False Hero

Chapter 75 - 74: Brothers

(Otis POV)

I was four years old when I first met her, my hero.

She is considered the hero of our nation and also she was said to be the strongest warrior among all the nations. But I simply considered it bullshit.

I mean, who could be stronger than my father. My father was the strongest person I have seen. A strength that is unmatched by anyone in this kingdom. For me, my father was the strongest person ever.

But my father always used to say "A person is never truly the strongest, there is always someone better than you. But that's what makes it more exciting, you can keep aiming higher to get stronger." 

I didn't understand his words at all, what is fun in knowing that there is someone stronger than you?

When I first met her, I showed obvious hostility towards her. I even argued that she is not stronger than my dad. But in contrast to my hostility, My dad was really happy to see her. He looked like a little brother who was meeting her big sister after a long time.

I mean, she is my dad's big sister.

I urged them to spar with each other, I wanted to prove that my dad is stronger. Even my dad wanted to spar with her. 

The result of the spar was a devastating loss, but my dad wasn't disappointed, what I saw was a different sight,

"Big sister, I improved right?!!!" asked my dad to Aunt Alice, he was excited.

"Yes, you have!!! where did you learn that move?!! teach me!!" replied Aunt Alice as she patted my dad's head. My dad looked really really happy, being praised by his big sister made him this happy? 

So this is what having someone stronger to look up to means... I want to look up to someone too.....I want to be happy, just like my dad.....

I looked toward Aunt Alice as I said, "Aunt, I will be one day as stronger as you!!!" 

Both, my aunt and my dad was shocked by my sudden declaration, But later they both burst into laughter,

"Isn't he just like me?" said my dad.

"I remember you saying the same thing to me when we were little," said Aunt Alice, she turned to look at me as she placed her hand over my little head,  "I am looking forward to that. You will surely become stronger than me, you have the potential in you!!."

"Yes, I will!!!" I replied, excitedly. The words that came out of her mouth made me really happy.

"By the way, I have a little son who is just about your age. You and he can compete with each other to see who is the strongest. You both can keep competing with each other, but never fight for real against each other since you both are brothers!." said Aunt Alice.

"Brother..." I murmured. 

"Good for you!! you have a brother to compete with." said my dad with a big smile on his face.

"Yes, I have a brother!!" 

After that, Aunt left and went back to her house. I trained each day and waited for the day when I will meet my brother. I can't wait for the day when I will get to fight against him.

I was excited to find out what kind of person my brother was. That was the thing I looked forward to each day.

Until one day, four years later, I entered my dad's room. I wanted to ask him to practice with me. 

But when I entered the room, he was seated in his bed, his face had a serious expression. An expression I have never seen before on his face.

"Dad are you okay?" I asked.

Hearing my voice, he looked up towards me, He opened his mouth to speak, the following words that came out of his mouth were something I wasn't ready to hear. 

"Otis, My sister," his voice broke as he continued "You Aunt is dead.",

Tears welled up in his eyes as he continued "My niece, Your Brother, is dead."

"Huh?" I questioned, I couldn't comprehend what he was saying. No, I did understand what he said, I just didn't want to accept it. 

Tears flowed out of my eyes, "Huh, why am I crying? I only met her a few times. Why are tears flowing out of my eyes, when I haven't even met my brother yet? "

I tried to wipe my tears off, but it was replaced with more, "Dad, I have met my aunt a few times and I have ever met my brother. But then, why... why am I feeling so sad?" my voice broke apart.

My dad embraced me in a hug, as he cried louder. Even I couldn't stop my cries...

"My hero..."

After that day, I trained even harder. But, there was nothing to look forward to. Day by day I couldn't shake off my emptiness. 

I started questioning, what was I training for? 

But now, I fought a boy. A boy who was insanely strong...

As the fight proceeded, I was more sure that I can't beat this boy. He was on another level.

But, instead of feeling sad, I was feeling a different feeling. The feeling of excitement, the same excitement that I have felt that day when I saw Aunt Alice fighting with my dad. the feeling I thought I was never going to feel again. 

The way he uses his polearm, it was as if I was fighting with Aunt Alice herself. If Aunt Alice's son, my brother would had been alive, he would have been just like him. 

I want to get stronger and fight with this person again!!. I want to treasure this feeling and keep working harder to beat the person standing in front of me.

The winner was decided, I opened my mouth to speak up "I have lost, it was a great match.".

I paused for a second to gather the courage to say the following line, "I want to fight again with you!! I will get stronger in the future and I will beat you!!! and--- and please be my--- brother!!"

It was a weird thing to ask, Now that I think about it. I want to die!!!

"Sure!! we can be brothers" replied Grey. 

huh? so I have a brother that I can look up to now? 

I couldn't help as a smile formed on my lips.

So training hard all this time was not for nothing..... 


(Grey's POV)

[What a great end to a fantastic final!!!!! I still can't believe it!! Goodness!!! With consecutive two victories, Team number sixteen have secured their victory in the finals!!! A comeback that I have least expected.] 

The whole arena was going wild with cheers and roars. 

[Sir Duke, do you have anything to say?] asked the Commentator.

[Yes, I am beyond satisfied with how the tournament turned out to be. It was an excellent tournament, the most entertaining thing I have seen in a while. I have made my decision, we will hold a tournament like this every year!!]

With the following announcement by the Duke, the crowd erupted into even louder cheers. 

The duke continued, [And I have eyes on some competitor that I want to nurture personally, with proper guidance they will turn into great warriors.] 

Walking back to my team, I spoke up,

"We have won." 

"Yes, I saw" replied Idiot A.

"Then why aren't we celebrating?" I asked,

"Because I had believed that you would win," replied Rai, 

"Stop lying, you wouldn't believe me with shit." 

"I wanted to sound cool," admitted Rai. 

"I didn't celebrate because I have a reserved personality and I would feel weird to celebrate suddenly." Answered Lora.

That actually makes sense.

"I have never won anything in my life. I am so used to being the loser that I have forgotten what's it like to be a winner and now I don't know how to react," said Idiot A, His explanation makes me feel bad about him.

I placed my hand on his shoulder as I spoke up, "I feel you friend."

On another side, Agata raised both of his hands as she demanded "Yay high five!!."

I gave her a high five back saying, "Yay, High five!!". At least someone among us is celebrating.

"My brother asked you to be his brother right?" asked Lora.


"Please don't feel weird about it, my brother had lost his brother in past. Well, they never met. But he looked forward to meeting him, but when he found out that he was dead, it broke him. I am glad that he had found the person he was looking for. I don't know if it's fate or coincidence that he had considered you as his brother"

Funny coincidence, the brother that he had thought was dead and the new brother he had made is the same person. 

"Well one way or another, he would have become your brother anyways, since you will become my husband in the future," she said, throwing a wink at me.

Women, Don't decide my marriage without asking me first.

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