"Developed, developed, this time, I Ji Chongxuan really want to send..."

Ji Chongxuan's excited voice echoed in the hall, instantly waking up all the aliens who were shocked and frightened.

In a moment, the aliens understood Ji Chongxuan's intention and why he said he wanted to be developed. After all... A human race with nine series full will become Hongmeng. His value... Has definitely exceeded everyone's imagination.

There is no doubt that this is a great emperor in the future.

If they sell him, the money they earn will be wasted for generations.

Why do you want to be a star pirate?

It's just for money.

At this point, the aliens looked at Ji Chongxuan and congratulated him:

"Congratulations, congratulations. This time, the king is really going to make a fortune. If a Terran with such a terrible talent sells him, the king's money will be wasted for generations."

"Your Majesty, I suggest... After selling this Terran, let's buy a planet directly. Then your majesty will be the star master, and the brothers can enjoy their happiness."

"Ha ha, that's right. We should not only buy the planet, but also buy some female slaves, just those female slaves of the elves, tut tut... That look, that figure... Just think about it, it makes people feel blood spurting."

"The female slaves of the Xianyu nationality are also good."

"If I were to say, I should buy those from the Tianyin clan. After all, the female slaves of the Tianyin clan are not only beautiful, but also sound... Tut Tut, you know."

"Haha, what kind of elves, Xianyu, or Tianyin, just buy them all."

"Yes, yes, yes, buy it all. Hahaha, play it every day..."

One voice after another.

In the hall, all the aliens were excited. They seemed to have seen the wonderful life after selling ye Bufan.

Yebufan was forced directly.

Listen to this. Are you going to sell the book at least?

And... Can you buy a planet directly?

Nima... Is the world beyond the divine power too chaotic?

Without waiting for ye Bufan to think about it, Ji Chongxuan, who was above the hall, suddenly looked at the excited aliens. The happy look on his face instantly disappeared and was replaced by a cold feeling.

Suddenly, Ji Chongxuan shouted, "lion and tiger."

"Your majesty!"

The lion headed man stepped out and hugged Ji Chongxuan with his fists.

All the aliens were stunned by the sudden accident. Their stunned eyes looked at Ji Chongxuan, with an unidentified face.

Ji Chongxuan said coldly, "kill all except this Terran."


Never mind what you say.

When Ji Chongxuan said this, all the aliens were shocked. Even yebufan was no exception.

The next second, dozens of aliens in the hall looked at Ji Chongxuan, looking angry and dissatisfied: "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"


Ji Chongxuan ignored it, but shouted coldly.


The lion and tiger don't stop, they kill directly.


In front of him, an alien was directly killed by him before he could react.

Seeing this scene, all the aliens were shocked. An alien shouted angrily, "damn Ji Chongxuan, he wants to eat alone. Brothers, fight with him."


In an instant, more than twenty other gods' realm aliens stopped thinking about it, and they fought back one after another.

"Bang bang!!"

More than 20 other races in the realm of God besieged the lion tiger, but the lion tiger still occupied the top, and even killed one from time to time.

See this scene, above the hall, Ji Chongxuan sneered and said: "A group of fools are still eating alone? You think too much. Only fools like you will choose to sell a future great emperor Hongmeng. I... Ji Chongxuan, who has noble ancestry of the protoss, will only enslave him and raise him for my use. In the future, as long as he grows up, he will be my great emperor Hongmeng. With a thug of Hongmeng level, are you afraid of losing money, power and status?"


When Ji Chongxuan said this, the aliens were shocked again.

They didn't expect that Ji Chongxuan wanted to enslave the Terran.

In an instant, an alien could not help asking, "Your Majesty, in that case, why do you want to kill us?"

"If you don't kill you, what should you do if you reveal this secret?"

"No, we promise to keep this secret and never reveal the talent of this Terran."

"Sorry, I only trust the dead to keep a secret."


The aliens are angry and angry.

In the face of the lion tiger massacre, they were not qualified to resist. Originally, they wanted to persuade Ji Chongxuan, but they didn't want to. He didn't give him a chance at all.

"Damn it..."

In an instant, an alien angrily scolded: "Ji Chongxuan, since you want us to die, you can't feel better. Brothers, don't worry about the lions and tigers. Let's kill the Terran, and we'll split up."


Other aliens immediately gave up their siege of the lion and tiger and killed yebufan instead.

"Horizontal groove!!"

Seeing this scene, yebufan, who was pretending to be stupid, couldn't help exclaiming. He was just about to protect himself

At the top of the hall, Ji Chongxuan sneered at this scene, disdained and said, "the ants are trying to shake the tree. They don't measure their strength... Lions and tigers, don't play with them. Make a quick decision."

"Yes, your majesty."

The lion tiger answered, and then... A wave of terror surged out of him.

"Bang bang!"

In an instant, all the more than 20 Aliens who killed yebufan collapsed to the ground.

Yebufan is no exception.

At this moment, he can clearly feel that under this pressure, he has no chance to resist and struggle. Even... It seems that he can easily kill himself as long as the other party has one idea.

"You, you, you are the God of the earth."

Without waiting for ye Bufan to think more, in front of him, an alien trembling voice could not help ringing out.

Yebufan was startled.

Originally, he thought that the lion and tiger were just the strong ones of the Xuan God, but he didn't expect that the other side was a god of the earth.

Therefore, yebufan couldn't help but secretly rejoice that he didn't resist, otherwise... A god of the earth, plus an ignorant Ji Chongxuan, if he resisted, he might not even know how he died.

"Ha ha..."

In the face of the frightened voice of the alien members, the lion tiger showed a cruel smile and said, "now do you know? It's too late."


As soon as the voice was heard, the lion tiger slapped it out with a powerful force. Not far away from yebufan, more than 20 other gods' realm aliens collapsed to the ground, and were killed by the lion tiger in an instant.

All along, they didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy.


Seeing this scene, yebufan couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

This is God waiting

In the Shenwu continent, serving gods is already the peak of existence, but now, the lion tiger has killed more than 20 serving gods with one palm.

This NIMA...... how strong and abnormal is the earth God?

Yebufan felt that his scalp was numb, but he still did not forget his current situation. He looked directly at Ji Chongxuan, pretending to be frightened and said: "big, king, don't, don't, don't kill me."

"Ha ha."

Ji Chongxuan smiled: "you are the king's priceless treasure. How could the king be willing to kill you."

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Chongxuan looked directly at the white fox beside him.

For a moment, the white fox could not help shivering.

Ji Chongxuan squatted down, held her in his arms, stroked her fur, smiled and said, "don't worry, you are the woman that my king likes, and I won't kill you, but... You have to promise me that today's story... Can't be told to anyone, understand?"


White fox nodded.

Ji Chongxuan smiled, then looked at the lion tiger and said, "let's have these bodies disposed of..."

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