The second day, Fengling city.

As one of the 108 ancient cities in tianwaitiannei, Fengling city covers an area more than five times that of tianzhicheng. If you look from outside the city to inside the city, you can't see the edge at a glance.

The whole Fengling city is dominated by the Fengjia family of the city master, and there are countless large and small aristocratic families in the city. The long-term resident population in Fengling city is as large as ten million.

Nowadays, the nine words "city of heaven", "King Niu" and "Jingyuan pill" have been spread all over Tianwaitian. Although they are not well known, there are absolutely many people who know and talk about them. As a member of Tianwaitian, Fengling city is no exception.

Fengling City, transmission array.

At the moment, there is a long queue beside the transmission array. Not only that, there are still people coming from the end of the queue.

Without exception, these people are all ready to go to the first heaven God imperial city through the transmission array, and then go from the God imperial city to the heaven city to buy essence pill.

At the front of the team, a seven turn Zhou Tianjing warrior looked at a three turn Zhou Tianjing man in the team and said, "Lao Li, there are so many people in line. Where are you going?"

"City of heaven."

"The city of heaven? Where is that? What are you doing there?"

"You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"I... Lao Wang, I've convinced you. Now the story of Jingyuan pill in the city is very popular. You don't even know it."

"Jingyuan pill? What is that?"

"Well, since you don't know anything, let me tell you about it. This essence pill is a pill that can directly improve your accomplishments after taking it. The most important thing is that this pill has no restrictions and side effects on the martial arts under the Shenwu realm. That is to say... As long as you have enough essence pills, even those who have decayed from the realm can reach nine turns of the sky in the shortest time and directly impact the Shenwu."

"No, no, there is such a pill? I, how come I have never heard of it before?"

"Why not? If there is no Jingyuan pill, what do you think we are all doing here? I tell you, everyone here is to buy Jingyuan pills from the first heaven city. As for why you haven't heard of Jingyuan pills before, it's better to explain, because we also heard it for the first time, because this Jingyuan pill was brought by a man named Niu Duoduo from his master. It is said that... His master is An old monster who has lived for thousands of years but can't escape from the world has no cattle. I'm afraid we don't know that there are Jingyuan pills in the world. Compared with Jingyuan pills, all the pills in Tianwaitian are a dreg. "


"I don't know what I am. Hurry to line up. With your current accomplishments, Lao Wang, I believe it won't take many refined yuan pills to achieve the Shenwu realm."

"No, since the essence pill is so powerful, the price should not be cheap. Can we afford it?"

"Can you afford it? Tell you Lao Wang, this Jingyuan pill is not for sale."

"Not for sale?"

"That's right."

"Since it is not for sale, why do you go to the city that day?"

"Lao Wang, although this essence pill is not sold, it is given away for nothing."

"For nothing?"

"Yes, at first I thought the same as you. I thought that since the refined yuan pill was so rebellious, the price must not be cheap, so I didn't go to the city of heaven. However, just now, it was reported that as long as you are in the city of heaven, you can participate in the daily treasure hunt in the city of heaven. The prize of this treasure hunt is the refined yuan pill, and there is a super large one containing 200000 refined yuan pills Gift bag, isn't it... Now we are all in line to try our luck in the treasure hunt in the city of heaven. If we can get that super gift bag, we will give it, 200000 essence pills... "

"Two hundred thousand?"

"Yes. Lao Wang, if you think about it, not only can I directly reach nine turns to attack Shenwu, but also my family Xiaotian can ascend to the sky and become a warrior in Tianjing and even Shenwu. What's more, how old is the little genius? Maybe he can also attack Feitian and even semi Shenjing in his lifetime. If he can become a semi God, he will really honor the ancestors of Lao Li family."


"This is what this is. Hurry to line up."

"Yes, yes, line up. Don't worry, Lao Li. If I get the chance to get 200000 essence pills, I'll give you the rest except for my own use."

"Is this... Not good?"

"What's wrong? It's all from the neighborhood. Don't be polite to me. What's more, I grew up watching Xiaotian. I have no children. I have already regarded Xiaotian as my half son. Isn't it natural for me to take care of my son?"


"Well, that's it. I'll go to the queue first. I'll see you later in tianzhicheng."

"All right."


But at this time, a white light flashed on the transmission array, and then a figure came out of the transmission array. It was none other than Zhang Ying.

"When a king travels, idle people avoid him."

Looking at the people outside the transmission array, Zhang Ying said loudly. Then she stared at the people in front of the team and shouted: "what are you waiting for? Don't push away. Do you want to force me to do it?"


Hearing this, the people in front of the team were immediately dissatisfied.

"You what you?"

Zhang Ying's high-level momentum into the Holy Land erupted instantly.

Holy Land strong!!

Seeing this scene, several people in front of the team all shrink their eyes, and their bodies tremble uncontrollably. They don't even have the divine martial arts realm. How dare they challenge a strong man in the holy realm.


At this time, Zhang Ying shouted angrily.

In an instant, the people in front of the team did not dare to say another word. They all retreated towards the rear one after another.


When a group of people in front of the team just retreated, the white light on the transmission array rose one after another. Just a moment later, yebufan and his party all came to Fengling city.


Looking at yebufan and his party, the people near the transmission array could not help but take a breath. Although they could not see through yebufan's accomplishments, even the 105 guards in the Shenwu realm were enough to intimidate all of them. What's more, in their view, just traveling with more than 100 people in the Shenwu realm, and even the strong in the holy land, then yebufan's identity must be either rich or expensive. In any case, such people can't be provoked by them.

There was a dead silence.

Everyone stared at yebufan and his party.

But yebufan and his party didn't say anything, and they didn't stop for half a minute. They went directly to the city master's mansion in Fengling city.

As for the location of the city Lord's residence, there is no need to ask, nor need to be led, because the city Lord's residence is in the center of the city in the main cities of Tianwaitian.

As a city outside the sky and within the sky, Fengling city is one of 108 ancient cities. Naturally, there will be no exception.

Yebufan and his party came and went quickly. Although they didn't stop during the period, they caused a lot of commotion on the scene, but yebufan obviously didn't care.

Fengling City, the city master's mansion.

"Who are you?"

In front of the city master's house, looking at yebufan and his party, the four guards of the Feng family looked dignified and alert, and one of them asked in a deep voice.

"Junior, shout."

Yebufan ignored it and said directly.

"Yes, your majesty."

Liu sannuo answered, and then urged his Yuan Li, Looking at the Lord's residence in front of him, he shouted: "Listen to the people of the Feng family. Your semi God father of the Feng family has an evil intention to blackmail King Niu of the city of heaven. Although he has been killed, birds of a feather flock together. Like your semi God Father, it's no better to come to the Feng family. If you want to harm others in the future, my city of heaven wants to do things on behalf of heaven. However... The king is kind and is ready to give you a chance to reform, so I urge you to be semi God Give up all your belongings within an hour. If you continue to be stubborn and unrepentant, don't blame me for destroying your Feng family in the city of heaven!! "

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