she grabbed Mark.

"Ummmm, I am sorry?" said Mark as if trying to check if a simple sorry would work But the devious smile on Aunt Bruna's face made it clear that it won't work. 

"Grey!!! take me with you! didn't you say that you would escort me to the arena!!" yelled Mark as I was walking away quickly. It felt like the last yelp of a dying animal.

The fate of Mark was unknown after that and I am not sure what Aunt Bruna did to him. But he was a great man and he will always be remembered.


I went to the waiting room where all the team mates were instructed to gather before the match. I was the last one to arrive since everyone was already there.

After waiting for a while, we were said to walk into the arena as our name was called by the commentator. Apparently, there was an extra commentator today, the extra commentator was duke himself, Otto Werner.

We were standing in the hallway, waiting for our name to be called. 

As I was waiting, I heard Commentator call the name of Team number one. Followed by that came a wave of loud roar as the whole arena exploded with the cheers of the spectators. I could feel the wall of the hallway tremble from the cheers of the audience.

"It seems, that there is a lot of people who came to watch the finals," said Lora.

"Yes, this year's moon glitter competition has been very popular. Even people outside Goldberg city are excited to see who will win this year's finals," explained Agata.

"Of course us. But us winning will be more definite if someone were to move her royal ass and actually do some fighting," commented Rai, sarcastically. Her comment was aimed at Lora.

"Oh, pardon my rudeness of not going all out last time. But if you insist so much, then I shall go all out in finals. But I am afraid I might take away your spotlight." said Lora as a nerve popped on her head.

These two girls really love to get on each other's nerves.

To not let them argue any further I stood in between them.

[Then I will go ahead and introduce the second team that will be taking part in the finals. The popularity of this team has skyrocketed since the first day. Now you might be thinking that it's obvious that this team is popular because they have members such as the duke's daughter, Agata Werner, and the princess of our nation, Lora Ormr. You might be right but also you are wrong!!. Because in this team we have members who have made name for themselves throughout the competition. This team is popular not because of one or two members, it is popular because the team as a whole is one amazing team. Without further due, I shall introduce the ----]

It was our turn to walk inside the arena. Walking in the hallway the loud cheer was getting more and closer. exiting the hallways we finally walked into the arena, together.

[Team number 16!!!!]

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