"The commander you mentioned is... Xuanyuan invincible?"

The words of dantai Tianyi stunned yebufan and others. They looked at dantai Tianyi and wondered why he suddenly asked.

Not only yebufan and others, but also the eighteen black robed men. The talking black robed man looked at dantai Tianyi and said, "yes, it's the commander of Xuanyuan invincible. What's the problem?"


As soon as the black robed man's voice fell, Dan Tai Tianyi laughed and said, "what's the problem? It's a big problem."

People in black don't understand.

Before he could speak, dantai Tianyi looked at yebufan: "master, if it was any of the twelve commanders, we might not be able to provoke them, but if the commander was Xuanyuan invincible, it would be different."


Hearing this, yebufan frowned and said, "what's the difference?"

Before Tantai Tianyi could answer, the black robed man was already furious: "don't think that you can be arrogant if you come from the ancient city family, and dare to slander the commander. At that time, the Tantai family can't protect you."

"Yeah, I'm so scared."

Dantai Tianyi looked at the man in black and patted his chest, pretending to be afraid.


Suddenly, he turned his head again and said disdainfully.


Black robes are very popular.

"You what you?"

Dantai Tianyi angrily scolded the man in black robe and said, "you are stupid. You still don't admit it. Xuanyuan is invincible? Commander? I tell you, he will soon become a past tense. At that time, he will be a deputy commander at most."

"It's OK for him to blackmail Shenwu in the name of a temple. If he becomes a deputy commander, do you think the new commander will kill him?"


Hearing this, black robe became very popular: "fart, how can the commander be reduced to deputy commander?"


Dantai Tianyi sneered: "the twelve command envoys of the temple have six Deputy command envoys under each command. As long as any Deputy command envoys surpass the command envoys and defeat the command envoys, they can replace them and become a new command envoys. As for the original command envoys... Naturally they will be reduced to Deputy command envoys. You say... Why did Xuanyuan invincible suddenly become deputy command envoys?"

The black robed man was startled and his pupils shrank: "it's him." Later, he repeatedly rejected: "it's impossible. How could he surpass the merit of Xuanyuan invincible commander so soon?"


Dantai Tianyi sneered: "nothing is impossible. My idol is an immortal legend of Tianwaitian. I think it took him a long time to move from the ancient city to the battlefield outside the country. He broke into the temple with amazing achievements in the battlefield outside the country, and became one of the 72 commanders of the temple."

"Now, it has been seven years since he was promoted to the post of deputy commander. What's so strange about his position as commander with sword and finger in seven years?"

"You may not know that not long ago, my idol just led an army to sneak attack one of the warships of the Tianmo clan, and killed the other two demigod strongmen. He wiped out the other side at the cost of almost zero casualties. This war alone, he can get an amazing feat, and it is natural to surpass Xuanyuan invincible. Even if it is not yet, it won't be long before my idol can surpass Xuanyuan invincible."

"Of course, this incident hasn't spread in Tianwaitian since it just happened. The reason why I know it is because my daughter-in-law and their Nangong family are among the flying dragon army. I heard the news earlier. So it's natural that you didn't know."

"The meritorious service is not bad. Do you think... My idol will lose the challenge to Xuanyuan invincible?"

"Even if I said he would lose, you wouldn't believe it."

"My idol can kill a demigod when he reaches the peak of the flying realm, not to mention that he has become a demigod now."

"Although Xuanyuan invincible has been a demigod for more than ten years, he is still just a demigod. Do you think, one-on-one, he will be the opponent of my idol?"

"It's hard to say. My idol kills him like a chicken."

"Xuanyuan is invincible for this reason. He is afraid of being surpassed by my idol. He has been beating my idol wantonly for years. Do you want to suppress him? Unfortunately, the dragon is flying in the sky, and who can stop my idol from rising."

"The former deputy commander can't do it."

"The current commander cannot do the same."

"You know, my idol is a legend who is the deputy leader of the sword pointing temple."

