"Want to go? Where to go? Who let you go again?"

Yebufan's sudden words stunned everyone, but he didn't hesitate at all. His sight suddenly fell on the eighteen black robed people in mid air.

The eighteen black robed people who were about to leave secretly were shocked, as if they had been enchanted. Their bodies could not move any more. Even some of them could not help shaking and trembling.

At this time, other people at the scene also looked at the eighteen black robed people, and naturally they also found their differences.

"Shifu, are they...?"

Looking at the eighteen black robed people, Tantai Tianyi looked very strange.


Yebufan sneered: "the United States says its name, the temple emissary, but in fact it is a group of local chickens and dogs."

Hearing the speech, Tantai Tianyi was stunned and said, "temple Messenger, what the hell?"


Yebufan was stunned and looked at Tianyi on the platform. He didn't understand: "don't you know?"

Not only yebufan, but also others were curious.

Now everyone knows that dantai Tianyi comes from Tianwaitian. Since he comes from Tianwaitian, how could he not know the temple emissary?

"Know what?"

Looking at yebufan, Tantai Tianyi didn't understand.

Yebufan frowned. He glanced at the eighteen black robed people, then looked at dantai Tianyi, and said, "the eighteen of them claim to be from the temple, and in the identity of the temple, they collect offerings from the Shenwu mainland every 16 years."

"I'll go..."

Dantai Tianyi was in a mess. He glanced at eighteen people in black robes, looked at yebufan, and exclaimed, "master, you have been cheated."


Yebufan's eyebrows coagulated.

Others also looked stunned.

The eighteen black robed men were shocked.

Dantai Tianyi Road: "Shifu, how could the temple, as the leader of the human race who fought against the demons from heaven and beyond, do such a thing? Moreover, how much can the temple be offered with the resources of the Shenwu mainland? Compared with the consumption of the temple, it is a drop in the bucket and has no meaning. The most important thing is that the first temple leader of the temple has made a promise long ago. Anyone who lives outside the heaven can enter the Shenwu mainland, but he must not interfere or They interfere in everything in the Shenwu mainland, and the temple has always done so. In that case, how can the temple come to the Shenwu mainland to collect offerings? This is simply nonsense. "


Dantai Tianyi's words shocked everyone present.

There is an order in the temple that people from the outer heaven should not interfere or interfere in anything in the Shenwu continent?

There are no envoys in the temple?

Is it even more impossible for the temple to come to the Shenwu mainland to collect offerings?

Dantai Tianyi's words are amazing.

Almost just for a moment, the members of Shenwu continent were all furious, especially situ Nan.

They were cheated.

There is no temple emissary at all, there is no so-called sacrifice at all. All this... It is simply that some people in the outer heaven have filled their pockets in the name of the temple.


This is pulling the tiger skin and the flag.


At that moment, everyone looked at the eighteen black robed people with angry eyes.

Seeing this scene, the hearts and minds of the eighteen black robed people were shocked, and their bodies could not help shaking.

They hated dantai Tianyi and scolded his ancestors for 18 generations in their hearts. They even wanted to split dantai Tianyi into five parts and raise ashes.


Before the eighteen black robed men could think more, yebufan gave a cold hum, and the murderer gained seven points.

He had never intended to let go of the eighteen people, let alone now.

"Take them all!!"

Immediately, ye Bufan shouted.


Eighteen people in black robes were shocked.


Their identity has been "exposed". How dare they stay here for half a minute.

It's a pity that if they want to go, they can't go anywhere.

Situ Nan, who was already furious, saw that eighteen people in black wanted to run away, so he immediately took action.

"Did you get away?"

"Stay with me."

While breathing, situ Nan's cultivation at the peak of entering the Holy Land burst out, and at the same time, he clapped it with one palm.

This is a palm full of all the fury of a powerful man who has entered the holy land.

"Hoo Hoo..."

In the middle of the air, the energy of heaven and earth instantly condensed into a huge palm covering the sky, pressing against 18 people in black robes.

Eighteen people in black wanted to run.

But the palm came too fast and too fierce, and they were not given a chance to escape.


A palm falls and the space vibrates.

"Poop poop!!"

All the eighteen black robed men, without exception, vomited blood and fell from the air.

"Bang bang!!"

While breathing, all the 18 Black robed people hit the ground, stirring up dust on the ground.

When he struck down the 18 sacred warriors with one palm, situ Nan did not have any pleasure. On the contrary, there was only endless anger and even a monstrous killing opportunity.

Once every 16 years, it is worshipped by divine force.

For tens of thousands of years, the three martial arts academies in Shenwu mainland have been overwhelmed by this huge amount of worship. However... Because these resources will be used in the temple to fight against foreign demons, the three martial arts academies have been speechless.

