False Hero

Chapter 78 - 77: Stability

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I sat in the forest alone for a while.

For some reason, I didn't want to move at all. Sitting under the tree, I gazed at the sky pointlessly. 

Later, as nightfall was approaching, I decided to go back.

As I was making my way through to woods to the gate of the city. I heard a sudden moment coming from the bushes

I paused my movement as I focused all my attention on the movement of the bush.

I wasn't actually on guard, I just stood there, since I was curious what was in the bush. 

I could see a set of paws stepping out of the bush with its set of paws, it looked at me with its big round golden eyes. It had beautiful black fur. 

"Meow" the feline meowed at me.


The sky had already gotten dark,

After walking for a while, I was near my house, 

Entering the house, I saw Ulrich. He stared at me for a good second before asking, 

"Is that a cat?" 

"Yes, it is." 

After a little pause, he asked, "can I pet it?"


Petting the cat, he looked at me as he said, 

"That's a good cat." 

After petting the cat he walked away without asking any questions. the guy should learn to be at least somewhat curious.

Later I entered the dining hall where I saw Aetna seated in a chair, Looking at me her expression became bright. 

"Grey is that a cat?! are we keeping it? where did you find it? is it a girl or boy? does she scratch? Can I hold it? I can hold it, right? but what if I hold it and get attached to it, then later you reveal to me that we are not keeping this cat. That might break my heart--"

I placed my hand over Aetna's mouth so that I don't get bombarded with more questions. 

This was the curiosity I was talking about earlier, but this is too much curiosity!!.

"Yes we are keeping it ----and yes, she is a girl -----and I am not sure if she scratches or not--- and Yes, you can hold it."

By the way, if you are wondering about how I found out she is a girl. Let's not talk about it, let's not...

"By the way, how did you find out she was a girl---" 

"The cat told me."

"The cat spoke?!"

In truth, I lifted her tail to check if she had balls or not, and she didn't, so she is a girl. 


We were all seated in one room, 

"Did you find the cat in the forest?" asked Annie.

"Yes, I thought I would keep this cat as my pet."

"This cat will stay with us!! I will take great care of this cat," said Annie, as a wide smile formed on her face.

But later her smile disappeared as she said, "But, for that, I will have to survive first." 

With a gentle bonk on her head, spoke up, "Idiot, you will survive. it will work out." 

"Hear take it," said Rai as she handed Annie the Amrit fruit. Patting her head, Rai said, "Eat this and survive!!"

"You will survive since you still have to play lots and lots of games with big sister Aetna!!" said Aetna.

"Don't worry, you will survive, eat more tasty food made by me in the future," said Ulrich.

It's kind of reassuring when it comes out of Ulrich's mouth. 

Honestly, they were all scared. They were just trying to act bravely to cheer Annie up. They have already lost many of their friends.

Along with cheering Annie, they were also cheering themselves. 

You don't get used to watching people die. Experience of watching someone die eats you away. Bit by bit you lose your personality. 

Grabbing on the Amrit fruit, Annie took a bite, bit by bit she ate the fruit. Everyone waited for something to happen. 

At times like this, one would expect a dramatic event such as mana bursting out of Annie or some other flashy thing leading up to Annie's recovery.

Bur nothing of sort happened, which made everyone seated there confused. with a puzzled look, they all looked at me. 

They looked at me because I was the only one that had the ability to see a person's mana core and internal energy flow. 

"Is it working?" asked Rudi.

I stared at Annie, I could see her mana core getting calmer with each second. The instability that was in Annie's core was disappearing rapidly. The moment I was waiting for years was finally happening. 

With a little gasp of relief, I stared at the ceiling, 

"It worked," I said in a whispering tone. I couldn't say it loud, since even I didn't believe it had worked. 

But it had worked, that was the relieving truth.

"Huh?" questioned everyone, they heard what I said, they just wanted to hear it once more. 

I repeated, this time a little louder, "It worked guys." 

Ulrich stood in front of me as he asked, his chin was trembling, struggling to speak, 

"It---- worked?" he asked. 

"It did, Ulrich." 

"So our hard work has paid off? the--- the years of hard work, it---it has paid off?" asked Ulrich as his voice broke apart, tears poured out of his eyes. 

I placed my hand over his head, as I said "Yes, Ulrich."

Rudi sat in the chair, maybe his knees were weak, hiding his face under his arms, he spoke up, 

"We finally saved someone, Grey." 

I walked up to Annie, crouching down I looked her in the eyes as I spoke up, 

"See! I told you that you would survive." 

"Hehe, yes, you were right!! brother Grey is always right! Everyone worked so hard for me, for years! Without giving up on me, you all kept working hard for me! Seeing all our friends die, I thought I wouldn't survive. I myself had given up on myself, but you guys never gave up on me." 

Annie grabbed hold of me as she continued, "Thanks for not giving up on me. You know ----I was really---- really scared of dying. I was scared..." 

As she continued talking, her voice was trembling, struggling to talk she cried,

"I thought I was a burden for you guys. But, everyone treated me so kindly. I am really happy, that ---that that that!!" 

Hugging me tightly, her loud cries broke apart, 

"I am glad that I have you all in my life." 

The room was filled with the loud cries of Annie. 

Grandma Julia patted Annie, with teary eyes, 

"I never thought, someone would make this old woman cry at this age. I am glad that I have met you all." 

Rin walked near the candle that had kept the room lit, 

"I am blowing off the light." 

Rin was doing her best to not cry. But she was at her limit, she didn't want anyone else to look at her cry. 

"Please, blow off the light," said Aetna, her face was already a mess due to crying. 

Why do you want the light to be blown off? aren't you already crying?

With the light blown, the room was dark. 

I could hear the silent sobs of Rai.

In the darkness of the room, everyone was crying. But I didn't seem to be able to cry. I have lost the ability to cry since my mom has died. 

I sometimes wish that I could cry. Even I feel normal emotions that everyone feels. Even I feel happy, sad, disappointed, and every other emotion. I do feel things that make me want to cry. 

I hugged Annie tighter as I closed my eyes. 

Finally after four years... after four years, I have managed to save someone...After all this time, after all these years, I am finally free to go back to my family.

I will finally be able to leave this place and go back to my home. 

I wonder how everyone is doing over there? will they be happy to see me? I will introduce them to my friends...

I am finally free!

{Author: 100K!!!! I have finally hit 100k!!! I am so happy that you guys helped me reach this goal!!

I started this story since I have thought about this for a long time. Honestly, I didn't think that anyone would read this book. 

Due to my self-deprecating personality, I thought I will be my only reader. 

But as I kept writing, Many people joined me in this journey, they supported me and left nice comments. Of course, some people did leave, hehe.

But, there were those who stayed, I am truly thankful for you people!! I am grateful for your support!!!

I don't know if my book will get more views in the future. But I am happy to have anyone who is reading my book. You guys are awesome people!!!

So anyways, Bye bye and keep reading my book if you like it and THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN!!!! :))))}

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