False Hero

Chapter 70 - 69: Finals(2)

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{Author: It's a holy chapter, and if you understood this joke then you are a fucking degenerate ;)}

As our team number was called out, the whole arena burst into raw cheers.

Well, it looks like our team is as popular as the prince's team. I mean, it makes sense since the princess is on our team.

[Do you have anything to say to the competitors, Sir Otis Ormr?] asked the commentator.

[Yes!, I have been very excited over the fact that how good this year's competition has turned out to be. It was of best decision to give the new generation spotlight in this year's competition. The two teams that have reached the finals, the ten competitors. I congratulate them all, and I am exhilarated to see what kind of battle our youngster will show us in the finals. Give it your all and show the brilliance of the next generation to the world!!]

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"What?" asked Idiot A.

"It's funny how the duke is more invested in the fight than us," I replied.

"Yes, dad always turns into a little kid when it comes to things like this," said Agata.

[Now! we will get right into the first fight without further due.]

Finally, it was time for the first fight. Before entering the arena, they had asked us about the person we will be sending first to fight from our team.

[The first person that will be fighting from team number one is Dirk Beck!!!!] 

Don't ask who is Dirk Beck, since even I have no idea who this guy is. Maybe a filler character or something.

{Author: Mc please don't break the fourth wall.}

[And, the first person that will be fighting from team number sixteen is, the princess, Lora Ormr!!!]

"Your highness," I called out to Lora as she walked away towards the ring, stopping her.

"Yes, dear?" 

Eh? dear? nevermind.

"I have a request to make," I said.

"Request?" she asked, curious.

"Please give it your all and win this match," I said with a slight bow asking a favor. I have no problem bowing before someone if it was for saving someone I love.

I do have a lot of pride, but my pride won't save Annie. I will have to give my pride up and ask Lora to win this match.

"You have a good reason to win this match, don't you? Well, I won't ask the reason. But I have two requests."

"Two requests?"

"If I win this match you will call me by Lora and you will go on a date with me!!" said Lora as she walked away towards the ring.

"I want both of the fighters to take their preferred stance before I toss the coin," instructed Referee.

Neither of the fighters was holding any kind of weapon, not because both of them were mages. the reason was---

[Now you might be thinking that Dirk is a mage, but that's not the case. He is a type of fighter that boasts his physical strength using mana.] 

Adding to what the commentator said, Duke added [ The technique to boast physical strength using mana is a harsh one, it is very difficult to master and it takes a toll on your body. But the negative effects can be minimized by years of training.], explained the Duke.

After making sure both of the fighters were ready, the referee tossed the coin. Dirk rushed in a straightforward dash towards Lora as the coin fell down on the ground.

"Fireball," said Lora, as she fired a basic level fireball towards Dirk, which he was easily able to dodge.

Upon entering a certain distance, Dirk swung his fist towards Lora. But before he was able to connect his fist, he was met with sudden pressure as a fireball exploded on his chest. 

The impact of the fireball hitting against his body sent Dirk flying off, crashing on the ground. 

[Like we saw yesterday, Lora purposefully lured her enemy in close quarters!!!! Will he gets up after taking this attack?!!]

Answering to commentator's question, Duke answered [The physical type fighters fortify their body with mana, so he will get up.]

Just like Duke said, he got up.

"I thought of going easy on you princess. But, I will go all out now, so don't hold any grudge against me," said Dirk as he got up.

"You are free to go all out!"

With that, Dirk rushed towards Lora now with even tremendous speed. But Lora didn't throw any attack rather she waited for him to get in close quarters with her.

"You should have attacked me with a long-range attack when you had the chance since in close quarters you can't win against me," said Dirk before striking his foot towards Lora.

[I have been wondering for a while but I think that Princess is not a mage.] said Duke, suggesting something.

[What do you mean, Duke?] asked the commentator.

[By looking at her posture, stance, and many other aspects, I think she shines more in hand-to-hand combat than being a mage.]

Blocking off the incoming attack with her bare hand, Lora spoke up "What gave you the impression that I am a mage?"

Her eyes shined bright in the color of Indigo-Violet color. So she is finally using her venomous factor.

Dirk threw another attack, this being a right uppercut, which Lora dodged. Lora continued to dodge and block many more of his attack with ease.

And then, Finally, Dirk threw a straightforward punch towards Lora which she dodged and retaliated with her own punch, Connecting the punch to Dirk's nose.

The force of the punch traveled to Dirk's brain, rendering him unconscious.

The match was over...

"Due to knockout, the winner, Lora Ormr!" declared the referee.

[With a sudden unexpected turn of even and sudden unexpected twist!!! the result of the match is apparent!!! the winner of the first match, The princess, Lora Ormr!!!]

The match resulted in loud cheers by the crowd.

Walking back to where I was standing, Lora looked at me with a look of expectation.

"That was amazing, Your high-" before completing the sentence I corrected myself, "That was amazing, Lora."

Apparently, me calling her by name was too much for her to handle, as a cloud of vapor emitted out of her head, her face being beet red from ear to ear.

"Than-Thanks, Grey!!! I thought I prepared my heart for you calling me by name, but I was wrong!!. My heart is beating so fast, what I should do?!!!" said Lora, panicking.

"Should I stop calling you by your name?"

"No!!! no! please don't stop!!!" exclaimed Lora.

She really likes me. I should tell her the truth about me eventually.

As we won the first match, the opposite team will have to send their player first. Then we can choose our player on the basis of the player they have sent.

[The person that Team number one has decided to send is *********!!] 

{Author: The first person fighting from Team number one was Idiot B and I will absolutely refuse to give away Idiot A's and Idiot B's name : ) }

[Now, which player will you send Team number 16?!!]

asked commentator, 

Answering the commentator's question, Idiot A walked towards the ring. for some reason, he really wanted to fight idiot B and I had no reason to deny him.

Standing on the opposing side both of the fighters readied their weapons.

The weapon of choice for idiot A was a dull sword and the weapon of choice for idiot B was a metal club.

"Now that both the fighters are ready, I will toss the coin." said the referee before tossing the coin.

With the sound of a coin falling to the ground the match was underway. Both of them dashed forward, clashing their weapon on the center of the ring.

But the blunt force of a metallic club was more than that of a sword, in a head-to-head clash sword will always get pushed back. The same thing happened to idiot A as his sword was pushed back.

"The club of yours does have a lot of impact force, but at the end of the day it won't do much damage," said Idiot A as he stepped back taking some distance.

"No, my club will do a lot of damage when I knock your head off with my club," replied Idiot B as he dashed even further to not let idiot A getaway.

"What did you say!!!" raged Idiot A as he stopped stepping back and swung his sword with full force.

His sword again clashed with Idiot B's club, but this time -------his sword-----kind of-------flew away...

That idiot!!! he really thought that he would win in direct battle with his sword against a club. 

[Match has ended--- ended? yes, it has ended, the winner, ----]

Even the commentator was confused with the result of the match.

Trying my best to hold my laugher, I said "Wow..... that must have been embarrassing." to Idiot A was walking back to our team.

"Just kill me!!", Idiot A was pale with embarrassment.

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