False Hero

Chapter 74 - 73: Finals(6) Grey Vs Otis.

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(Third person Pov)

as his name was introduced, Grey walked into the ring. Holding his polearm he stood opposing Otis.

"Didn't you use a sword in all other matches?" asked Otis. 

"Yes, I did."

"Then why change your weapon? do you think that fighting me will be that easy, that you can try new weapons while fighting me?" Asked Otis. 

Grey felt a slight pressure weighing down on him. When he looked at Otis's eyes he found out the source of the pressure,

'He is using those eyes on me, is he trying to intimidate me?' 

{Author: The people of Ormr blood can paralyze their opponent for a second just by looking at them. They can also cause instability in their opponent's mana and put heavy pressure on them by just looking at them. There are very few Ormr bloodline people that can use all three effects at the same time.}

Otis was trying to put heavy pressure on Grey. 

Doing an arm-stretching exercise, Grey spoke up, "It's been a while since I have used polearm against someone. So, I thought today is a great day to use it."

Veins popped on Otis's forehead, but more than angry he was confused. Confused about the fact that why putting pressure is doing nothing against Grey.

"You will regret experimenting with new weapons on me." Laughed Otis with a hint of ridicule in it.

"Before I toss the coin, I want both of the fighters to take their preferred stance," instructed Referee.

Holding in his hand, Otis held a polearm that consisted of a heavy blade at one end of the long pole. It was a weapon that was best suited for disarming enemies or dealing heavy blows to them, along with that the blade works great in finishing off the enemies.

Holding tight, Otis took an aggressive stance.

In his hand, Grey held a polearm. The weapon consisted of a metal pole with a slender double-edged blade at the end of the polearm. Holding firm, Grey took a defensive stance.

[Both of the fighters have taken their stance, at any moment we will witness the grand finals match of the day!!!]

"Now that both of the fighters have taken their stance, I will toss the coin," said Referee before tossing the coin.

Every person in the arena waited for the coin to fall down, their eyes fixed on the coin. Falling down to the ground coin made a "Clink" sound. 

The sound of the coin hitting the ground was followed by the sudden dash by Otis, with a quick dash he was in front of Grey.

Readying his polearm, he prepared an attack from the right. With one strong swing, Otis attacked with a horizontal slash from the right. It was exact same set of moves that he had used against his previous opponent.

To stop the incoming attack, Grey blocked it with his polearm. But due to the force of the polearm, he was sent flying. Due to the sudden force, Grey crashed onto the wall of the arena. 

The force at which Grey crashed onto the wall, broke it. The dust due to broken walls scattered across the area where Grey was crashed into.

[Oh no!!!!! just like that, the match has ended!!!! Otis Ormr has ended the match with one move, once again!!!! I thought at least Bleeding ashed would have survived an attack from the prince, But I was wrong!!! with this one blow, the winner has been decided!!]

[I don't think the match is over.] Objected the duke.

"Due to knock out, the winner, Otis----" before the referee could announce the victor a voice interrupted him.

"Now now, let's not be so hasty the match has just started," said Grey as he walked out of the broken wall, dusting his clothes off.

Besides the dust on his clothes, there wasn't any visible injury by crashing onto the wall. 

[What?!!!! Grey walked out of the broken wall unscathed!!!! Taking a direct hit didn't knock him off!!!! This match is getting more and more interesting.] exclaimed commentator.

[Weren't you the one that said the match is already decided.] chuckled Duke.

Looking at the site of Grey walking unscathed put Otis in a state of shock, His shock turned into laughter as he spoke up,

"Interesting, Truly interesting." 

Pointing his weapon at Grey, He continued "At this very moment, I acknowledge you as my opponent."

"I am honored." chuckled Grey

After a brief moment of silence. Both of the fighters rushed at each other, clashing their weapon. being overpowered, Otis was pushed back. 

Trying to create a distance between them, Otis tried to strike his foot aiming at Grey. Dodging the incoming kick, Grey burrowed his elbow inside Otis's shoulder. 

