In the battle room, yebufan clearly saw through the huge square light curtain in front of him that at the moment, his Bronze Star battleship was indeed surrounded by three star battleships in the shape of "pin".

But these three star battleships are different from their Bronze Star battleships.

The three star battleships are obviously more advanced in shape and equipment than their Bronze Star battleships, but their body size is half smaller than their Bronze Star battleships.

"What class of starship is this?"

Seeing this scene, yebufan asked instinctively.

"Start scanning enemy warship level."

As soon as yebufan's voice fell, the green wool ball immediately responded, and the result was achieved in less than three seconds: "sorry, commander, the data is insufficient, and it is impossible to determine the Starship level of the other party."


Yebufan could not help drawing at the corner of his mouth.

Is it lack of data?

Is your system intelligence reliable or not.

Without waiting for ye Bufan to think about it, the green hairball asked again, "excuse me, commander, do you want to fight back?"

Fight back.

Ye Bufan is in a hurry.

What is your lowest level bronze starship going to do to fight back? Don't you see that people's star battleships are equipped with two star cannons, while you are only equipped with one star cannon.

One against six?

Aren't you afraid that the other party will beat you to pieces?


But at this time, the sound of the green hair ball sounded again: "report to your commander, the warship has received abnormal sound waves... Start scanning... Scanning is over."

"Report to your Excellency the commander. The other party requests communication. Do you accept it?"

other party?

Request communication?

Are those three star battleships of unknown level?

Yebufan was stunned.

But he said, "accept."

"All right, your excellency commander, begin to receive the communication. Reception is over."


As soon as the green hairball's voice fell, on the square light curtain in front of yebufan, the picture changed. The next second, a creature yebufan had never seen appeared in his sight.

That is a man.

His skin is white, his facial features are beautiful with a touch of handsome, and his handsome is gentle with a touch of tenderness. He exudes a complex temperament, like a mixture of various temperament, but in that gentle and handsome, he has his own unique ethereal and handsome.

He is at least 1.8 meters tall. He shows his perfect figure in a slightly tight black suit. His flaxen hair is amazing. His crystal eyes are clear, bright and deep.

There are also the straight bridge of the nose, smooth skin, thin lips showing a lovely pink, exquisite and beautiful facial features.

In terms of appearance, the creatures in the light curtain in front of us have more than 80% similarities with the human race, but yebufan can be sure that the other party is definitely not a human race.


Yebufan can clearly see that under the other party's very humanoid appearance, there are some strange lines on his skin, and... There is a horn about the size of a half finger on his forehead.

Although yebufan has never been in contact with other races except demon, barbarian, demon and human, he has heard wind trace talk about the ten thousand families in the sky. Therefore, yebufan is not unfamiliar with some characteristics of the ten thousand families in the sky.

What's more, the shape of the creature in front of us is still so similar to the human race.

Therefore, yebufan recognized the identity of the other party at a glance.


Among the ten thousand families, it belongs to one of the seven royal families.

This is the only race in the whole star sea that is similar to the human race.

Not only that, but every Protoss is born to serve God.

That is to say, what yebufan is facing now is at least an alien who attends to the divine realm, and... Depending on the age of the other party, he is afraid that he has reached the mysterious divine realm, or even the earth divine realm.

At this point, ye Bufan's breathing was so fierce that his expression became unusually heavy.

If the other party only serves God, he may still have a chance to resist. But if the other party is a mysterious God, or the other party is a strong man of the earth God level, he can really only be slaughtered.

What's more, the other side has three star battleships, how can there be only one Protoss member.

Yebufan was constantly thinking about how to deal with the situation. In the light curtain, the protoss man was lying on a plush chair. He bowed his head and stroked the white fox lying in his arms. He didn't even look at yebufan.

Before ye Bufan thought more, the protoss man bowed his head and said to youYou: "friends across the street, don't be nervous or afraid. We have no malice. Although we are star pirates, we have our own principles. We always only rob money and don't kill life. Therefore, as long as you cooperate obediently and hand over all your possessions, I Ji Chongxuan promise that we will never hurt your lives."


When the protoss man said this, yebufan was stunned.

Star pirates?

Still only robbing money, not killing animals?

You are so special... Is that malicious?

Yebufan was speechless and even more disorderly.

Ben met the star pirates as soon as he went out?

Is Ben's character too bad, or... Is the starry sky too dangerous?

At this time, the protoss man opened his mouth again and youyou said, "well, my friend, are you going to open the warship to cooperate with us, or are we going to blow up your warship to get it?"

After a pause, the protoss man continued: "although you and I both use bronze star battleships, you are an antique that was eliminated millions of years ago. To tell the truth, if you really want to start, you can't stop our three guns."

"So, I advise you to surrender obediently."

While talking, the protoss man raised his head slowly.

Yebufan could not help but draw a corner of his mouth.

An antique that was eliminated millions of years ago?

It's no wonder that our own star battleships look so shabby, while those of the other side are so high-end and high-grade. It turns out that... Our own star battleships have been eliminated for hundreds of years.

But think about it, the heavenly palace has been hidden in the Shenwu continent for thousands of years. Such a long time is enough to make earth shaking changes in the outside world.

The change of star battleship is definitely not the only one.

But at this time, the protoss man who had just raised his head was stunned when he saw ye Bufan's face and said, "Hey, unexpectedly, this time the fat sheep is still a member of my Protoss."


Suddenly, the protoss man changed his look.

"Are you not a Protoss?"

As soon as the voice fell, the protoss man suddenly got up.

'squeak!! '

In his arms, the white fox immediately jumped to the ground and then showed his teeth to the protoss man, as if to express his extreme dissatisfaction with the sudden rude behavior of the protoss man.

Unfortunately, the protoss man simply ignored it. His crystal eyes stared at ye Bufan in the light curtain and said unbelievably, "are you a human?"

The abnormal reaction of the protoss man made yebufan stunned.

Ben Shao is a Terran.

However, what's wrong with the Terran? Do you have such a big reaction?

"Ha ha ha."

"Ha ha ha."

Without waiting for ye Bufan to think about it, the protoss man laughed and said: "it's ok if you don't stay in the ancient region. You've come all the way to the purple emperor region, which is the farthest away from the ancient region. How big is your heart? Haven't your elders told you that there are all your human Jedi outside the ancient region?"

Beyond ancient times, the Terran Jedi?

Yebufan was stunned and puzzled.

The protoss man said again, "but it doesn't matter anymore. The important thing is that such a good thing... I met Ji Chongxuan. Ha ha, Terran, don't let me down."

Then, the protoss man looked solemn again and said in a cold voice, "Terran, I will give you three seconds to think about it. After three seconds, open the cabin door of the warship and surrender to me immediately. If not, my king will take compulsory measures against you."

As soon as the voice was over, the protoss man turned around again and said: "Xingyun, Xingyue, Xingyu, and the starsky cannon are ready. Three seconds later, if the other party doesn't surrender, they will directly destroy their starsky warships for our king..."

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