False Hero

Chapter 76 - 75: Moon Glitter Shop.

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After winning the finals, the next day, our team was called to collect our prizes from the moon glitter shop.

Moon glitter shop is just an extension of the adventure guild. Basically, the moon glitter shop works under the adventure guild. The artifact, rare herbs, mana core of monster, and various different things that are collected by the adventure guild are sold in the moon glitter shop.

Of course, the adventure guild of the whole Amay nation is a single company. 

The moon glitter shop was situated right beside the adventure guild. Upon first look, one might say that the structure of the moon glitter shop looked like an offspring structure of an adventure guild. 

As we reached the gates of the moon glitter shop. We were greeted and were escorted inside. The first thing we saw was a huge hall that kind of looked like a waiting room. Few people were seated in the waiting hall. 

Some were reading a catalog, it was most probably a catalog for a list of things that are available in the shop. 

Near the counter, there was a receptionist waiting for us. 

"Your majesty, it's an honor to have you have in our shop." said the receptionist lady as she kneeled downed in front of Lora.

"Oh, please don't, I am just one of the princesses of the nation, not the queen. So there is no need to kneel before me," 

"It's also an honor to have warriors like you all in our shop, we formally greet you in our shop." said the receptionist as she turned to face us.

"And, it's nice to meet you, miss. Agata." greeted the receptionist.

"It's nice to meet you too," said Agata as she greeted her back. 

We were later told to follow the receptionist somewhere. Following her, she lead us into an exhibition room, where there were many artifacts on display. 

"This is the room that contains all the S rank artifacts, well there is more room. You guy's can look through the catalog and see if you like anything. I was told that Duke will come here himself after a while, till then you guys can look around." 

Under the glass casing, the room was filled with many types of different artifacts.

I have already asked Rai that if she would get Amrit fruit as her prize since there was something that I wanted. At first, she didn't agree, but later after knowing the thing that I wanted, she agreed. 

I stood beside Lora, she was browsing through the Magecite section, 

"Did you find anything you like?" I asked.

{Author: Magecite is a mana condensed rock, that has the ability to amplify a mage's power. But each Magecite has a different level of compatibility with different people. So, it's important to pick the right Magecite that is compatible with you.}

"Yes, this Magecite, isn't it beautiful?" she replied, pointing towards a crimson magecite that had a hint of purple in it.

The crimson rock displayed a spectral change of color when looked at from different angles. The shade of red was fierier towards the center of the stone. The core of the stone was in the color of Lilac purple.

From one look anyone could tell that this magecite existed to be used by a fire-type mage.

"Your majesty, do you want to hold it? to see if this stone is resonating with you are not?" asked the receptionist.

"Yes, please."

The receptionist took out the crimson stone and handed it to Lora. 

This is the process to see if a mage is compatible with a given Magecite stone. Different magecite has different reactions on initial contact with the user. 

As the crimson stone was placed in Lora's hand, the stone illuminated in strong fiery red shade. The aura emitted by the stone closely resembled a blazing fire. 

"Good for you, it seems to resonate with you," I said, shooting a smile at her.

"Not only that sir, but I have also rarely seen a stone resonate with someone this much. It looked as if this stone was created just for the purpose of being used by your majesty." added the receptionist lady.

"I like this, I will take this!!." decided Lora. 

So, Lora has decided what she will take. Apparently, Agata and Idiot A have also decided what S rank item they will take.

The item Agata took was a zephyr flute, Playing it helps a wind user to resonate and understand wind better. 

Idiot A has decided to take some kind of black jacket that apparently has a great armor effect and some other mana amplifying the effect. This jacket was woven by the silk of colossus Araneae, a breed of spider that has crazy strong webs. 

I can't deny the fact that the jacket is kind of cool.

"Nice jacket, can I try it on?" I asked.

"I know right!! sure, you can try it on!!" said Idiot A, excited as he handed me the jacket. 

"How do I look?" I asked as I wore the jacket. 

"You look good!! why don't you get a jacket like me? we will look cool together." 

I denied him, saying that I had already decided on the artifact that I wanted to get.

*Grey* a certain voice called out to me. She has been awfully quiet for a long time, but why is calling me now.

It was the voice of demoness Ami who was residing inside of me.

'What?' i said. Of course, I didn't say it out loud.

*I sense my son's mana from around here.* 

'You son?' 

*Can you show me the catalog?* she asked.

Complying with her request, I scanned through a list of things in the catalog. As I reached page five, 

*Yes, this!! so this was here.* 

'What are you talking about?' 

*Do you see that thing named Afreet liquid? it originally belonged to my son. Since you have already decided the thing you will take, I won't tell you to buy that liquid. But can you at least let me see that liquid once more?" 

It was a request that I couldn't deny even if I wanted to. I think I can be reasonable enough to at least have a look at her son's past belonging.

I called out to the receptionist and asked her to show me this Afreet Liquid, for some reason I was given a weird looked when I asked her about the Efreet Liquid. The look she gave me was more like a 'That's new' look. 

She led me into a room that looked like a storage room,

"When you asked me about Afreet liquid, I was confused for a second. I have been working here for years and there were times when customers asked me to show this liquid. But they quickly decided to not buy this liquid and I can't blame them since even I don't know what this liquid is used for. It is said to be the only artifact that is still in the moon glitter shop since its foundation and it's been couple hundred years since the foundation of moon glitter shop." 

Walking down the aisle of the storage room, she continued "I belong to the fennec race." 

I couldn't hide my surprise as I said "Oh," 

That explains her short height.....

{Author: Fennec is a race of people that are known for their short height, average male height being five feet and average female height being 4.6 feet. For the most part, they look like a normal human, except for long fox ears and bushy tails. }

She took off her cap, revealing a set of long ears. I kinda want to see her tail, I really want to see her tail!

"So, my people have this saying that every object also has a spirit. So in our houses, we don't keep any type of showpiece like a sword, since it would be rude for the sword to put it in a show case rather than using it. Every object has a will, it wants to be used. It is the responsibility of the user to use it properly."

Adding to what she said, I opened my mouth, "So you are basically saying that this liquid is waiting to be used for hundreds of years. If I see it like that, I feel bad about the liquid." 

"Exactly. But, I also think that this artifact is very prideful since it refuses to resonate with anyone and it's been hundreds of years." 

After reaching the end of the aisle, she told me to wait as she searches for the liquid. As I was waiting I was joined by the duke.

"It's a great pleasure to meet you, sir duke," I said, Greeting the duke.

"Such a respectful kid! it's rare to sight to see!! are you looking for something here?" asked Duke. 

"Yes, Afreet liquid," I answered

"Afreet liquid?" asked Duke, confused.

"Sir, it's an old artifact that has been here since the foundation of this shop and we still haven't found a person that would want to buy this artifact. " Said the little fox receptionist as she was searching for the liquid. 

"Oh, that's why I do not know of it." 

"Yes, and we have decided to throw it away with other defective artifacts at the end of this month." 

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