False Hero

Chapter 77 - 76: False Grudge.

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"You guys are throwing it away?" I asked. 

"yes," replied the receptionist as she was still searching for the liquid.

"If you are throwing it away, can you give it to me? of course, I am not asking for it for free, I will pay for it. But I can only afford to pay a ----" before I could complete my sentence,

"I found it!!" said the receptionist as she picked up the little tube of liquid. 

The little tube had a liquid that was deep blue in color. But it was not simple as just being deep blue, it was as if the liquid was night sky itself. 

"Can I hold it?" I asked. I didn't have any interest initially, but now it felt as if it was the right thing to hold it. 

My instincts, every body part of my body, it felt as if they wanted me to touch that liquid.

"Sure." replied the receptionist, handing the tube to me.

"It's hot," I said. 

"Are you sure? it was cold when I handed it to you."

huh? it was cold? why does it keep getting hotter and hotter? with a sudden violent shake, the glass broke apart as the liquid seeped into my skin. 

following that, my leg became weak as I dropped onto my knees. My vision was getting hazy, I struggled to not lose my consciousness.

But, eventually, my vision blacked out. Rather than blacking out, it was replaced with something else. It was replaced with a set of memories that were not mine.

The little demon boy was excited as her mother was teaching him magic to hide his horns. apparently, he had a hard time getting along with other mortal creatures due to the horns on his forehead.

Every time the demon tried to befriend a mortal, they would always run away or throw rocks at him. some church men's even tried to capture him. They raised their blade to behead him. The little boy didn't understand, he didn't understand that why would someone hate him that much? He wonder that did he do something wrong?

But before they could behead him, he was rescued by his mother. Later she burned the church to the ground. Why did they have to die? why did they want to kill me? why the world is so cruel? 

giving up on this world, the boy shut himself from the world. He lived a life devoid of any connection, he didn't want to hurt anyone anymore. 

The boy continued to live his life devoid of any relation until he met a human boy. The curious little boy was kind to the demon boy. The demon boy was happy that he had finally gotten someone that he could be his friend.

Later he found more and more friends, people were less scared of him. he was finally happy. 

that all came to an end as a certain entity decided to kill the little demon's first human friend. People who were blinded by the faith in that entity, the humans never questioned the actions of the entity killing the human.

"The almighty ones would never do anything wrong" was their reasoning, even the dead human's family believed the same. They naturally believed that the entity had killed that human because he had befriended a demon. Just like that the demon boy again lost all of his friends, the worse part was the mortal creature again started looking at him with the look that they are looking at a monster. 

The boy had lost everything again. But this time the things he had lost were much bigger than that of last time, with that came an even bigger emptiness. To fill the emptiness, the demon boy swore revenge against that entity that had killed the human boy.

Killing those entities was a foolish dream, even the demon boy knew that. But after years of research, he couldn't find a single way to kill that entity. But his research wasn't without fruit.

Traveling to a different land, he met different people. The boy witnessed the life of people and how those entities had impacted their life. The original object of revenge was changed with a new objective. The objective is to free people from the entities.

With years of research and training, he had found himself in the pinnacle of all creatures. He had become the strongest. 

There was a way, a way to seal that entity. But the mana required for that was an amount that no creature could possibly possess. 

Using all his mana, the demon boy finally managed to seal one entity. the entity that ruled over that nation of Amay.

But the act of sealing the entity used up all his mana and most of his life force. From the strongest creature, he had become to most fragile creature.

With a weak body, he had spent most of his life. Until one day, the day that demon boy knew would come. 

Those entities stood in front of him,

"You were the one that sealed death?" asked one of the entities.

"Yes." replied the demon, he wore a proud smile on his face. 

To his reply, the entities burst into laughter, 

"You have only sealed him for a thousand years, that means nothing to us. We are being that has the sole purpose of ruling over all mortal creatures. A mortal struggle is a trivial matter for us. Well, you were a creature brave enough to be able to seal one of us. Even though he was a lesser one, but it's still a big feat nonetheless. So, acknowledging your bravery we will give you the privilege of the last word and a simple death"

The demon didn't have the last word, he was still processing the fact that his life work was just a trivial matter for them. He questioned that 'was my life for nothing?'.

