False Hero

Chapter 95 - 94: The Hanging Church.

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The church was surrounded by a dense layer of trees, it looked like the forest around the church wasn't cleared. 

If someone were to visit the church at the day, the church would look like peaceful scenery for them. But on the contrary, the church looked dreary ghostly at night.

A large, low porch let one into the church building by a doorway and heavy oak door studded with iron. 

As he walked through the porch, Grey found a certain feline. She had wandered in front of him out of nowhere.

The feline looked at Grey as she voiced out, "Meow!."

"What are you doing here, Kuro?"

Kuro is the name of his cat. The feline jumped on his shoulder, as she rubbed her face with his. 

"You want to come with me?"


With the feline walking beside him, Grey headed towards the church.

Placing his hands on the oak door, Grey pushed the door. He stepped inside the church, passing through the arches.

'I stepped inside the church, but little did I know what was waiting for me'

The inside of the church was pitch black with no source of illumination in it. 

'the journey I have been through, my motive, my revenge, my ideals, being hero, I as a human being, my existence ------everything was wrong,'

Gathering mana in his hand, Grey condensed a fireball. But the illumination by that fire was just enough to see a little bit of surrounding.

With fireball in his hand, Grey-headed towards the place where he was sensing the divine fetus.

Grey placed each step carefully because for some reason his fireball was not enough to illuminate his entire surrounding.

As he was proceeding ahead, 


He crashed into something, the light of the fireball reflected from the object back to Grey's eyes, revealing it to be a bench.

'I was wrong'

After making sure that it was a bench, Grey looked up. What he saw was a pair of legs in the air ---no, Grey took a good look to find that it was a whole body that was hung to the ceiling.

'i was wrong'

Grey brought his fireball closer to the face of the hung body. The fireball illuminated the body's face revealing it to be a curly-haired woman, the one that Grey saw earlier today on the streets.

That woman was hung to the ceiling.

A suicide?

'Perhaps I had taken gods too lightly.'

Being taken back from the sudden revelation, Grey retreated his steps. He didn't give much thought to the hung lady since there were more important things ahead that concerned him more.

As he was going to take a step ahead towards the altar, a sudden blinding radiance shined across the room, blinding Grey's vision.

Covering his eyes with his hands, Grey struggled to take a good look at his surrounding. But he knew that this blinding radiance was from the divine fetus, it seems to be reacting violently.

After a good second, the radiance calmed down. Making it possible to take a good look at the surrounding. 

Removing his hands from his eyes, Grey scanned the surrounding. 

What met his sight was carnage beyond any imagination. 

With his eyes wide open, Grey stared at the sight in front of him in horror. His hands had gotten cold or maybe even numb, with terror in his voice, Grey spoke,

"What is this?"

The curly-haired woman was not the only hung body tied from the ceiling. She was just one single dangling body among the massive crowd of dangling humans from the ceiling of the church.

From the entrance of the church up until the altar, the church was filled with a stream of droopy dead bodies. 

Each one of them was tied to the ceiling, there wasn't much personal space between each body, they were clumped together like penguins in Antarctica. 

Or perhaps they looked like prop roots hanging from the branch of a banyan tree. Around a hundred bodies were hung from the ceiling of the church.

Grey scanned through the faces of dead bodies there he found the dangling body of the elderly man, He was Illya's neighbor. The more he looked, the more he was sure that these were the bodies were----

"These are the people that have migrated from Gefall nation," said Grey with absolute terror.

With that came a realization, A certain face flashed through Grey's brain. 

"It can't be right?" 

He took a step closer to the alter. 

An awkward smile formed across his face, he laughed, it was an awkward laugh too,

"I am just overthinking, right? it can't be, It can't be." 

Grey drew his stepped closer to the divine fetus, but his foot had started getting wobbly. He didn't want to consider that possibility. 

'I was naive, I thought god would have no business with us mortals.'

"I am just overthinking, there is no way it would happen. She is just a kid, there is no way-- no way it would happen right-------Illya?" 

He had reached closer to the Altar, near the divine fetus. At the end of the church, what Grey saw was the worst outcome possible.

Not being able to stand up anymore, he collapsed to the ground in the kneeling position. 

"I---- I can't be seeing right? this is a dream, this is a dream. This can't be Illya. right? right? right?" Grey voice violently shook as he spoke. 

"Right? Illya?" asked Grey to Illya. The person who was hung from the ceiling at the end of the Altar was the Little girl, that called Grey his Nyx.

The Little hungry girl that Grey had found in the Hoperui town.

She was hung from the ceiling, she was like a white angel in that white wedding dress of hers. She looked beautiful.

She was --------Illya.

"Huh? wha--- what are you doing there Illya?"

Placing his foot on the ground, Grey stood up, only to fall back on the ground. His feet have gotten wobbly, he struggled to walk.

"Illya? why is this happening?" 

Dragging his body, Grey tried to reach up to Illya. Managing to reach up to Illya, Grey severed the rope that was tied around her neck. Holding her gently, Grey placed her down.

"Open your eyes, Illya. Open your eyes for your big brother. Please open your eyes, Illya. I promise I will not let you go this time, please open your eyes for your brother." Grey begged as he tapped his palm of Illya's cheek. 

"She will not be waking up, she is in eternal peace." said a masculine voice, it was a familiar voice for Grey.

"She has taken part in the awakening of our true master, she must be in proud eternal sleep." said another feminine voice, it was also a familiar voice.

Grey looked up to face the source of the voice, it was the voice of her------ mom and dad.

Grey's eyes grew wider, opening his mouth he asked "You did this to her?"

Illya's father opened his mouth saying, "We did, we made a place for our child in peaceful afterlife."

"After all we are her parents." Agreed her mom. 

Fury vibrated through his Being, greeting his teeth, Grey spoke up, "You did that to her?" asked Grey again.

"Yes, It was for our master--"

"You are kidding right? she is your daughter!"

"She is our daughter is precisely why that we have taken this decision, she has sacrifice--"

"Huh? what are you talking about? What bullshit are you speaking?"

"You are young, but you will soon realize the greatness of our master, God Demis," said Illya's dad, as he looked at the bright white divine fetus.

"What the fuck?" Grey was quivering with anger, releasing his clenched fist, his tensed body eased up as he spoke "You both are already far gone. I don't care, just disappear from my sight."

"You will eventually understand the greatness of--"


Grey raised his hand, gathering mana in his hand, he condensed icicle daggers. 

"What are you----"

Grey dropped his hand down, with that the flying dagger pierced through Illya's dad's hand. The detached limb went flying away from his body.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" screaming struggling on the ground with agony her dad held his hand as he cried in pain.

Followed by the icicle dagger, another dagger pierced through his leg, detaching it. 

Another icicle dagger dropped the sky,  severing his other hand and leg. 

Illya's dad lay on the ground, limbless. Being limbless, he was motionless. Grey wanted him to die just like that, bleeding from all sides without being able to do anything.

Grey condensed another four icicle daggers, each severing one of Illya's mother's limbs. 

She was given the same fate as her husband. Both husband and wife, lied on the ground limbless as they bled, waiting for their death. 

The divine fetus was growing rapidly, it seemed to draw the soul out of all the dead bodies. Nourishing itself from the energy of all dead bodies, the fetus grew a proper humanoid body.

It had taken shape of a newly born baby, with a set of hands and legs.

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