"Xuanyuan is invincible?"

"Hehe, just look at what he has done over the years. Once my idol replaces him, he will never come to a good end."

"What's more, he dares to blackmail Shenwu in the name of the temple."

"If you don't die, you won't die."

"This time, no one can save him."


As soon as Tantai Tianyi's voice fell, the man in black collapsed to the ground, as did the other 17 people in black. They were like a ball of anger, with no spirit in their eyes and listless spirit.

"Ha ha."

Looking at the reactions of the eighteen black robed people, dantai Tianyi smiled calmly: "so if the commander behind you is any of the other eleven, my master really can't help you, and I dare not do anything about you. But it happens that the commander you said is Xuanyuan Wudi, the unlucky guy. Well... He's unlucky, so you can only follow him..."

Helpless, indignant, even more desperate.

Facing the "ridicule" of dantai Tianyi, the 18 Black robed people were speechless for a moment.

They really don't want to believe what dantai Tianyi said, but they have to believe it.

Because... That man is really terrible.

His rise, too fast, too fierce, fast to unstoppable, fierce to invincible.

In Tianwaitian, he is an immortal legend.

In the outer heaven, he is an immortal myth.

Just ask, now, the whole sky outside the sky, to him, who does not know, who does not know.

If it is said that other people will replace Xuanyuan invincible, it is not credible, but he is different.

To join the saint and kill the soul.

To melt the soul out of the sky.

Kill demigods with flying sky.

Now that he has become a demigod, how many people are his opponents, whether human or demon?

Even if he is a high-level demigod or even a top power, he has the power to fight.

Most importantly, under his command, there are a group of crazy people like him.

A soldier will bear a nest.

If he is going to replace Xuanyuan invincible and become one of the new twelve commanders, it is not surprising, because all this will happen sooner or later.

After all, this is a horrible man who entered the Tianmo clan must kill list ten years ago, and then went all the way from 1000 to the first in the Tianmo clan must kill list in ten years.

Ignoring the 18 Black robed people, dantai Tianyi looked at yebufan and said with a smile: "master, the Xuanyuan invincible has been jumping for a short time, so he is not afraid at all. These people... Pick up at will."


As soon as the words fell, dantai Tianyi was stunned: "master, what are you doing looking at me like this? Did I say the wrong thing?"

No wonder dantai Tianyi thinks so, because... At the moment, except for the 18 people in black robes, yebufan and others present are all looking at dantai Tianyi with a "weird" face.

Before ye Bufan could speak, situ Nan took the lead and lost his mind. "Little brother, what... What did you say about the flying dragon army?"

"Flying dragon army?"

Dantai Tianyi was stunned. He looked at situ Nan and said, "what's wrong with the flying dragon army? Have you heard of it? Tut Tut, my idol is not so awesome. Has his reputation been spread to the Shenwu mainland from the outer heaven?"


Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Situ Nan hesitated and said, "well... Who is that idol you mentioned, and what is his... Name?"

"My idol..."

Dantai Tianyi responded and said, "I don't know where he came from, or no one in Tianwaitian knows. After all, he is a human race, and there is no need to care about his provenance. We only know that more than ten years ago, he rose from the ancient city of heaven with a group of people, and then made great progress all the way..."


In the middle of the sentence, Tantai Tianyi couldn't help but be stunned. Then he exclaimed: "I, my idol, won't go out from the Shenwu mainland?"

This was the case with dantai Tianyi. Eighteen people in black robes were also surprised.

"What's his name?"

Situ Nan ignored.


Dantai Tianyi was stunned, and then he looked adored and said, "he is the biggest enemy in Xuanyuan invincible's heart."

"He is the strongest God of war in the temple for thousands of years."

"He is an immortal legend who has been assassinated by the powerful demigod of the Tianmo clan several times in the flying realm."

"He, in the past ten years, has killed the heavenly demon clan, calling his father and scolding his mother. He is a peerless murderer."

"He, my idol, flying dragon army, yetianxiong!!"

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