With a loud voice and a cold tone, Liu sannuo's words, prompted by his own yuan force, had spread all over half the Fengling city in an instant.

For a time, half of the Fengling city was silent, and all of them were stunned. No matter what they had been doing, at this moment, they were all stunned and stupid, and their minds kept recalling Liu sannuo's previous words:

"Listen to the people of the Feng family. Your semi God father of the Feng family has an evil intention to blackmail King Niu of the city of heaven. Although he has been killed, birds of a feather flock together. Like your semi God Father, it's no better to come to the Feng family. If you want to harm others in the future, my city of heaven wants to do things on behalf of heaven. However... The king is kind and is ready to give you a chance to reform, so I urge you to be semi God Give up all your belongings within an hour. If you continue to be stubborn and unrepentant, don't blame me for destroying your Feng family in the city of heaven!! "

What is Fengjia?

It is one of the 108 ancient cities of Tianwaitian. The aristocratic family of the city leader of Fengling city has a strong demigod within its family.

Who is king Niu?

It was the fierce man who killed the Zhao family in the city of heaven on his own, and directly captured the city of heaven. The most important thing is that the king Niu still has the anti heaven level essence pill in his hand.

Now, the semi God ancestor of the Feng family blackmailed the king Niu and was killed by the king Niu. The king Niu of the city of heaven even came to Fengling city to find the Feng family, the city leader, to walk on behalf of heaven? Let the Feng family hand over all their belongings within half an hour?

Is this really acting for heaven?

It doesn't feel like it. On the contrary, it is more like the king of the city of heaven, who is looting and blackmailing Fengling Chengfeng's family?

Thinking like this in my heart, everyone can't help feeling a little lost.

However, as everyone knows, it doesn't matter. What matters is that the only demigod ancestor of the Feng family has fallen.

What is a demigod?

It is the peak of tianwaitiannei, and it is also the foundation, heritage and pillar of the 108 ancient city aristocratic family in tianwaitiannei.

The reason why the Feng family can become the aristocratic family of the city master in Fengling city and control Fengling city and dozens of surrounding cities, large and small, is entirely the credit of the semi God ancestor of the Feng family. After all, the power of the semi God can not be provoked by anyone. Even if they are the same semi God, they will never easily provoke another semi God. Therefore, the Feng family's control over Fengling city and dozens of surrounding cities can be deeply rooted, No one can defend.

The Feng family is like this. The other 107 ancient city aristocratic families in Tianwaitian are no exception. The strong demigod is the foundation of their foothold.

Now that the semi God ancestor of the Feng family has fallen, can the Feng family continue to control the Fengling city and dozens of large and small cities around it?

It's impossible.

Once the demigod died, the wind family was already misty.

In an instant, everyone came back.

Fengling City, transmission array.

"Wocao, Feng, the demigod ancestor of the Feng family was killed by the Cow King of the city of heaven? Really? I'm kidding. He was a demigod..."

"Fake? Didn't you hear what the man said just now? People in the city of heaven have already come to the door. Can it be fake?"

"I... that's a demigod, so I died?"

"One word doesn't kill the whole clan. In a rage, he killed half the gods. The king of heaven... I'm convinced."

"I took it, too."

"I just want to know that King Niu has come to his house. What should he do now?"

"What else can we do? The demigod ancestors have been killed by the bull king. Now, they can only be slaughtered by the bull king."

"I think so."

"Tut Tut, the Fengjia family, the 97th among the 108 ancient city aristocratic families, is finished. It's really... The world is unpredictable."

"Brother Wang, let's go and have a look."

"What's good to see? It's a foregone conclusion that the Feng family will perish. What's more... I'm in a hurry to join the treasure hunt in the city of heaven. How can I have such Kung Fu."

"You idiot, the king of heaven is here now. What's the use of going to heaven?"

"Well, you too?"


"Well, go and have a look."


For a while, almost all of the long-standing troops in the transmission array changed their original intention and no longer went to the city of heaven, but to the Feng family, the city master's residence in the center of Fengling city.

The transmission array is like this, and it is similar in other places. In the Fengling City, the crowd surges, and countless people gather towards the city master's residence.

The Lord's residence, the Feng family.

In front of the house, the four Feng family guards who had been staring at yebufan and his entourage suddenly became angry after hearing Liu sannuo's shouting. One of them pointed at Liu sannuo and said angrily: "just because you want to kill our Feng family half god..."

Before the word "zu" of the Feng family guard fell, Liu sannuo waved his big hand directly.


The next second, in his Xumi ring, an object was thrown out and directly fell to the ground. The bloody body was the semi God ancestor of Feng family who was split in two by yebufan.

The body of the semi God ancestor of the Feng family was in front of him, and Liu sannuo did not need to explain any more, because facts speak louder than eloquence.


