False Hero

Chapter 94 - 93: Divine Fetus.

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"Ulrich do it. Don't pluck it out quickly, do it as slowly as you can." 

As per Grey's instruction, Ulrich lifted the tweezer gently. It would be too cruel to call it gently. 

Since the ugly scream of the man was filled in the room. As his nail was being removed slowly and gently, the jaw of the tweezers that was holding his fingernail slowly plucked out his fingernail from his finger. 

Ulrich lifted the tweezer even more, but he had made sure to lift it slowly.


The basement was jammed with the pained cry of the man. A dominating emotion of wrenching pain was thrashing into his brain. 

After slowly pulling half of his nail, Ulrich stopped, leading to half of the nail dangling to his finger. 

"I will repeat the question, what is the connection between the church and the attack that happened five years ago at Amon village?" asked Grey repeating his earlier question.

"You Brats, Like hell, I will tell information such as----"

"Ulrich," said Grey. 


Ulrich continued to slowly pluck out the nail of his finger with a tweezer. The slow process of his nail getting peeled off sent a brain-numbing pain through the church man's body. 

The screaming continued until his whole nail was plucked out.

"Ah, now what?" asked Ulrich, holding the tweezer with the man's fingernail in it. 

"There are nineteen more fingers, we have a lot of options. Choose any one finger and continue the process, until he opens his mouth," instructed Grey as he took a seat over the chair across the room. 

Grabbing the middle finger of the man, Ulrich placed the jaw of the tweezer holding man's finger. Slowly but steadily, he pulled his fingernail from his middle finger.

The air of the basement was filled with the scream of the man. after being done with the middle finger, Grey repeated the question, but the man refused to say anything,

"You don't you, who you are messing----"

"Ulrich" called out Grey, as he made a hand gesture to continue the process.

one after another, nine of his fingers got naked. The man has strained his throat from non-stop screaming.

The man looked at the ceiling, his mouth open, drool fell down his mouth to his robe, Eyes swelled due to tears and his whole body reeked of sweat.

Looking at the ceiling, the man struggled to speak "I can't---- I can't take it anymore, I will tell everything. But please --- please--"

The man stuttered as he broke down into ugly tears, 

"Please-- don't --- I can't take it anymore, I promise I will answer all of your questions."

"Good, now drink this, it will numb your pain," said Grey, as he fed him water, the water had Grey's blood diluted in it.

After gulping down the water, the man was ready to say everything. For the man, Grey was like an angel.

No, perhaps a god. Even though Grey was the one who tortured him, but the man being in good favor with Grey was everything.

The man had developed Stockholm syndrome, which is a condition where the hostage develops a psychological bond with their kidnapper. Being shown kindness from his own kidnapper made him feel like Grey was the most benevolent existence in this world.

"I have heard the attack that had happened over Amon village over five years ago. It had happened due to the 'God's whisper."

"God's whisper?" questioned Ulrich.

"You know the council of gods right?" asked Churchman. 

"Yes, I do." 

{Author: A council that consists of members who are gods in status. The reason for the existence of this council will be revealed in the further story.}

"The council of gods always appoints a mortal to represent them and that mortal is known as the 'Divine King'. The divine king receives messages from gods which we churchmen call 'God's whisper'."

"So what does 'God's whisper' has to do with the attack?"

"The god's whisper instructed the Divine king to attack the village, even we were confused about the reason of why would a good want village destroyed. But apparently, their target wasn't the village, it was actually one single person." 

"Who is that person?" asked Grey.

"I don't know." 

Ulrich stepped forward with his tweezer, making panic surge through the man. 

"I swear!!, I swear!! I am not lying, please believe me!!! " the man begged.

"Stop it, Ulrich. He is saying the truth." 

"Thanks!! thanks for believing in me!!!" said the man as he again broke into an ugly cry, But this time it was because he was thankful.

His mind broke to the point where he had started viewing Grey as his true master. 

"I advice my master to run away from this town,"

"Huh? master?" asked Grey, confused.

"Yes, I now have realized, you are my only true master. Please run away from this town, this churchman is summoning someone, someone terrifying."

"What are you talk---"

Grey paused, his attention was shifted towards something or someone perhaps. It was a bit of both. Wild energy from the center of the town surged throughout the town.

Grey quickly turned around towards the center of the town. His eyes grew wider, opening his mouth he struggled to speak,

"What is that?"

"What is what?" asked Ulrich. 

Cold sweat had formed around Grey's neck, his hand had gotten cold.  What Grey had sensed was a monster that was beyond any mortal's comprehension.

The condensed form of divine energy came from the center of the town, where the church was located. that being radiated a divine yet immanence form of terrifying energy.

'This is bad, this is bad, this is bad, shit! shit! shit! shit! this amount of energy is enough to blow up half of this town with ease. What kind of monster is that?' 

Grey's thought process was a total mess. Being in a state of panic, he was struggling to keep his thought straight.

No, only because he was in a panic, he had thought out all the things he should be doing right now.

Turning to face Ulrich, Grey spoke up,

"Ulrich don't ask why, just do what I say. Quickly go back to our group and take them out of this town. Keep running away as far as possible and don't stop, if we are lucky this monster will not follow you. I will be going to take Illya with me, we need to run away as soon as possible!!" 

"But, Grey---"

"Ulrich it's emergency!"

Grey turned to face the churchman, "What is this thing? what the fuck did the church do?" 

"Master they have summoned a god. No, A god is getting reborn, it will drain every life force in close proximity to get back to its prime state. Master, you need to run away!!" 

Grey severed off his rope, he opened his mouth saying, "This is an order from your master, quickly go back to the duke and inform him about this situation, Get him to evacuate the citizens as soon as possible."

"If my master wants it, I will follow his order even with my life."

"Good, now hurry!" 

After relaying the order, Grey quickly disappeared from his spot in an instant. The place he was heading towards was Illya's house. 

He swiftly traveled from one roof to another with tremendous speed. He was using all of his venomous factors in his speed. If a normal person were to see him now, it would be nearly impossible for them to catch a sight of Grey. 

Within a few seconds, Grey had reached the corner of the city where the colonies were present. Stopping in front of Illya's house, Grey scanned the house through Minerva's eyes. 

"Huh? where did they go?" 

He was not able to sense any form of energy in the house. There was no one in the house.

At that very moment, Grey remembered them mentioning that they will be going to the church. 

In an instant, Grey disappeared from the place he was standing in. This time he was racing towards the church. But the thing was that he was moving towards the source of immense divine energy.

As he was moving closer, Grey observed something,

"When I take a good look at the energy. It kind of--- feels like it is some form of a fetus, it appears to be still growing. This being ---- this existence, it is getting more terrifying with each passing second."

The main concern for Grey was that the divine energy or the monstrous energy that he was sensing was also coming from the center of the town, from the church. the place where Illya is present. 

Due to being sensitive to every type of energy, Grey felt nauseous as he drew closer to the divine fetus. 

The aura that was radiating through the divine fetus resonated with the divine energy inside Grey. 

Standing on the top of the building in front of the church, Grey scanned the church and he found the mana signature of Illya's dad. 

But the thing was that Grey found his mana signature right beside the divine fetus.

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