"Open the star map of purple emperor star field where the warship is now."

"The star map of purple emperor star field has been opened."

"The land of Shenwu."

"Start searching... The search is over. I'm sorry, commander, we haven't found the Shenwu mainland. Do you want to search again?"

Search again

"Start searching... The search is over. I'm sorry, commander, we haven't found the Shenwu mainland. Do you want to search again?"


Although yebufan doesn't know what principle the star map of the star battleship depends on to search the star position, now his Bronze Star battleship can't search the Shenwu continent, which is definitely related to the sky covering barrier under the Tao boundless cloth.

Since the star battleship could not search the Shenwu continent, yebufan naturally could feel more at ease. Later, he said again: "take the battleship as the center, narrow the scope and enlarge the star map."

"The map has been enlarged."


Looking at the enlarged star map and the black spots on the map, yebufan frowned and said, "these black spots... Are all stars? Dead stars?"

"Yes, your excellency."

"No way."

Yebufan's questioning voice sounded.

Stars, like other creatures, also have their own lives. Living stars are called life stars, while dead stars are called death stars.

Life stars can allow living creatures to survive, and death stars can. However, everything on death stars, including plants, minerals, and a series of other resources, will be completely decayed after the death of the stars. To put it bluntly, death stars are worthless.

If you follow the marks on the star map in front of you, wouldn't you say... There are no living stars in this area except the Shenwu land hidden by Tao boundless?

It is absolutely abnormal for such a large area of dead stars to appear in the star sea.

Thinking in his mind, yebufan reconfirmed: "are you mistaken? There are at least tens of thousands of stars in this area. How can they all be dead stars?"

"Report back to the commander. There is nothing wrong with the star map. As for why this area is a dead star, there is insufficient data to analyze and answer."

"All right."

Yebufan responded helplessly. It was obvious that it was impossible for him to figure out what was going on in a short time, so he said again: "search for the nearest life star."

"Yes, sir."

"Search for the nearest life star to the battleship."

Search started

"Search completed."

"Report to your commander that the nearest life star to the warship is Zichen star in the northwest. The coordinates... Have been marked on the star map. If you take Zichen star as the navigation target and sail at the extreme speed of the Bronze Star battleship, it will take 13 days, 07:36:42. Would you like to ask your commander if you set Zichen star as the navigation target this time?"


"The target is locked. Do you want to start?"

"Let's go."

Yebufan answered directly.

When he left Shenwu for the first time, yebufan didn't know much about the outside world, so it didn't matter where he went, as long as the destination was a life star.

"Yes, sir."

"The target of this voyage is purple morning star, with coordinates... And the limit speed takes 13 days and 7:36:42. Now start to set out.":


In the next second, the Bronze Star warship ye Bufan was in turned into a streamer and went straight to the sea of stars in the distance.

In terms of speed, even if it is only a bronze star battleship, it has far exceeded the speed after the full outbreak of the warrior in the God worship realm. It can be said that the speed of the Bronze Star battleship is more than several times that of the warrior in the God worship realm.

The star battleship has already started, and the navigation is automatically controlled by the system program. Ye Bufan doesn't need to worry about it at all. Therefore, not long after the battleship started, ye Bufan sat down directly in the center of the war room.

Nowadays, ye Bufan has reached the peak of serving the nine gods in both cultivation and body. Originally, ye Bufan wanted to rely on the water elves in the Imperial College of the Beidou martial arts academy to attack the Xuanshen realm. Unfortunately, the little fairy took the lead. Without the water elves, ye Bufan would not be able to attack the Xuanshen realm at all. Moreover... When will he meet the element elves next time, even if he meets the element elves, Yebufan can't guarantee that he will get it. After all, his cultivation of serving God jiuchongtian is already the top in the Shenwu continent, but it is definitely a slag in the star sea.

Therefore, yebufan plans to focus on the cultivation of the physical body first. After all, the cultivation is limited because of the element spirit, but the physical body is not. Moreover, as long as yebufan lets go of eating, he can quickly improve the cultivation of the physical body. This kind of cultivation method, not to mention the future, is absolutely unprecedented. It is... Too wonderful and too simple.

While it is still more than ten days before reaching the purple morning star, yebufan is ready to turn all the accomplishments of serving the God jiuchongtian into flesh. In this way, his flesh can almost reach the realm of Xuanshen yichongtian.

After waiting for Zichen star, he let go of eating.

For this reason, after leaving Shenwu this time, yebufan took a lot of Shenjing with him, so that he could buy a lot of resources after stepping into the sea of stars, and quickly improve his accomplishments after swallowing them.

As long as the physical body is strong enough, are you afraid that you won't get the elemental spirit in the future?

Unfortunately, the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

On the first day, yebufan transformed the cultivation of serving God jiuchongtian, and made his body successfully enter the realm of Xuanshen yichongtian. Of course, his cultivation also fell to the realm of serving God yichongtian again.

The next day, yebufan began his normal training.

After all, it's still more than ten days before reaching the purple morning star. It's impossible for yebufan to wait for nothing. Although his cultivation speed is too slow, it's better than nothing.

The third day, the fourth day, the fifth day

Even for six days, yebufan spent all his time in cultivation.

The seventh day.


Yebufan was still in the state of cultivation as usual, but suddenly, outside the warship, a huge roar suddenly sounded, and then the whole warship trembled fiercely.

Suddenly, yebufan woke up.

"What's going on?"

He opened his eyes with a look of amazement.

But at this time, the eager voice of the green wool ball had directly sounded: "alarm! Alarm! Alarm! The warship was attacked. Would you like to ask your excellency, commander, whether to counterattack?"

"What is it?"

Ye Bufan was stunned when the green hairball said this.

Warship under attack?

Isn't this area all dead stars?

Since they are all death stars, how can there be other creatures in this area? Since it is impossible for other creatures to appear, how could they be attacked inexplicably?

Without waiting for ye Bufan to think about it, the eager voice of the green fur ball sounded again: "alarm! Alarm! Alarm! The warship is under attack. May I ask your excellency, whether it is going to... It is over, your excellency, we are surrounded."

"What is it?"

Yebufan was stunned again.

Then he was forced.

This has just been attacked, and now it is surrounded again?


Are you kidding me??

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