Being hit on the shoulder forced him to step back. 

Grey didn't pursue Otis any further and held his ground. After recovering from the hit, Otis dashed further as he readied his polearm for a vertical slash. He had boasted his physical strength even further using his venomous factor

His polearm clashed with Grey's, Knocking Grey's polearm back. Taking advantage, Otis threw another attack at Grey.

But before he could swing his polearm, Grey caught his polearm and struck him with a kick in the abdomen. Being knocked back, Otis crashed to the ground. 

After crashing on the ground, Otis quickly regained his footstep and threw another attack at Grey. blocking his attack, Grey threw an attack of his own.

This exchange of blows kept on going for a while. 

Clashing on to each other's weapons they tried to push each other back. Taking advantage of the close quarters, Otis sneakily gathered mana in his hand.

Condensing a fireball, Otis shot it at Grey, trying to take him off guard.


Moving his head away, Grey dodged the incoming fireball, as if he had already known that a fireball was coming at his way.

'He shouldn't have known that I was going to throw a fireball at him, yet he dodged it effortlessly. At this close distance, it is nearly impossible to dodge a fireball, and yet he was able to doge it as if he had already seen it coming.' was Otis's line of thought.

Further exchanging more moves, the match went on for a while with no definite victor emerging among them. 

"You are pretty adept at using a polearm, why did you say that you are new at it?" asked Otis as he stepped back.

Taking a step back, Grey opened his mouth saying, "I never said that I was new at using polearm."

Taking a deep sight, Grey continued, "We are fighting for a while, let's end the match now."

"Yeah, even I have started to feel a little tired."

After a little talk, both of them continued their fight. With a prolonged fight, a smile curved up on both of the fighters.

[Why are they smiling?] asked the commentator, his question was directed towards Duke. But his question was not answered with any reply.

Turning his head to face duke, he saw Duke smiling, he was thoroughly soaked into the fight. After a while, Duke opened his mouth,

[You asked, why they are smiling right? the reason is simple. They are truly enjoying the fight, both of the fighters are just living each moment of the fight. 

The part of growing older comes with a lot of responsibility. Fulfilling their personality, a person forgets about what truly makes them happy. The feeling of doing what you love is forgotten as a person grows up. 

Looking at these two fightings had brought back the feeling that I once thought was dead. Even a grown man like me can't help but feel excited at the sight of these two young men living their life, Giving their all in this one fight. 

I don't want to look away, I can't look away..... I am glad that I have hosted a competition like this.]

Being struck with the blunt side of the polearm, Otis was forced to step back. 

Gripping tight, Grey held his polearm, 'I should end this now.' thought Grey. Dashing forward Grey swung his polearm,

'Rin's word style fascinates me, I can't help but stare at Rin whenever she fights with her sword.' thought Grey as he clashed his polearm with Otis's polearm.

'Isn't that fluid motion where she knocks enemies' swords off with a smooth parry really awesome?' 

With a smooth circular motion, Grey swung his polearm.

Rin who was watching from the side was astonished, as she said "Isn't it my ----"

With a smooth circular fluid motion, Grey parried Otis polearm away, leaving him wide open.

"----my move."

Taking advantage of Otis being wide open, Grey swung his polearm, stopping his polearm right before Otis's throat. 

"Due to definite result, the winner of the match, Grey!!!" 

The winner of the match was decided. 

Grey turned his head to look at Rin as he shot a bring smile. The smile didn't contain any ridicule, it was just a pure warm smile. 

A smile that Rin has seen first time on Grey's face. Rin didn't think that he was capable of such expression. It caught her off-guard, a brief warm sensation wrapped around Rin's heart.

Shooting a smile back, Rin said "It was a great move!."

This brief exchange of emotion was their last since Rin left the city immediately after the match. But it was inevitable, the inevitable future where Grey and Rin worked under the same organization as a team.

In an even more distant future, a future where Rin and Rai worked as a team, a future where they entered a hidden nation and became disciples of A god.

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