But as he closed his eyes, accepting his death, he received a certain revelation. 

"I understand now." the demon murmured.

The demon couldn't help but laugh, "So my life's purpose, the journey I have been through, everything, it was all to set the stage for his story. He will carry on my journey and my purpose, he will be the one that will bring the demise of gods."

"Did this mortal lose his mind? did the fear of dying had made him lose his mind?" questioned another entity.

Without paying heed to what they are saying, the demon continued, "I know you both are watching this moment."

As a smile curved up his lips, the demon continued, "Mom, I know you are watching, I am glad I got to talk to you in my last moment. I want you to know that you were the greatest mother I could get. Sorry, sorry for being such a bad son. Thanks!! for being my mom.

Grey, so your name is Grey. I will be watching your story from above since you are me and I am you."

Huh? was he talking to me? 

Whose memories was this? 

I could hear the distant sound of someone calling my name, the sound becoming louder with each second.

"Grey! Grey!!!" called out duke to me, 

"Huh?" I said out loud, confused. 

"You are finally responding. why are you crying, is everything okay?" asked Duke. 

Now that he mentions it, there are tears in my eyes. My cheeks were soaked with tears. But they were not my tears, it was demoness Ami's tears, I am sure of it.

"Huh? I am crying?" 

"Are you okay?" asked the receptionist. 

Holding my head, I spoke up, 

"I just remembered blacking out, then the next moment I was seeing memories, but those weren't my memories. "

"Must have been the memories of the previous owner of this artifact." suggested the receptionist.

"Yes, the artifact, I--I didn't mean to break---" before I could complete my sentence, 

The receptionist spoke up, "You don't need to worry about it, We were going to throw it anyways."

"Are you sure, that you are good?" asked Duke once again.

"I am good, I just was just shocked by the memories, it was---sad."

Later after collecting the artifact that I wanted, I left the place. I told Rai to go home first, I will be back later. 

I wanted some time alone to process the things I saw. 

Finding a place where there was no one around, I reached the outskirt of the forest right outside Goldberg city. 

I spoke up as I sat under a tree, 

"What was that?" I asked, my question was directed towards the demoness. 

*Those were memories of my son.*

After knowing that those were her son's memories, I didn't ask any further questions. I sat quietly, without saying anything. 

*I always thought that humans had killed my son.....* said demoness Ami.

She continued, *It was them who killed my son, I have been holding a false grudge all this time.*

"So are you going to take revenge against those entities?" I asked. 

*No, I am tired of holding a grudge. I don't care anymore.*

"I nearly thought, you would ask me to take revenge on behalf of your son or something." 

The following lines that were going to come out of Demoness Ami's mouth had a weird warmth in it, *Why would I ask something like that? why would I send my son again in that hell? I want you, my son, to have a happy life. You have suffered enough in this life and in past life's, I want you to live a happy life in this reincarnation.*

"Your son?" I murmured. 

*As I watched those memories, I realized something about this world. Reincarnation---*, with a little chuckle she continued, *As I was holding grudge against humans. My son---- you have already gone through several reincarnations. As I was stuck in one place, you have already led many lives.*

I was confused about what Demoness Ami was talking about. But at the same time, I think I did understand what she was talking about. 

*Grey, I was stuck in your body due to my grudge against humans. But I no longer have any grudge--*

I knew what were her next words were going to be,

*This is it for me. I hope I get to be your mom again in some other life. Take care of yourself and try to not hold grudge against anyone. Live a happy life!!.*

Her soul was fading away, I stretched my hand trying to reach out to her as I called, 


Why did I call her mom? 

With a little chuckle, *I am happy, really happy, that I got to hear mom from your mouth one last time. I am really happy---*

Those were her last words as she faded away,

She was gone...

After four years, I was truly all alone. 

Looking at the sky, I let out a sigh, "I feel empty......"

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