But who ever thought that this would be a big lie. The so-called sacrifice is not given to the temple at all, but some people in Tianwaitian are filling their pockets.

In this way, how could situ Nan not hate, and how could he not be angry.


In an instant, situ Nan came directly to a black robed man and "bang" stepped on his opponent's abdomen. The black robed man's body twisted and "poof" a mouthful of blood spewed out, but situ Nan ignored it and said angrily, "who made you do this?"

Cold voice, endless anger.

This is the first time that all the members of the martial arts academy present have seen their gambler Dean get angry.

The first and only time.

Yebufan didn't care about this. He just let situ Nan dispose of the 18 Black robed people. He also wanted to see who was behind the scenes.


The man in black who was trampled by situ Nan coughed slightly. Then he looked up hard, looked at situ Nan and sneered, "if you dare to touch us, you won't live."


As soon as the man in Black said something, situ Nanmeng raised his foot and then kicked it down again.


A dull noise.


The black robed man spat out blood again.

Situ Nan ignored all this. He just looked at the other side and said angrily, "who told you to do this?"


The black robed man snorted coldly, looked at situ Nan and said dismissively, "why don't you tell me? It's all what the commander wants you to offer. Why, do you dare to ask the commander for trouble?"


Situ Nan was stunned, frowned, and then looked at the dantai Tianyi beside yebufan.

Not only situ Nan, but also other people. After all, they didn't know the situation of Tianwaitian and what the concept of "commander" was.


Ignoring the people's eyes, dantai Tianyi couldn't help but be stunned when he heard these three words.


Seeing the response of Tantai Tianyi, yebufan frowned and said, "why, Tianyi, is there any problem with this command?"


Dantai Tianyi hesitated a little, then said: "master, this is not a problem, but a big problem. Do you know what the commander means?"

"What does it mean?"

Yebufan asked with a frown.

Other people also looked at Dan Tai Tianyi with a curious face and were puzzled.

Dantai Tianyi said slowly, "master, let me tell you something. In Tianwaitian, we won't talk about the miscellaneous forces. The whole Tianwaitian people are led by the temple and supplemented by 108 ancient cities."

"The temple governs the human race, and everyone must obey it unconditionally. The 108 ancient city is managed by 108 families, who are instructed by the temple to take charge of the human race."

"We, the dantai family and the Nangong family, are in charge of managing two of the ancient cities. If we put them in the Shenwu continent, our two families can only be regarded as the city masters under the rule of the temple."

"But it's just a city Lord. It's nothing in heaven."

"Above the 108 ancient city is the temple, and inside the temple is divided into 72 Deputy commanders, 12 positive commanders, that is, commanders, and three deputy Temple heads, a son, a virgin, and the temple head who is in charge of the whole temple."

"Of course, there has been a rumor that there is an eternal life hall behind the temple Lord. But this is just a rumor. I'm afraid that only the temple Lord knows about it."

"Let's not mention the eternal life hall for the moment. If the temple is compared to the Empire of the divine land, then the Lord of the temple is the emperor, the son and the virgin are the princess, and the three vice presidents are the prime ministers. As for the twelve commanders, they are the Imperial generals, who are respectively in charge of the human army of the temple."

"It can be said that all the twelve commanders are powerful people. In Tianwaitian, their power is very great. They even have some power over the three deputy hall leaders. For a city Lord aristocratic family like my dantai family, if they want to destroy it, they have to say a word."

"If someone else, in the name of the temple, collects and worships to the Shenwu mainland, there will be only one dead end. It will be different to be any of the twelve commanders."

"To put it mildly, if they ask you to sacrifice, you have to do so. You don't even care about the temple."


Dantai Tianyi's words made everyone in Shenwu land fall into endless silence.

Even yebufan frowned.

Dantai Tianyi said so much, but in fact, there is only one thing, that is, the command among the 18 Black robed people makes Shenwu mainland unable to provoke at all.

Settle accounts with the other party?

It's good that the other side doesn't bother Shenwu.


At this time, the man in black who was trampled by situ Nan couldn't help laughing. He glanced at dantai Tianyi and said, "dantai stallion, you have some knowledge." As soon as the words were over, the man in black looked at yebufan again, proud, And provocatively said: "Boy, don't you want to kill us? Kill, kill as you please. If you dare to touch us, Lord Xuanyuan invincible will never let you go. At that time, not only will you be unlucky, but the whole Shenwu continent will also suffer, so... I advise you to let us go, submit us to worship obediently, and then serve our brothers well. In this way... Maybe we will plead for you in front of Lord Xuanyuan invincible and let him not I will punish you severely. "

"Who do you mean?"

As soon as the black robed man's voice fell, before yebufan and others made a response, dantai Tianyi gave a cry of surprise. Then he looked at the black robed man and said: "the commander you said is... Xuanyuan invincible?"

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