At the moment of seeing the body of the ancestor of the Feng family, the four guards of the Feng family were all in a daze. The person who had originally spoken swallowed what he said. All four of them, without exception, stared at the scene in front of them.

A bloody picture.

A body cut in two.

There is no doubt that this is the lifeless corpse of the last clan leader of the Feng family.

The old patriarch is dead?

The fall of the wind family demigod?

In an instant, the four guards of the Feng family turned pale. Their bodies and even their souls could not help shaking and trembling. They felt that this day... Had collapsed.

"Remember, you only have half an hour." At this time, liusannuo's cold voice reminded him again.


In an instant, all the four guards of the Feng family were shocked and instantly recovered.

"No, no......"

The next second, one of the Feng family guards ran into the city master's residence in panic.

"I'd like to see who can destroy my family."

But at this time, before this Feng family guard came into the mansion to report, a voice of anger in the city master's mansion had already sounded first. After all, Liu sannuo's voice was heard all over the city. How can we not disturb the Feng family in the city master's mansion.

"Whew whew!!"

As soon as the words were over, more than ten figures rushed out of the city master's residence. They had come to the gate of the city master's residence in an instant.

Among these more than ten people, the first one is an old man in purple. His appearance is somewhat similar to the previous semi God ancestor of Feng family, Feng Wuming.

His name is fengqinghe, ranking second. He is the eldest son of Feng Wuming, the leader of the Feng family and the top power of Feitian.

As for the other twelve people behind fengqinghe, they are all the strong ones in Feitian realm. Although more than half of them are just the first level of Feitian realm, they are also the strong ones in Feitian realm second only to demigods.

One demigod and 13 flying gods, this is the 97th high-end combat power of Fengjia among the 108 ancient city aristocratic families in Tianwaitian.

At this moment, the thirteen strong men in the flying realm of the Feng family, led by fengqinghe, stand proudly in the sky in front of the gate of the city master's house, with cold eyes approaching yebufan and his party.

"One is at the beginning of soul melting realm, two are in holy realm, and the others are... Shenwu realm?" After seeing the strength of yebufan and his party, fengqinghe was stunned.

Fengqinghe is like this. The other twelve strong men of the Feng family are no exception. They originally thought that since the other party dared to challenge the Feng family, the other party's strength must be not weak, but they didn't expect... It was just twoorthree kittens.

Melt the soul, become holy and divine.

There is not even a Feitian realm. Are you still trying to destroy his Feng clan?

This is simply outrageous.

These bastards, what do they think of the Feng family?

For a moment, all the twelve strong men in the wind family were furious. Feng Qinghe looked at yebufan and said in a cold voice: "you are... Looking for death."

"To die?"

Liu sannuo was not afraid of the anger of the wind family's thirteen strong men in the sky. He sneered, then raised his head and looked at the wind family in the air, Scornful and contemptuous: "are you going to die and never repent, or... Are you just a group of deaf and blind people who didn't understand what I just said, or after this guy was split in two by our king, you can't recognize who he is?"

While talking, Liu sannuo did not forget to point to the dead body split in two by the wind on the ground.


Hearing this, the thirteen strong men of the wind family were stunned, but they did not hesitate and looked at the position Liu sannuo pointed out.


In an instant, the thirteen strong men in the flying realm of the wind family all trembled. They looked shocked, shocked and incredible.


Then, with a cry from fengqinghe, his body flashed and fell directly next to the lifeless body of Feng.



"Old patriarch."

The other twelve strong men in the flying field of the wind family were no exception. They were all shocked and fell next to the lifeless body of the wind.

"Ha ha."

Seeing this scene, Liu sannuo smiled calmly.

Zhang Ying, Zhang Jie and other bodyguards of the city leader's residence of the city of heaven also scoffed and disdained. Your wind family's demigod grandfather was not an opponent of our king. In the end, he was cut to pieces by a knife. You people in the flying world still farted.

Yebufan looked indifferent.

A moment later, fengqinghe recovered from his grief. He slowly stood up and looked at yebufan and his party. Finally, he locked yebufan, endured his anger, bit his teeth, and said in a cold voice: "who are you? Why did you kill my father?"

"Who are we? Why did we kill your father?"

Facing Feng Qinghe's inquiry, yebufan ignored it, while Liu sannuo sneered and said: "it's ridiculous. The immortal demigod of your Feng family shamelessly came to the city of heaven to blackmail our king. Now you are still asking who we are? Why did we kill your immortal Feng family?"

Hearing the speech, Feng Qinghe couldn't help trembling. Then he looked at yebufan and asked instinctively, "are you that niuduoduo?"

However, before yebufan could answer, Liu sannuo pointed to Fengqing River and said angrily, "well, you are indeed an accomplice..."

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